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Barry and Jackie

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Posts posted by Barry and Jackie

  1. Damian, I am so sorry to hear that your wife passed back in December. I have not been on visajourney for a very long time so was was shocked to hear this. I was going through all the visa processes at about the same time you were, you provided me with lots of helpful information in your posts. I hope you are still carrying on at school and want you to know that you are in me and my wifes prayers. God Bless.

  2. The USCIS, although I have informed them 3 different times that my wife and I have moved, managed to send her permanent resident card to the wrong address each time. And, this third time, I received a note saying the card has been lost. Apparently I need to file something new, which will cost me $300 plus. I'm tired of filing ####### and paying money. It's their error.

    They flipping lost something because they hire idiots and I'm supposed to pay for it. And pay for what? So we can wait some more for their next error. Are they kidding?

    I know the answer. They aren't.

    The USCIS is sick. I wish the media would cover it a bit more. Wait, I don't mean that. That would imply the media cover the legal-immigration process at all. With all the junk they talk about other political stuff, you figure the disaster that is the USCIS would get a mention. Legal immigration and total government incompetence might score some ratings. Especially since, I'm sure, fixing legal immigration would go a long way toward solving illegal immigration.

    A similar thing has happened to me, although I have finally received my greencard after 2 previous attempts to get it to me. I changed my address the way they tell you too and called them to confirm it, still it made no difference. Finally I asked to speak to an immigration officer who could access all my details and she was shocked to find my new address had not been added. My advice is no matter who you speak to, make sure they have all the information in front of them because certain people (The change addrees section especially!) do not have access to all your information.

    Somebody told me on here that you should never move and I made a big mistake, but to put it plain and simple 'I had no choice!' and people should do their jobs properly, especially when they expect us to fill all these forms out correctly.

    Good luck with all your bad luck and I hope it gets sorted very soon!

  3. Well, previously after changing my address (received confirmation via mail) and having the greencard delivered to the old address, guess what? They have gone and sent it to the wrong address again, this is after me changing my address for the second time via the phone and receiving confirmation via mail! I call USCIS yesterday and this guy at the change address section told me everything is o.k they just have not updated the system, this was even though he could not see all my details! I was not taking this for an answer and asked to speak to someone who could see all my details and confirm what he was saying, he eventually agreed and guess what? The lady who answered said somebody has not been doing their job and had not updated my address, there was a request, 2 in total but nothing had been done!

    She appologised and said she would put me on hold while she contacted them and would make them do it while I was on the line. She confirmed it had been done and said she had expedited it so I will receive it very soon. :wacko:

