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Posts posted by Ana&D

  1. Ryan, Chantal, Jeeni & Bo!!! Congrats on finally getting your dates and ahead of the estimates!!!! Am so truly happy for you people!!! So good luck on the interviews!!!!

    Alex, a night before Christmas, huh :) Am so excited for you!!!! Hope it goes wonderfully and weather is just perfect on your special day. We are still collaborating on the date, but looks like first week of January now. I just can't wait, lol.

    Nat, how are things in Russia?

  2. Speaking of which, congrats on the interview date, Rocks, hope it goes smoothly!!!

    thankyou. do you know when you plan on getting married, or are you super busy settling in? good luck with getting the driving license. ;)

    Oh, u re welcome :) We are still trying to figure out the date... Looks like it will first or second week of January. This 90 day thing is very frustrating... Between getting over the jet leg, settling in, getting all these little things done there is no time left for what I tend to call "normal" wedding. Majority of people here can relate. We just gonna elope and than plan a big celebration later in the year so our friends and families can participate :) Any idea on what you guys want to do?

  3. Hi May!!! Thought I'll pop in so those still waiting don't feel left out - I still think about you guys and hope to see you all on these side of the world really really soon! Speaking of which, congrats on the interview date, Rocks, hope it goes smoothly!!!

    Kirk, I was wondering where you guys went!!! Glad to hear that whatever happened got resolved and you guys will be back on your way home in no time!

    Nat, glad to hear your medical went well. Just a hint, if you got the envelope in your hands that means everything is perfectly fine, so don't worry about it and try to open it. I don't know if you knew it, I just met a couple ppl who really worried that smth is wrong in that envelope, lol :)

    Alex, good to hear from you dear! Isn't the weather down here wonderful, lol. So funny, I'm trying to get my license tmr... Good I just need to show up and renew my old one... I'm not so sure my out of practice self would pass the exam. Just joking, folks. Florida roads are still safe :)

    Jenni, keeping my fingers crossed that you hear smth soon!!! Hang in there girl!!!

  4. Afternoon, folks!!!

    Sorry hasn't checked in on you in a week or so, was getting over my jet leg. Well, I'm here in Florida, enjoying the sunshine and of course the company of my love :). We are in the process of planning a Vegas wedding for beginning of December so wish us luck :). Yeah, I know, I always said we gonna have a sunset ceremony on the beach, but plans kinda changed and I'm actually looking forward for our Nevada trip, lol :).

    Anyway, just wanted to stop by and wish good luck for those still in the waiting room. I know it sucks big time not to have dates and I really wish I could offer more than just couple kind words for Ryand and Chantal and my dear Jenni!!!! Just stay strong guys and keep your eyes on the prize. It's all gonna be worth it at the end.

  5. Nat, congrats on getting the interview date! Wish it was sooner, but it is surely nice to know the date!!!! I'll be sure to write you a detailed PM about my experience once I get more time!

    My oh my, what a stressful two days I've just had. I serioulsy doubted I'll be making my Monday morning flight since as of Thursday night embassy still didn't have my visa printed. In fact, we've heard that it was done with only around 4 pm today. My sis had only two hours to rush to FedEx office in order to pick it up. What can I say, she's a total star for making it in time! :star: Anyway, see you on the other side of the globe next week, lol :)

  6. My dear May folks,

    Sorry for keeping you in the dark for so long - was having PC troubles :). Anyway, I passed my pretty much non-eventful interview on Nov. 7th and should be flying down to ol' good USA this Monday :). I'm a little worried about getting my visa as today FedEx has only 2 days left to get it to me so I can make my flight, so please send some good vibes that way for me :)

    CONGRATS to all the approvals Ive missed and best of luck at the interviews!!!

    My darling girls, Sandra and Alex, I am so happy to know that you two made it down safely!!!!! Many hugs!!!

  7. SANDRA, congrats!!!!! Am so happy, and let me just say, WOW already flying out :) Have a very safe trip and don't forget to check in after you are all settled! I'm really really happy for both you and Greg!!!

    ALEX, yep, Nov. 7th is my day. If all goes well I should fly out shortly after that :) Just can't wait!!!! Well, you have a safe trip now!!!!

    GORDON, congrats on the interview date and good to hear from you.

    KIRK, have a safe trip. And it ain't that cold right now, lol. You'll be fine :)

    NAT, hope you feel better by now!

  8. Hi guys, hope everyone is doing well. I'm just been super busy planning for the trip to my love and getting ready for the interview. Apparently, I'm running out of time to finish all my little projects, lol :)

    Anyway, I just stopped by to wish one very special lady best of luck tomorrow!!!! YOU KNOW I MEAN YOU, SANDRA :) So hopefully it'll be a short trip to the embassy to get the visa stamp you are so long due for :).

