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About nate_loves_daisy

  • Birthday 04/03/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    New Jersey, USA
  • Interests
    Talking, chatting and texting with the woman I love. Camping, hiking, traveling and the beach

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I'm Nate a simple divorced father of four incredible children that spent way to long keeping a marriage going that should have ended years ago. In February, I was ready to start looking for the real special someone. The one lady that would spend her life with me making our most cherished memories. After a few terrible dates in the states I decided to rule out America. My friend married a wonderful woman from Vietnam and he told me that I should start my search in Asia. I joined a few international dating sites and began searching. There were tens of thousands of women on the sites, finding my special lady seemed impossible. I was clicking through pages on a dating site one day while talking on the phone to my friend. I was on autopilot clicking away never expecting to see "my lady." I was mid sentence with my friend when I saw Daisy. I got butterflies in my stomach and actually uttered "oh my god." My heart raced and I felt almost panicky, nervous that she would no longer be on the site or already married. I told my friend, "I'm looking at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He said, "are you going to email her?" I said, "I am right now." I sent Daisy an email telling her exactly what I thought. In short, I told her that she was the most beautiful woman, that she gave me butterflies and I hoped that she would respond. I stopped my search at that moment. I checked my email about 20 times a dayhoping to her from Daisy. Exactly 3 days, 15 hours, 58 minutes and 47 seconds later Daisy responded. Her email was short and light-hearted but she responded! I responded telling her that I really wanted to learn more about her. After that we emailed many times, switched to YM and the telephone. It felt so great to talk to someone sweet, open and sincerely interested in me. In mid April we began talking about meeting in her town in the Philippines. I booked a flight immediately but didn't tell her. I tried for a few days to get clues of exactly how to find her so I could surprise her. After I realized that I would probably end up lost I told her I was coming to see he April 30th. By the time I flew over the international dateline, connected through Tokyo and stayed the night in Manila it was May 2nd. I flew to Tacloban and at about 2PM I deplaned and was just moments from meeting my beautiful Daisy. As I walked through the terminal there was an open door at the front of the building. As I looked out at the crowd waiting for passengers a man moved slighty and I caught a glimpse of Daisy. Even after 35 hours of traveling and her being 200 feet away I knew it was her immediately. I waited for my bag to depplane as well, it seemed like an eternity although it was about 10 minutes. I got my bag and double-timed it down the walk to Daisy. I walked up, smiled and said "Hi baby." She started to introduce her family but I just grabbed her and hugged her. I didn't want to let go it felt like I was reborn, I was a new man.... To Be Continued, calling Daisy

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  1. hey, thank you, i hope you can get your NOA2 soon, hehehe, now that i've got my NOA2, hah! im gonna get busy for sure, =)

    anyway, god bless!

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