    USR NAME           Filed     NOA1      BIOM      CSC-TFR    EAD       AP        NTRVW     GCRCVD
    SteveAndTiff       01-02     01-13     01-27     xx-xx      03-09     xx-xx     03-25     04-03
    JulianDavid        01-03     01-08     03-14     xx-xx      03-16     03-11     05-13     xx-xx
    i-migrate          01-05     01-12     02-05     xx-xx      03-11     xx-xx     05-08     xx-xx
    ThaiStyleUSA       01-05     01-20     02-04     xx-xx      03-12     xx-xx     04-28     xx-xx
    big_fish           01-06     01-12     02-12     xx-xx      03-12     03-12     04-09     04-25
    A&N                01-07     01-09     01-27     xx-xx      04-16     xx-xx     05-14     xx-xx
    johnichka          01-07     01-13     03-10     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    Andy-n-Maricar     01-08     01-14     02-06     02-02      03-13     03-13     xx-xx     xx-xx
    happy_girl         01-08     01-16     02-17     03-17      03-17     03-23     xx-xx     04-13
    zoharulz           01-08     01-20     01-30     xx-xx      03-17     03-17     04-03     04-16
    sj_soulm8ts        01-09     01-14     02-13     xx-xx      03-25     03-21     xx-xx     xx-xx
    sunnybear          01-09     01-16     02-06     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     05-06     xx-xx
    Hilkka28586        01-10     01-23     02-09     xx-xx      04-13     04-23     06-08     xx-xx
    Barry and Jackie   01-11     02-03     02-26     02-12      04-08     xx-xx     xx-xx     04-27
    dbears             01-12     01-20     03-16     xx-xx      03-19     xx-xx     05-26     xx-xx
    EnS                01-12     01-21     01-27     01-31      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     04-27
    Levi Heather       01-12     01-22     03-17     01-30      03-17     03-15     xx-xx     04-25
    Maddy20            01-12     01-22     03-13     02-06      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    BTalley            01-13     01-26     01-26     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     05-04     xx-xx
    reef@pol           01-13     01-21     03-14     xx-xx      03-31     03-28     05-12     xx-xx
    mrsbonky           01-14     01-30     02-05     xx-xx      03-02     03-02     04-02     04-15
    c&z                01-15     01-23     02-19     xx-xx      03-25     03-27     04-16     04-27
    john_dot           01-15     01-23     02-17     xx-xx      03-25     xx-xx     04-14     04-27
    kcoyclay1          01-15     01-28     02-19     xx-xx      03-18     xx-xx     04-29     xx-xx
    saspak             01-15     01-30     03-13     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    tea1               01-15     01-30     02-17     02-19      03-26     03-28     xx-xx     xx-xx     
    jr&belle           01-16     02-02     02-28     02-10      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     04-13
    Eric & Althea      01-19     01-27     02-24     02-19      04-02     04-02     xx-xx     05-02
    Amy&Xin            01-20     01-28     02-10     xx-xx      03-25     03-20     04-22     05-04
    cwaf               01-20     02-02     02-24     03-16      03-25     03-26     xx-xx     04-24
    GloAndCole         01-20     01-28     02-18     xx-xx      04-06     03-27     04-14     04-24
    LeaAndBen          01-20     01-29     02-27     xx-xx      03-23     xx-xx     06-18     xx-xx
    wmikevelez         01-20     01-29     02-19     xx-xx      03-25     xx-xx     04-14     04-24
    Bill and Nicky     01-22     01-28     03-04     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     06-09     xx-xx
    Mikko              01-22     01-30     03-03     xx-xx      03-23     03-23     xx-xx     xx-xx  
    rajemr2119         01-23     02-07     02-19     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx 
    andiste08          01-23     02-03     02-21     xx-xx      04-09     04-03     04-20     05-02
    janessnroland      01-24     02-09     03-17     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    lancer1655         01-24     01-27     02-17     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    am32               01-26     02-07     02-26     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     05-12     xx-xx
    Marikiya_dhr       01-26     02-09     02-27     xx-xx      04-13     xx-xx     05-06     xx-xx
    Alex & Rachel      01-27     02-05     02-28     xx-xx      04-06     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    caityrose          01-27     02-06     02-24     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    felb               01-27     02-04     03-06     xx-xx      04-09     03-31     xx-xx     xx-xx
    Missleyte          01-27     02-02     02-20     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    steveinsandiego    01-28     02-10     02-24     xx-xx      04-07     04-02     05-15     xx-xx
    Nelly228           01-28     02-03     03-05     02-11      04-02     04-03     xx-xx     04-16
    shes               01-30     02-10     02-28     xx-xx      04-02     03-28     05-15     xx-xx

  5. My AOS has been approved, well, I assume it has! I have suffered one those USCIS twilight zone events (The music is in my head right now!).

    Today I checked my email and noticed I had one from the CRIS, quickly I opened it up to read, my excitement quickly turned to despair, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! The email stated that the greencard was undeliverable and as such had been returned to USCIS. It went on to say that I needed to contact USCIS and change my address!

    All of this would be okay if it were not for the fact that I changed my address back in February, received notification stating I had done so and received my EAD card at my new address! So confused is putting it lightly, dumb founded more like, LOL!

