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Posts posted by BrookTrout

  1. Thank you, Rebeccajo. :)

    4. Do you have any idea how long extra background checks might take due to travel to the US once the K-1 has been applied for?

    Thank you!!!

    1. If there is going to be any extra processing because of her frequent travel, additional travel will not 'cause' the security checks.

    2. It would be less problematic for any current visas to be renewed prior to filing the K1.

    3. Your fiance will need a firm mailing address in order to receive communications from the consulate.

  2. Hello, and thank you to anyone who can shed some light here.

    1. My fiancee travels quarterly to the US for work. Can she still do this while the K-1 is being processed, and if yes, what impact, if any, will it have on the processing time? I have read that this might require an additional background check, but haven't heard any concrete answer one way or another.

    2. Can my fiancee renew her Visitor Visa to visit the US for work reasons, while I am/have submitted a K-1 on her behalf? Will this complicate matters?

    3. If my fiancee takes a temporary position in a different country than her own while the K-1 is being processed, will it complicate the situation? For example, she would not know the address where she would be residing.

    Thank you very much for any insight you might be able to provide!

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