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Carlos Torres

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Posts posted by Carlos Torres

  1. I am actualy at work right now and I just received a call from my wife's sister stating that my wife has just been approved for her VISA!!!!!!!!...so I am fliying to Peru on May 16, 2008 and coming back with my lovely wife on May 20th!!!!!!!!!

    I am so excited!!!! thank you God and thank you everybody here for all the information that it was provided...again thank you and God Bless.

    Carlos & Mirella Torres.

  2. How you all doing...well my wife's interview at the embassy is tomorrow at 9:30 am and we're both nervous. I unfortunately couldn't make it to Peru so I can go with her to the interview, so she's going to go by herself, but i'm not sure if that will be an issue if im not present...so far I have provided all documents that I could think of, for my wife to take tomorrow...can someone let me know if there will be a chance that she can be denied??? everybody tells me since Im a US citizen that "she has the priviledge" to come here to the US but im not sure if thats true, but I am nervous and praying that everything goes well tomorrow...thank you

    Carlos Torres

  3. I have a question...my wife is having her physical/medical exam this monday May 5th, 2008...My wife has told me that she has no records of her vaccines so I know that she is going to have to get the vaccines at the time of the medical exam...does anybody know how many vaccinations would she need? and the most important thing is, will she be able to get her results in time, because her interview is this coming friday, May 9th @ 9:30a.m. I'm not sure if they will give her results the same day? or does it take a couple of days for her results to arrive? and does she has to pick them up?...Does anybody know???

    thank you

    Carlos Torres Jr.

    Carlos, not to worry my friend, my wife was in the same situation..They will give her 3 vaccines, and she will need the boosters in the the US, before AOS. Her results will be ready on the second day following the exam.We paid 110 soles for the vacs.. We are leaving for the US on june first..Good luck my friend...Daniel and Meche..

    Thank you so very much...I am actually praying that evething is going to be ok because I already bought my plane ticket to go back to Peru on May 16th and coming back on May 20th with my wife but hopefully she will get her visa by then, I'm just tired of waiting, I just want my wife with me now!!!! :P but thank you for the info...I told my wife to take an extra $100 with her just in case they charge her more for the extra vaccines...so you're saying that she will get her results the day after or two days after that??? so I guess she'll be good for her interview...eveybody tell me that there won't be a problem for her getting her Visa approved since I am a US citizen but still I am praying evething goes well and I can have "Mi Flakita" with me :P...thank you again


    Carlos Torres jr.

    Carlos, she will have to go to the clinic to pick up the results..If you have all your docs in order, then you will be fine..Our interview lasted 10 minutes, the usual how did you meet, what do you like about the other person..blah blah blah..We had our interview on a monday and picked up the visa on wed. at DHL in san isidro..Good luck my friend, try to relax...Daniel and Meche..

    Question...do I have to be present for the interview???? because of my job I cannot be present for the interview but I am going back to Peru on May 16th, I hope that won't be a problem for her gettting her Visa...so basically my wife will need to pick the results and then once her Visa gets approved she just needs to pick it up at the DHL in San Isidro??? and that's a couple days after her interview???

    Thank you again for the info

    Carlos T.

    carlos, that is correct my friend. As for you not being able to be there, it is not required, but I highly reccomend it if there is any possible way to change your plan do it..It really helps, if they can see you together, less questions...The mujer, before us was denied, for what reason I do not know, but no spouse with her..About half the people there were alone, other half, together..If I were you I would try everything to be there with her!..Good luck my friend...Daniel and Meche...

    Thank you for the info...unfortunately I wont be able to make it because of my job, I work at Johns Hopkins Hospital and my time that I requested has already been approved....ohhh one more thing that I'm so mad...my wife just got out of her physical exam and she had to get 4 vaccines which they were all a total of 800 soles, thats almots 8 times more than what I had in mind...so now i have to send more money to my wife so she can pick up her results tomorrow afternoon...I hope she doesnt have to pay anything else after the interview :P...well thanks again

    Carlos Torres.

  4. I have a question...my wife is having her physical/medical exam this monday May 5th, 2008...My wife has told me that she has no records of her vaccines so I know that she is going to have to get the vaccines at the time of the medical exam...does anybody know how many vaccinations would she need? and the most important thing is, will she be able to get her results in time, because her interview is this coming friday, May 9th @ 9:30a.m. I'm not sure if they will give her results the same day? or does it take a couple of days for her results to arrive? and does she has to pick them up?...Does anybody know???

    thank you

    Carlos Torres Jr.

    Carlos, not to worry my friend, my wife was in the same situation..They will give her 3 vaccines, and she will need the boosters in the the US, before AOS. Her results will be ready on the second day following the exam.We paid 110 soles for the vacs.. We are leaving for the US on june first..Good luck my friend...Daniel and Meche..

    Thank you so very much...I am actually praying that evething is going to be ok because I already bought my plane ticket to go back to Peru on May 16th and coming back on May 20th with my wife but hopefully she will get her visa by then, I'm just tired of waiting, I just want my wife with me now!!!! :P but thank you for the info...I told my wife to take an extra $100 with her just in case they charge her more for the extra vaccines...so you're saying that she will get her results the day after or two days after that??? so I guess she'll be good for her interview...eveybody tell me that there won't be a problem for her getting her Visa approved since I am a US citizen but still I am praying evething goes well and I can have "Mi Flakita" with me :P...thank you again


    Carlos Torres jr.

