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Posts posted by dbbri

  1. Suppose I should jump in here. I submitted the paperwork for a k-1 ( I-129, I-134 & G-325 ) back in November of 2007. Did this when I found out my fiancee was pregnant with our son. In June 2008 we recieved our notification to schedule an interview from the embassy. I tried to time a trip to land in the area when we expected our child to be born. I missed by 1 week too early ( so close but no cigar ). So I was unable to be there for our sons birth. Was still nice to spend time with my fiancee. I also thought that we were at the tail end of the process and with good luck we would be able to spend Christmas as a family. In August she went in for her medical evaluation. We found out my fiancee also has scar tissue in her lungs ( a specialist believes it is from having pheumonia as a child ) which showed up on the chest x-ray. She was made to do the cultured sputum test ( 2 months for results ). Our son was born July 1, 2008. Of course this caused a landslide of issues. 1) I had to submit notarized letter of acceptance of discrepancy. ( yes my son is a discrepancy ) 2) Had to get birth cert on NSO paper ( takes a couple months ) 3) They held my fiancee's visa pending approval of our son's CRBA. Which we recieved in November.

    Well after a couple months of waiting to hear and getting the run around ( we could not get a straight answer from the embassy ), in January we contacted our senator. On January 31st we recieved our visa! Which expired 3 days later ( recieved Jan 31, 2009 / expired Feb 3, 2009 ). A week after that we got two letters from our senator. One stated that my fiancee's visa was on hold pending our sons approval ( which happened 3 months prior ). The second stated that her visa was approved. I do belive that the inquiry from our senator did two things. 1) it forced the embassy to address the issue 2) it caused the embassy worker to be spiteful. Since we were unable to use the visa ( in the 3 days we were given ) they treated it the same as if someone had not used their visa. We were made to re-submit all the paperwork to the embassy and were re-issued a new interview date. We were also told that her medical was only good for 3 months. So not only does she have to re-do the interview, they are also making my fiancee go back through the medical. Luckily, they said that they would use the x-ray from the previous medical ( since it is only a few months old ). I took this as a good sign that they would evaluate based on previous results. Well, as I am sure most of you can predict at this point. Next week she returns to Manila to go hack a loogie in a petre dish so they can culture it for a couple months. Somewhere at the end of May we will find out the results and then they will issue another interview date.

    At every turn we kept feeling like approval is only a couple months away. I have been holding off on traveling awaiting her approval, so that we can return to the US together. Needless to say if I knew they were going to do this to us, I would have visited much sooner. Again I find myself saying ( if we're lucky ) in a couple months I will be able to kiss my fiancee and hold my son for the first time. I don't know how many more months I will be able to endure, it has been 17 already and there is still no end in sight.

    i remember u.........im really sorry it has gone like this for u and i know what ur talking about only there is no child involved in our case my prayers are with u i hope that it goes a lot faster for u than it does for the rest of us


    Thanks Sara,

    I do miss my fiancee, I want nothing more than for us to be together. I feel that it is us who got ourselves into this situation so we should also deal with it. Our child however is an innocent bystander in this, who is being punished for his parents decisions. It hurts so much when she tells me stories of our childs accomplishments ( he is standing on his own and forming words now, soon to be walking ). Events that I am missing out on and can never get back. The stories that really hurt are to hear are how he looks for his daddy. He does not even know I exist, I am a complete failure as a father. I try to not spend too much time on this board aside from gathering information, it is so hard to see those who sail through while I sit in beaucratic hell. This process can break you down and send the clearest thinking people into a deep depression. I share your pain and understand where you are coming from. They say misery loves company but I would rather be standing alone. I could never wish this pain on anyone. I do hope that things work out for you and all who experience difficulties in this process.

    Best Wishes Sara


  2. Suppose I should jump in here. I submitted the paperwork for a k-1 ( I-129, I-134 & G-325 ) back in November of 2007. Did this when I found out my fiancee was pregnant with our son. In June 2008 we recieved our notification to schedule an interview from the embassy. I tried to time a trip to land in the area when we expected our child to be born. I missed by 1 week too early ( so close but no cigar ). So I was unable to be there for our sons birth. Was still nice to spend time with my fiancee. I also thought that we were at the tail end of the process and with good luck we would be able to spend Christmas as a family. In August she went in for her medical evaluation. We found out my fiancee also has scar tissue in her lungs ( a specialist believes it is from having pheumonia as a child ) which showed up on the chest x-ray. She was made to do the cultured sputum test ( 2 months for results ). Our son was born July 1, 2008. Of course this caused a landslide of issues. 1) I had to submit notarized letter of acceptance of discrepancy. ( yes my son is a discrepancy ) 2) Had to get birth cert on NSO paper ( takes a couple months ) 3) They held my fiancee's visa pending approval of our son's CRBA. Which we recieved in November.

