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Posts posted by wayne_erin

  1. IM FINALLY HERE IN THE US. Flight was smooth and Port of entry in San Francisco went well without a hassle.I have than my connecting flight going to Georgia were my baby is waiting.

    Thanks so much for everything.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I was approved last Oct 2 at USEM MANILA. Thank you so much for the support and for those people who never hesitate to give out information.

    My appointment was around 7am.My fiance was with me on that time so tension eases out.

    Pre screener: I greeted her goodmorning and she greeted me back and my fiance.she did asked few questions

    My name?

    Did I travel abroad? I said yes I went to hongkong

    Did I work in hongkong? I said No, I went to disneyland as a tourist

    Did I have any previous marriage? I said no and Im still single

    Where did we met?

    When was my fiance first visit?

    I told her that the 2nd visit was this year and he arrived last sept 23rd for a vacation

    Is my fiance have any previous marriage? I said no...he is single up to now...(hehhehe)

    She asked my fiance if he did bring the affidavit of support. He said yes. The lady asked for evidences like: pictures,emails,letters,chatlogs. I didnt gave her the chatlogs and email but instead I send the card that my fiance sent me which is a bunch of them. She didnt asked for the ticket when my fiance went here... She than told us to wait for finger scanning and wait for the number to show up again to be interviewed from the consul. We waited again for atleast an hour I think..Me and my baby constantly praying that hopefully everything will went well.He kept whispering to me that I will be his wife soon and I will be okay. Thank God he is there to ease my tension.

    Consul: I greeted her goodmorning and how is she today. She said she's okay and smiling. (room 28 I think was that..I forgot) My fiance waited outside until I had my turn.

    Raised my hand..............

    How old am I?

    The age of my fiance?

    Where did we met?

    What is his hobbies? I said fishing and cooking..Than th e consul asked me If I like to go to fishing? I said no..than she joked that I can tell my fiance that to go fishing with his friends and we laugh.Do I know how to clean fish? I said no..and we laugh again

    Do I have any previous annulment? I said no and never been married.

    I dont know why she did asked me this questions:::hehehe.I think no more questions to be asked but my fiance said it might be a background check. The consul was checking my birth certificate and cenomar

    She asked me if I was born in a hospital or at home? I said no I was born in the hospital

    She asked me I f I knew the hospital.? I provided the name of the hospital

    What age of my dad when I was born? I said 27

    The name of my mom and Dad?

    She flipped the pics of us and us who was the girl on the pic? I told her she is my sister.She said we look very much alike.I joke on her that sometimes that it was mistaken to be my kid and we laugh...hheehehe

    She opened the cards that my fiance sent and read them

    When will be the wedding? I said on the 3rd wed of december.and the consul said that it will be a christmas wedding..and she smiled

    How does my fiance family feel about us getting married?I told her that they are happy bec atlast thier brother will be married soon

    What I like about my fiance? I said that he is huggable and smells good. The consul laugh at my answer and joked on me that she agree that the requirements for having a husband is smelling good.

    She than told me that: SHE AUTHORIZED TO HAVE MY VISA APPROVED and to wait outside. I was very happy when I went out in the room to tell my fiaance that everything was okay. We were smiling and I told him the answers that I provided to the consul.

    TIP:If u have cards that was sent out to u it will be better because its rili hard copy and I think the consul may appreciate that it is genuine relationship. My fiance is an old fashion one that is why he sent out cards. hehehehe. Pray and pray harder.God is good all the time.

    Guys thanks so much for the tips,without this site it will not be easy for us. Goodluck and Godbless to everybody on thier journey

  3. Hi Guys,

    Thank God I have passed my medical at SLEC.It was a bit scary from start to finished because you'll never Know. Pray hard and drink a lot of Vitamin C. I have been drinking a lot of Orange Juice (OJ) which is very effective.

    Good luck to those who will have thier medical.Its better if you go there in the afternoon/ after lunch.Not many people around.

    God Bless to all.Wish me luck on my interview


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