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Posts posted by Klip

  1. :star: very soon my fiancee and I will be married.

    We would like to know how to change my name to my married name ona El salvador passport to avoid any possible problems :bonk:

    Can anyone tell me exactly how one would go about doing this? Thank you!!! :)

    Go to a El Salvador Consulate/Embassy and present the marriage certificate and apply for a name change.

    take care!

  2. Wow... how to begin? ... from the beginning i guess would be good!!! :) :) :) lol

    I see many posts for the employment affidavit, but, when is it requested?

    We have the appoint at the consulate coming up in about a month, but I have not received anything asking about my employer or how much I make... or anything like that!

    Is the employment affidavit always requested, or just sometimes?

    Should I be worried?

    Thanks everyone.

    You need to get on it quickly and take it to the interview. Fill out form I-134 and include as much income history as possible.

    3 years of history should do it (tax transcripts are sufficient) . You will also need a letter from your employer on company headed paper stating how much you make and what job role is etc..

    If you have a co-sponsor then repeat the above.

    thanks for the quick response,

    where should I send the I-134?

    I thought it was odd... the employment letter should be sent with the I-134 form?

    since they have not requested I have no clue where to send it to.

    thanks again.

  3. OMG, Im so ... excited... and stressed...

    my petition got approved already...

    and ... now im ... overwhelmed... i cant think...

    We sent it out February 17th,

    but this weekend we got our approval.

    Its sent to the NVC.

    My fiancee read it to me in the middle of her night.

    So i dont know what the letter says exactly.

    But ... what am i to do ? to prepare ?

    What should i have ready for action...

    i wasnt expecting it to be processed before at least 6 months had passed.

    now 6 weeks havent even passed.... EEEK

    Any ... help ?

    Amazingggg!!! enjoy!!!

  4. Wow... how to begin? ... from the beginning i guess would be good!!! :) :) :) lol

    I see many posts for the employment affidavit, but, when is it requested?

    We have the appoint at the consulate coming up in about a month, but I have not received anything asking about my employer or how much I make... or anything like that!

    Is the employment affidavit always requested, or just sometimes?

    Should I be worried?

    Thanks everyone.

  5. The INS sent me a letter to request for evidence- Form: I-129F(K1), Part C:

    On the question 2. Have you ever been convicted by a court of law (civil or criminal) or court martialed by a military tribunal for any of the

    following crimes. I answred: NO,

    but on the question 3 3. If you have provided information about a conviction for a crime listed above and you were being battered or subjected to

    extreme cruelty by your spouse, parent, or adult child at the time of your conviction, check all of the following that apply to


    I answered: I was acting in self-defense. Although I did not have any criminal convictions when I'm living in the USA. I'm a good citizen, no go to the jail, no court record at all.

    The INS asked me to provide evidence in support of my case. Examples such evidence include, but are not limited to police report, court records, news articles, and trial transcripts.

    Please help me to solve this problem. What can I do now for requesting from INS for part C: Form I129F, question 3?

    God bless you!

    Thank you very much.

    You were acting in self defense for what?

    what did you do that you had to act in self defense?

    Whatever you did that you act in self defense, is what the USCIS needs as evidence that you did act in self defense.

    ***If you have never done anything and you just filled out the from incorrectly, just send them a letter explaining that you filled out the form incorrectly and that the correct information is attached in a "new" form (I-129F). Make sure you sign the letter.

    Or you can try contacting the USCIS directly through the 1-800 # and ask how to correct the form.***

    good luck!

  6. Her boyfriend Louise great up in the US but was born in Mexico. They met here in the states, fell in love and then he was deported to Mexico. It doestn show as a deportation because it was voluntary, he checked this with the Mexican officials. My daughter went into Mexico to be with him and lived there the past several months. She is back home now, and pregnant. They want to get married. What is the easiest & quickest way for them to marry? Neither have ever been married before and they have no children other than the one she is carrying in her tummy.

    Thank you for any advice. We would love to get him here before this baby is born! We have been told she needs to get her birth certificate apossiled and move there and marry him then he could come here within 10 days and then others have said to fiance visa. Please help.

    Thank you! Kim

    Every case is different, have you tried contacting the USCIS office directly? It's ok to get people's advice but no case is alike.

    The quickest way... hummm, I have to say the regular visa... but with his background, not likely!

    If your daughter files for a K1 tomorrow there is great chance her "boyfriend-fiance" could be here before the baby is born.

    What you can also do, is get in contact with one of your state representative, see if he can help you with any priority in the case.

    Hope everything goes well, and the baby is healthy! :dance:

  7. hello Im feeling awful writting this message, well heres the thing we got RFE 2weeks ago cause we forgot(our lowyer forgot) to include G325a I just sent today and I think its really awful ,

    when I printed the dates were not clear at all so I did them handwritten , do you thing its a problem if dates are handwritten and the rest typed ???

    I made a mistake on the address that I didn't see until now when I was typing 3 pages I wrote on them ''Rosemont'' and the other one I don't know how it was ''rose mont'' with space its now that I noticed on my computer :s do you think its a problem too

    and finally our RFE expiration day is 7th april what if I do another G325a and we send it Monday is it too late ???

    :crying: :crying: :crying:


    I wouldn't worry, but nothing works better than a phone call. Try tomorrow since is still Friday, but don't stress!

    ***by the way... get your money back from your lawyer... IT'S WRITTEN ON THE INSTRUCTIONS THAT YOU NEED THE G325a, if he is not reading he is just filling out the papers... anyone can do that!***

    good luck to you!

  8. Hi All,

    My fiancée and I are filling in the forms for the I-129F. For the above question on the G-325A, is it okay for both of us to answer "Other" and "I-129F Petition"? Or should my G-325A (I'm from the UK) have something like "Fiancé visa application"?

    Also, if I'm adding an attachment for my addresses and places of work, should I fill in as much as possible on the form itself and only put the additional stuff that wouldn't fit on the attachment, or just put "see attached" and put ALL of the addresses/information in the supplement?

    Oh yeah, and is putting "UK" instead of "United Kingdom" okay? "United Kingdom" fits in some places, but not in others. Should we be consistent in using UK/United Kingdom, or just put United Kingdom where we can and UK where we can't?

    How accurate do the dates for places of residence have to be? If, for example, we're out by a month or so does it matter?


    As said before use the examples @ visajourney.com of how the forms should be filled out, but every case is a different case. Read and reread the instructions you get in your packages.

    For the any attachment complete the section on the form for example the address, on the attachment make sure you write what part it is for...

    (ex: "Section 4 address" form >>> "Section 4 address" attachment)

    (ex: "Section 5 employment" form >>> "Section 5 employment" attachment)

    I personally have a problem with abbreviations... it could be misinterpreted...

    Remember this are all official documents, try to be as accurate and as truthful as possible, if you are not sure, be sure. Don't fill something out wrong just to to it fast, make sure the information you are giving are correct to your best knowledge.

  9. My fiancee and I opened up a bank account together the last time I went to visit. Could and would that be a good piece of evidence for proof of ongoing relationship, or could/would there be something lurking in the shadows to come back and bite us by doing that? Has anyone done this before? RexT

    hummm, didn't think of that...

    We have also opened a joint account, in the country where she lives, however it is only because we intend to throw a "party" before she leaves to come to the US. Basically it's so I can send money and she can pay for the arrangements. Don't think it would be a bad thing. But the more info you can gather on the Consulate the better!

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