    Well after a couple months of waiting to hear and getting the run around ( we could not get a straight answer from the embassy ), in January we contacted our senator. On January 31st we recieved our visa! Which expired 3 days later ( recieved Jan 31, 2009 / expired Feb 3, 2009 ). A week after that we got two letters from our senator. One stated that my fiancee's visa was on hold pending our sons approval ( which happened 3 months prior ). The second stated that her visa was approved. I do belive that the inquiry from our senator did two things. 1) it forced the embassy to address the issue 2) it caused the embassy worker to be spiteful. Since we were unable to use the visa ( in the 3 days we were given ) they treated it the same as if someone had not used their visa. We were made to re-submit all the paperwork to the embassy and were re-issued a new interview date. We were also told that her medical was only good for 3 months. So not only does she have to re-do the interview, they are also making my fiancee go back through the medical. Luckily, they said that they would use the x-ray from the previous medical ( since it is only a few months old ). I took this as a good sign that they would evaluate based on previous results. Well, as I am sure most of you can predict at this point. Next week she returns to Manila to go hack a loogie in a petre dish so they can culture it for a couple months. Somewhere at the end of May we will find out the results and then they will issue another interview date.

    At every turn we kept feeling like approval is only a couple months away. I have been holding off on traveling awaiting her approval, so that we can return to the US together. Needless to say if I knew they were going to do this to us, I would have visited much sooner. Again I find myself saying ( if we're lucky ) in a couple months I will be able to kiss my fiancee and hold my son for the first time. I don't know how many more months I will be able to endure, it has been 17 already and there is still no end in sight.

  3. Pedro snores loud and a lot and I just smack him in the face/ belly/ chest. :lol:

    And then he goes "what?" and I say "YOU SNORE" and he apologises and then rolls over. :lol:

    This is a time bomb. Eventually you and he will become resentful of this issue. My snoring destroyed my first marriage. The constant badgering by my wife did not help, it only made us both angry because we were tired all the time. I had no clue of the severity and she did not explain that I would stop breathing when I slept. After our divorce I went through sleep studies I learned that I had a disorder called "sleep apnea". Now I use CPAP and do not snore anymore.

  4. I know it is worthless to argue about fair and unfair when it comes to visas but the delays have been because of them and all hoops that we have had to jump through for them. Medical delay for cultured sputum test ( came back negative ), lost 3 months there. They held her visa awaiting CRBA for our son, lost over a month there. They ( by mistake ) requested HK clearance, took a month to clear that. And now they give us an unusable visa? You say worst case is to re-take medical? I am solely supporting myself and my family. Another plane ticket to Manila, costs for medical, application for replacement visa, living expenses, not to mention all the time lost ( which is the real issue I have ). I am watching my son grow up ( without a dad ) through pictures, he is 6 months now. My poor fiancee has to deal with these delays and rejections, I hate to see her so depressed and sad. I just don't find this acceptable, there has to be a better solution somewhere.

  5. Customer service says we must surrender this visa, apply for an extension and apply for a new visa!? That is unless we can use this one in time. Did I mention we have a 6 month old, I don't think we're going to make it. From what I read, the average time is around 6 months. Is there any standard about giving reasonable time? How is someone supposed to plan and travel in 4 days.

    Sorry but you have to be a bit more specific about what you are asking?

    Since we had our son during the process, they held my fiancees' visa until we were issued a CRBA for our son. It took a little time to get the birth cert on NSO paper since he was a new born. She had her medical shortly after our son was born. As we are to understand the medical is good for 6 months. Which is why she was given an expiration of 2/3/2009. So I need to find something that gives me a minimum amount of time or a way to get an extension of time so that she can come here.