    So, any way I go ahead and call USCIS, I speak to this nice lady and mention that I have already changed my address. She tells me that there is a change address form on the system but, wait for it!, I had forgotten to add my new address! At this point I was becoming even more confused??????? I replied 'Well, if thats the case why did I receive a letter confirming my change of address for the I-485, I-765 , and I have since received my EAD card at my new address?????'. To which she said nothing, she was very confused too! Well to cut a long story short she took my address and said 'I am really sorry for all this, you should receive your greencard in the next 5-days, o.k'. I must mention that she was very polite and seemed amazed that this had happened!

    The good news from all this is that I have got through the AOS barrier and am free, for a while longer at least!

    Congratulations to everyone else who has received good news recently!

    Good luck to everyone still waiting, I hope you hear something soon!

  6. Oh, I almost forgot to update the table! I am saying that I received the greencard on the 27th of April because I did in a way! :unsure:

    USR NAME           Filed     NOA1      BIOM      CSC-TFR    EAD       AP        NTRVW     GCRCVD
    SteveAndTiff       01-02     01-13     01-27     xx-xx      03-09     xx-xx     03-25     04-03
    JulianDavid        01-03     01-08     03-14     xx-xx      03-16     03-11     05-13     xx-xx
    i-migrate          01-05     01-12     02-05     xx-xx      03-11     xx-xx     05-08     xx-xx
    ThaiStyleUSA       01-05     01-20     02-04     xx-xx      03-12     xx-xx     04-28     xx-xx
    big_fish           01-06     01-12     02-12     xx-xx      03-12     03-12     04-09     04-25
    A&N                01-07     01-09     01-27     xx-xx      04-16     xx-xx     05-14     xx-xx
    johnichka          01-07     01-13     03-10     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    Andy-n-Maricar     01-08     01-14     02-06     02-02      03-13     03-13     xx-xx     xx-xx
    happy_girl         01-08     01-16     02-17     03-17      03-17     03-23     xx-xx     04-13
    zoharulz           01-08     01-20     01-30     xx-xx      03-17     03-17     04-03     04-16
    sj_soulm8ts        01-09     01-14     02-13     xx-xx      03-25     03-21     xx-xx     xx-xx
    sunnybear          01-09     01-16     02-06     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     05-06     xx-xx
    Hilkka28586        01-10     01-23     02-09     xx-xx      04-13     04-23     xx-xx     xx-xx
    Barry and Jackie   01-11     02-03     02-26     02-12      04-08     xx-xx     xx-xx     04-27
    dbears             01-12     01-20     03-16     xx-xx      03-19     xx-xx     05-26     xx-xx
    EnS                01-12     01-21     01-27     01-31      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     04-27
    Levi Heather       01-12     01-22     03-17     01-30      03-17     03-15     xx-xx     04-25
    Maddy20            01-12     01-22     03-13     02-06      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    BTalley            01-13     01-26     01-26     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     05-04     xx-xx
    reef@pol           01-13     01-21     03-14     xx-xx      03-31     03-28     05-12     xx-xx
    mrsbonky           01-14     01-30     02-05     xx-xx      03-02     03-02     04-02     xx-xx
    c&z                01-15     01-23     02-19     xx-xx      03-25     03-27     04-16     xx-xx
    john_dot           01-15     01-23     02-17     xx-xx      03-25     xx-xx     04-14     04-27
    kcoyclay1          01-15     01-28     02-19     xx-xx      03-18     xx-xx     04-29     xx-xx
    saspak             01-15     01-30     03-13     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    tea1               01-15     01-30     02-17     02-19      03-26     03-28     xx-xx     xx-xx     
    jr&belle           01-16     02-02     02-28     02-10      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     04-13
    Eric & Althea      01-19     01-27     02-24     02-19      04-02     04-02     xx-xx     xx-xx
    Amy&Xin            01-20     01-28     02-10     xx-xx      03-25     03-20     04-22     xx-xx
    cwaf               01-20     02-02     02-24     03-16      03-25     03-26     xx-xx     04-24
    GloAndCole         01-20     01-28     02-18     xx-xx      04-06     03-27     04-14     04-24
    LeaAndBen          01-20     01-29     02-27     xx-xx      03-23     xx-xx     06-18     xx-xx
    wmikevelez         01-20     01-29     02-19     xx-xx      03-25     xx-xx     04-14     04-24
    Bill and Nicky     01-22     01-28     03-04     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     06-09     xx-xx
    Mikko              01-22     01-30     03-03     xx-xx      03-23     03-23     xx-xx     xx-xx  
    rajemr2119         01-23     02-07     02-19     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx 
    andiste08          01-23     02-03     02-21     xx-xx      04-09     04-03     04-20     xx-xx
    janessnroland      01-24     02-09     03-17     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    lancer1655         01-24     01-27     02-17     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    am32               01-26     02-07     02-26     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     05-12     xx-xx
    Marikiya_dhr       01-26     02-09     02-27     xx-xx      04-13     xx-xx     05-06     xx-xx
    Alex & Rachel      01-27     02-05     02-28     xx-xx      04-06     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    caityrose          01-27     02-06     02-24     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    felb               01-27     02-04     03-06     xx-xx      04-09     03-31     xx-xx     xx-xx
    Missleyte          01-27     02-02     02-20     xx-xx      xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx     xx-xx
    andiste08          01-27     02-03     02-21     xx-xx      xx-xx     04-03     04-20     xx-xx
    steveinsandiego    01-28     02-10     02-24     xx-xx      04-07     04-02     05-15     xx-xx
    Nelly228           01-28     02-03     03-05     02-11      04-02     04-03     xx-xx     04-16
    shes               01-30     02-10     02-28     xx-xx      04-02     03-28     05-15     xx-xx