    And ALEX, my dear, have a very safe trip, most friendly POE experience and a fun fun Halloween in the US :) Oh, and don't forget to pop in and let me know about the Florida weather, I should be following you really really soon :)

    Jenni & Bo, Ryan & Chantal - am sending tons of positive vibes to Montreal for you guys. I sincerely hope that the end of this journey is really close for you. Sorry, I can't define that "close" though :(

    Maddy, many congrats on your visa :)

  9. Hi Ana! I'm pretty much set. The lady at the Embassy said she sent out the 'official invitation' by regular mail. So I'll be having it right on time, Monday. If not I might have to call again. lol

    All I need to do is print out some excerpts of the mail (not planning on printing it all, I'm thinking about those poor trees ... lol) and our skype log and all is set.

    How are you doing with all the stuff?


    Glad to hear you have everything in order!!! I'm not quite done yet :) Pretty much have everything ready for printing except for my vaccination record and couple translations. Oh, and the pics. But that will be taken care of on Monday... Hm.. might be a busy busy day for me, lol :)

  10. Afternoon May :)

    Ryan, so sorry to hear you are down (F).

    Kirk, you are right. I'll be staying with my sis who happens to live just around the corner from the embassy (which means I get to sleep in before my interview and won't have to deal with crazy traffic in Kiev ;)). It'll be cool to meet you two, so let's see how my plans will work out. My buddies are planning to steal all my time to say proper good byes, lol :)

    Sandra, are you all set for the interview next week?

  11. Kirk, looks like I'm missing you guys by couple days, lol. I'll probably go to Kiev on the 4th. My medical is the 5th :). Just scheduled it. I still don't know the date for my move, as have to take care of some stuff here in Ukraine. Hopefully not long after the interview, though.

    Nat, you can only track the case that was sent to the embassy. Generally when u call NVC they do let you know. So try next week for sure.

    Jenni, I still hope you get the good news really really soon!!!!

  12. Looks like they got all our cases into the call-center today, lol. We are scheduled for Nov. 7th at 9.30. Finally :) Congrats to all my Kiev peeps :)

    Nat, you can track by doing the following:

    1. Go to DHL website (tracking)

    2. Track by reference

    3. Put in the following in the reference field (for example): "22 OCT 2008A" (of course you'll put in the date NVC gives you when the packet was mailed)

    4. Choose a date 1-2 days after the date you put into the reference (so in the example it will be 22-23 October)

    5. Click track and look for Moscow in the list of results :)

  13. So the "not getting along with the mother in law" thing isn't just for Americans.....

    Actually that is one of fundamental relationship conflicts in the Russian/Ukrainian culture. Husbands as a rule have problem with their MILs :) There is a huge number of folk stories dedicated to this topic...

    Hmmmm.......my husband says that he has the best in laws ever and doesn't understand why there are so many jokes/hate towards mother in laws. He says that he's very lucky to have my parents as his in laws :devil:

    Both of us originally from Ukraine :innocent:

    I know what you mean, my hubby-to-be is getting along extremely well with my entire family... Hm... that might have smth to do with the language barrier, though :). I guess the "not getting along" thing is one of those ancient folk beliefs our culture is so full of.

  14. Yevgenij, be sure to email KyivIV and include your KEV number. They usually reply within a day. I dunno what's taking them so long.

    Alya, your case is a clear example of the major screw up in the system. I mean, seriously. Once you get your info packet you should be able to call and schedule the interview. Hm... makes me wonder if they plano n mailing me one....

    Sandra, here's a happy dance for you: :dance::dance::dance: Congrats again :) And if you won't get DS156K in the mail, you can get one on the www.state.gov.

    Jenni good luck at work, sounds a bit tough so many overnight shifts, hope you make it through!

    Alex, dear, thanks for the well-wishes :)

  15. So the "not getting along with the mother in law" thing isn't just for Americans.....

    Actually that is one of fundamental relationship conflicts in the Russian/Ukrainian culture. Husbands as a rule have problem with their MILs :) There is a huge number of folk stories dedicated to this topic...

  16. Alex, so sorry to hear about your nephew... That little one has gone through so much! I just hope the surgery went well and they figured out what was wrong with him (F).

    Yevgenij , we didn't even get through today :( I did receive an email from the embassy saying we can call next week :blink: to schedule. I guess we'll try tmr again. The lady you've talked to clearly has no clue, while they can take up to 2 months, generally it is 2 weeks or less! To track it use EXP 30 SEP 2008A as reference and than pick date range September 30- October 2. It should show up.

    Jenni Glad to hear your medical went well. Sounds very different from what we have here in Ukraine, though :).

  17. I suggest you look through the guides and find the visa option that suits your specific situation. You have several choices here:

    1. Go home and file for fiance visa (K1)

    2. Get married, go home and file for one of the spousal visas: K3, CR-1

    3. Get married and file AOS (adjustment of status). This will work if on your last US entry you had no intentions to marry. That's when you file for AP (takes about 90 days to get one).

    Again, read the guides, check out the processing times for each visa type and see what works bets for you. Good luck!

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