  6. Customer service says we must surrender this visa, apply for an extension and apply for a new visa!? That is unless we can use this one in time. Did I mention we have a 6 month old, I don't think we're going to make it. From what I read, the average time is around 6 months. Is there any standard about giving reasonable time? How is someone supposed to plan and travel in 4 days.

  7. Chicago rocks, there is so much that goes on there ( I used to live by Wrigley Field ). If you want to go somewhere that will get you away from it, try Mackinac Island. No cars, only bikes on the island. You can drive there ( it is a bit of a hike ), but it is beautiful there.


    Somewhere closer would be the Wisconsin Dells. But that is less romantic and more carnival.


    Another option is to go canoeing/camping, Missouri has some great rivers. The Ozarks are nice.


    Otherwise if he is really into snowboarding/rock climbing/kayaking/mt biking, come to Colorado. I moved here years ago and will never leave, it is awesome. In the summer you can get some great deals on lodging in the mountains. So you could do a Boulder/Brekenridge trip and get see much of what Colorado is about.

    Good luck

  8. Some of the frusterations of this process. You don't hear anything for a month or more, then you have to scrable to get information. Then wait some more. I feel for you. We're going through a similar set back.

    I don't know exactly what they are asking for and I don't think they will give you explicit instructions on this. So what I have are suggestions. Remember, these need to have happened between the time of your return and when your travel visa expired. The closer you get to your return date the better.

    Do you have credit card transactions that are from local stores?

    I would think that having transactions that show you were present would work.

    Were you employed?

    Getting a signed letter from your employer stating start date on company letter head.

    Recipt of travel.

    Documents showing return travel, itenerary, plane tickets ( most airlines maintain these ), credit card transactions at airports.

    Cancelled checks ( banks often keep these on records ) for rent or utilities

    Did you have a land line or cell phone? Phone records while not always a guarantee might be enough to sway them.

    It is a gray area and the better your proof the better your chances.

    Good luck!

  9. pregnancy has nothing to do with K-1, if you can wait then you can have the baby in America if not then you'll have some special forms to fill out for the baby, and most likely a DNA test will be requested.

    What special forms do we need to fill out?

    Did this one ourselves. It is called a consular report of birth abroad (CRBA). Getting a DNA test is one option but if the father is willing to guarantee ( sign and notarize ) that he will support the child until they are 18, you don't need a DNA test. However, if the father requests it, I would do it for his piece of mind.

    Here is a link with the instructions. Get daddys signature on the birth cert and then be sure to get a birth cert on NSO paper asap. You will need it.


    Congradulations and good luck!


  10. We've gone a bit OT with dbbri's baby comment but I believe (hope) that was just made in jest... I laughed. :lol: cute baby btw. ;)

    Thanks, he is awesome. Having a child only makes it that much harder to be apart. Being patient and having a sense of humor about things helps to deal with the setbacks, we have had more than our share.

    Yep, it's a matter of National Security, if you are born in the states they have every record of you, but if born abroad, they want to make sure you are safe to enter and not affliated with any terrorist groups....

    Well, I don't know what the next 20 years holds with my kid but I might want to classify him as a terrorist if he turns out too much like dad.

  11. Started the Process back in Nov 2007. While the first part followed the schedule pretty well, the rest fell apart with waiting for the US embassy in Manila to tell us anything. We're at 14 months, had the interview and just found out they want police clearance from Hong Kong. They made us wait 40 days to hear that... She has never set foot in HK. I used to watch the timeline and estimate, I stopped doing that long ago. Don't watch the clock, it only makes it feel longer. Focus on the destination, not the trip.

  12. Had to do this one myself, USCIS entered information incorectly in the system. Here is the letter I used to submit corrections ( in this case, my fiancee's b-day ). I don't know if you will need supporting documentation for the cases you presented.

    Jane Doe

    Jane's address



    Operations Unit

    Immigrant Visa Branch

    United States Embassy

    1201 Roxas Blvd.

    Ermita, Metro Manila 1000

    ( subsitute the countries embassy address above )

    Case: WACase#

    Recipt: MNLrecipt#

    This correspondence is being sent to report a correction of Jane Doe's birtdate. Jane Doe was born on <Month> <Day> in the year of <YEAR> ( MM/DD/YYYY ). Documents included supporting this claim are a copy of birth certificate and a copy of beneficiary’s passport.


    Jane Doe

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