  7. My AOS has been approved, well, I assume it has! I have suffered one those USCIS twilight zone events (The music is :whistle: in my head right now!). :wacko:

    Today I checked my email and noticed I had one from the CRIS, quickly I opened it up to read, my excitement quickly turned to despair, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! The email stated that the greencard was undeliverable and as such had been returned to USCIS. It went on to say that I needed to contact USCIS and change my address!

    All of this would be okay if it were not for the fact that I changed my address back in February, received notification stating I had done so and received my EAD card at my new address! So confused is putting it lightly, dumb founded more like, LOL!

    So, any way I go ahead and call USCIS, I speak to this nice lady and mention that I have already changed my address. She tells me that there is a change address form on the system but, wait for it!, I had forgotten to add my new address! At this point I was becoming even more confused??????? I replied 'Well, if thats the case why did I receive a letter confirming my change of address for the I-485, I-765 , and I have since received my EAD card at my new address?????'. To which she said nothing, she was very confused too! Well to cut a long story short she took my address and said 'I am really sorry for all this, you should receive your greencard in the next 5-days, o.k'. I must mention that she was very polite and seemed amazed that this had happened!

    The good news from all this is that I have got through the AOS barrier and am free, for a while longer at least! :dance:

    Congratulations to everyone else who has received good news recently! :dance:

    Good luck to everyone still waiting, I hope you hear something soon! :thumbs:

  8. My husband's green card arrived today! We are just so relieved and excited, I know those of you still waiting will be feeling this way soon! Good luck! I can't believe we have until 2019 to worry about this again! YESSS!

    hello...I am not trying to rain on your parade, but if I am not mistaken, this GC is valid for only 2 years and you must reapply 90 days prior to that 2 years to remove the conditions of this GC. If I am wrong, I am certain I will be corrected by the helpful people in this room. :star:

    I think mrsbonky and mrbonky has been married for over 2 years that is why they got the 10 year permanent residency card.

    anybody who has been married over 2 years gets to receive 10 years green card.

    Congrats mrsbonky. I don't know if the same rule apply with people who receive 10 years gc. do you need to wait 3 years from receiving the gc before you could apply for citizenship or would you start counting the 3 years from date of entry?

    Thats exactly what I thought dbears (Post before you), thanks for that :thumbs:

  9. My husband's green card arrived today! We are just so relieved and excited, I know those of you still waiting will be feeling this way soon! Good luck! I can't believe we have until 2019 to worry about this again! YESSS!

    I think it depends on the visa that they have. If they have a CR-1 and have been married for 2-years before entering the US then they will receive a 10-year greencard. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere.

  10. Got approved yesterday at our AOS interview. It was very relaxed, I expected a grilling. My wife speaks only Spanish, so i brought a friend to interpret, but he is here on a b 1 visa, and since he is not a resident alien or citizen he was not allowed to further attend the interview, however i was allowed to translate for her.

    Only questions were

    How did we meet?

    asked her for her address, phone, mother and father's first names

    how many times did she meet my mother, what were the reasons for the visit

    the other questions were just the basics from the application such as

    do you plan to engage in espionage, etc...

    traffic or use of drugs


    of course all of these answers are "no"

    then she said "ok thank you your card will arrive in the mail".

    she took her I94.

    that was it out in 10 minutes

    Good luck to those of you still waiting.

    It is a great feeling to know that you do not have to deal with USCIS or explain your relationship to the government for a long time

    :dance::dance: Congratulations :dance::dance:

  11. Im so very much happy right now...I RECEIVED MY GREEEN CARD..last monday ..I still cant beleive it ..I thought it was an RFE but its not..I dont have any TOUCHED since I done my biometrics but God is really good nothing is impossible in HIM.Just keep praying...I still didn't received my EAD but I dont care anymore as long I have my GC..We went to our tag office yesterday to get my State ID & Im lucky to have it,it only take 10 minutes...But I have a little problem here regarding our SSA,we went there yesterday to remove the restrictions from my Social Security Card the woman said she cant issue me because the system from the DHS is still not updates,,it still shows my maiden name,,she told us to give a week or 2 & come back there again because the DHS system is still not yet updated...I just cant understand because I already get my SSC before in my married name :o ..

    11/25/08 -------- arrived in Mcalester, Ok

    12/01/08 --------- marriage

    01/22/09 ---------AOS sent

    01/25/09 ---------USCIS recieved

    02/04/09 ---------check cashed

    02/06/09 ---------Receipt(I765)

    02/07/09 ---------receipt(I485)

    02/10/09 ---------Transfer Notice(CSC)

    02/11/09 ---------Received Notice of Change Address

    02/17/09 ---------Appointment Notice

    02/19/09 ---------Touched(I485)

    02/28/09 ---------Biometrics(Dallas)

    04/13/09 ---------Green Card Received

    :thumbs::thumbs: Congratulations :thumbs::thumbs:

  12. First of all, Congrats John_dot for your approval!!! :dance: And I would like to share my happiness that I got approved today too! :dance::dance:

    Here is our interivew expereince today:

    We arrived half an hour earlier before the interview time 2:15pm, it was a big mall with tons of restaurant over there and we couldn't find the sign until we saw the name on directory, it was hidding at the left corner of the mall and we had to walk all the way around outside of the mall to find that tiny little door named "USCIS appointment only" so we could get to second level. We had a regular security check with metal detector before we got in. We were instructed to put the appointment letter into a white box and wait for my name to be called. There was only another pair of couple with their (maybe?) lawyer to wait. My name was called 5 mins after by a lady. After sworn she asked both of us for an ID, my passport with I-94 and AP then started to ask me some simple questions such as where do u live, whats ur phone number, she then asked me few questions in I-485 such as if you're into any political party, have you transport drugs before etc. Finally she asked us to show her the copy of our evidence to prove our marriage so we gave her a pile of paper with our wedding album, we just went through all the paper with her once then she asked me to confirm my name if its correct and said well I'm gonna approve your application and you will have your card around 2 weeks. She explained us that I'm gonna get 2 yrs conditional card first then reminded us to file the removal conditional 90 days before my card expired and said we can file for citizenship a year after we got the 10 yrs one I told her I probably wanna take a break from paperwork for awhile and we both were laughing and joking abit before we left. I thought she was gonna be very mean to me (bad memory!) but turned out she was super nice.

    Oh btw she only took my AP and gave me back my EAD card and told me to cut the card like credit card after I have my gc.

    Once again thank you so much for everyone's support, this website is absolutely amazing and save us loads of money. We both feel soo relieved that we can finally take a break from paperwork for at least awhile! For whoever that are still waiting for EAD/AP/Interview. I'm wishing all of you have a smooth journey and I can't wait to see some more good news from you guys soon!

    Rooting for our Jan filers!! :star::star:




    :star::star: Congratulations :star::star:

  13. Hey guys, thanks for all the prayers and support. I just got approved today! :dance::dance:

    Btw, luckily yesterday I got my SSN in the mailbox and last minute my husband and I run to HR block to file joint taxes. He was so happy he got 3k return by claiming me. God is really great! :dance:

    Here is our interview experience:

    We arrived to JFK Federal Building @ 9:20am for appointment schedule @ 10am. After an hour of waiting my name was called. The IO was really nice and friendly. He asked us while walking in his office if we have children. My husband said no… not yet. Then when we reached his desk, he said to keep on standing and sworn us in. Also he told us to give him few minutes to review our file and while he is doing that he asked us to put all the supporting documents for our marriage. We gave him copies of bank account, health, car, and life insurance, phone bills, cancelled check, marriage certificate, and 2008 income tax.

    He just asked basic questions like how did we meet? Yes & No questions in the I-485 like are you a terrorist? And so on. Then he asked my EAD and I-94. He said everything looks good to him and start explaining about removal of condition 90 days before expiration of conditional green card. He told me your card will be mailed to you within 1-2 weeks. He handed me a letter of approval and told me congratulations.

    Thank you very much for the visa journey. It really helped us a lot with this immigration process. To those still waiting best of luck! I hope and pray that your IO will be nice and friendly as well. Keep on praying! God bless! :dance::thumbs:


    :dance::dance: Congratulations :dance::dance:

  14. Sorry about my post before, I did not know about your situation. I hope you get the fee waiver because you certainly deserve too! :yes: I'm glad to hear that your baby is now ok, it must have been such a difficult time for you both and I'm happy you have come through this testing time. I just wish we were in a position to help, because you deserve some help.

    I have found this on the USCIS website, it does make a statements regarding fee waivers on the grounds of extraodinary expenses and compassionate reasons. I think you would basically have to provide evidence showing these to be true and then they make the decision. It provides you with details on how you go about applying for the waiver at the end of the document. I hope the information I provide is relevant and would appreciate anybody else who knows anything taking a look. Any way here is the link http://www.uscis.gov/files/pressrelease/Fe...ver03_29_04.pdf

    Keep us updated on your situation.

    I have also found this other memo from the USCIS website, I'm not sure it is very helpful but I am providing you with all the information I have found http://www.uscis.gov/files/pressrelease/FeeWaiver072007.pdf

  15. Sorry about my post before, I did not know about your situation. I hope you get the fee waiver because you certainly deserve too! :yes: I'm glad to hear that your baby is now ok, it must have been such a difficult time for you both and I'm happy you have come through this testing time. I just wish we were in a position to help, because you deserve some help.

    I have found this on the USCIS website, it does make a statements regarding fee waivers on the grounds of extraodinary expenses and compassionate reasons. I think you would basically have to provide evidence showing these to be true and then they make the decision. It provides you with details on how you go about applying for the waiver at the end of the document. I hope the information I provide is relevant and would appreciate anybody else who knows anything taking a look. Any way here is the link http://www.uscis.gov/files/pressrelease/Fe...ver03_29_04.pdf

    Keep us updated on your situation.

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