    Carlos, she will have to go to the clinic to pick up the results..If you have all your docs in order, then you will be fine..Our interview lasted 10 minutes, the usual how did you meet, what do you like about the other person..blah blah blah..We had our interview on a monday and picked up the visa on wed. at DHL in san isidro..Good luck my friend, try to relax...Daniel and Meche..

    Question...do I have to be present for the interview???? because of my job I cannot be present for the interview but I am going back to Peru on May 16th, I hope that won't be a problem for her gettting her Visa...so basically my wife will need to pick the results and then once her Visa gets approved she just needs to pick it up at the DHL in San Isidro??? and that's a couple days after her interview???

    Thank you again for the info

    Carlos T.

  5. I have a question...my wife is having her physical/medical exam this monday May 5th, 2008...My wife has told me that she has no records of her vaccines so I know that she is going to have to get the vaccines at the time of the medical exam...does anybody know how many vaccinations would she need? and the most important thing is, will she be able to get her results in time, because her interview is this coming friday, May 9th @ 9:30a.m. I'm not sure if they will give her results the same day? or does it take a couple of days for her results to arrive? and does she has to pick them up?...Does anybody know???

    thank you

    Carlos Torres Jr.

    Carlos, not to worry my friend, my wife was in the same situation..They will give her 3 vaccines, and she will need the boosters in the the US, before AOS. Her results will be ready on the second day following the exam.We paid 110 soles for the vacs.. We are leaving for the US on june first..Good luck my friend...Daniel and Meche..

    Thank you so very much...I am actually praying that evething is going to be ok because I already bought my plane ticket to go back to Peru on May 16th and coming back on May 20th with my wife but hopefully she will get her visa by then, I'm just tired of waiting, I just want my wife with me now!!!! :P but thank you for the info...I told my wife to take an extra $100 with her just in case they charge her more for the extra vaccines...so you're saying that she will get her results the day after or two days after that??? so I guess she'll be good for her interview...eveybody tell me that there won't be a problem for her getting her Visa approved since I am a US citizen but still I am praying evething goes well and I can have "Mi Flakita" with me :P...thank you again


    Carlos Torres jr.

  6. I dont know for sure but I found this ....Under new immigration laws passed in 1996 and in effect as of July 1, 1997, all individuals seeking permanent entry into the U.S. must prove that they have been inoculated against all vaccine-preventable diseases. This includes infants and children being brought into the country for international adoption here is a list

    Vaccine-preventable adult diseases:


    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

    Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis B




    Pertussis (whooping cough)

    Pneumococcal disease


    Rotavirus (severe diarrhea)

    Rubella * (German measles)

    Tetanus (lockjaw)

    Varicella ** (chickenpox)

    not sure if she would have to have them all she could get a record from her school I think I would try to get the record my husband took his record and they said he might have to have two injections so he got them anyway so he wouldnt have to go back if they were required

    The thing is that she cant get her records, the clinic where she got the vaccines when she was a baby does not exist anymore, so my concern is if she gets the vaccines or w/e, will she be able to get her results by this coming friday???

    thank you


  7. Well, I messed up when I submitted the DS-230 form and now I am trying to fix it. I didn't submit all the supplemental documentation they asked for out of stupidity on my part. But I am having my wife gather everything now. The question I have is, "Do they need an original Police Report from Colombia or can she just send me a certified copy of the original? Does she need the Police Report for the Interview too?

    Please help me if you know.

    Your wife has to get ALL originals and ALL originals need to be send and make sure you make a copy of all the documents...my wife had to get all originals in Peru and she send it to me by mail and I had to send it to the NVC and it was approved and they told me to make sure she takes the copies to the interview...Well good luck


  8. I have a question...my wife is having her physical/medical exam this monday May 5th, 2008...My wife has told me that she has no records of her vaccines so I know that she is going to have to get the vaccines at the time of the medical exam...does anybody know how many vaccinations would she need? and the most important thing is, will she be able to get her results in time, because her interview is this coming friday, May 9th @ 9:30a.m. I'm not sure if they will give her results the same day? or does it take a couple of days for her results to arrive? and does she has to pick them up?...Does anybody know???

    thank you

    Carlos Torres Jr.

  9. How you all doing?

    I just wanted to write because my wife's date of interview is next week 05/09/08 and as far as I know we have all documents ready that she is going to take to the interview, such as, e-mails, pictures, phone bills, etc...I'm getting nervious because I'm not sure if there could be any reason my wife would get deny for her Visa ...Most poeple that I spoke to says since I'm a US citizen, that she has that privilige to come to the USA, but I am still a little bit nervous . Does anybody know if there is a high probability that her visa will get approve? because if it doesn't then I just have to pack my bags and move to Peru with her.

    Thank you

    Carlos Torres Jr.

  10. Hey yall...another question...does my wife needs to get a copy of my certificate of Baptism for her interview date??? because I have asked my father and my mother but they cant remember where is the church I got baptized and I have no idea and I dont have a copy of the certificate...is my wife actually going to need that??? would they make her wait longer just because she doesnt bring that to the interview.

    Thank you again,

    Carlos Torres.

  11. Thank you eveybody for your responses...I am actually getting my taxes done this coming monday, they told me that I can do it married, filing jointly and later on I will get the ITIN number and basically i will get my taxes form the same day, enought for me to mail it over to my wife's house and get it just in time right before her interview date...hope that works because this is really making me go crazy since I already bought the plane tickets for the 20th of May :( and if something happens I am gonna die :( ...thanks again eveybody.

    Carlos Torres

  12. Well my most current taxes are from 2006 since I havent done my taxes for 2007 because my wife needs to be here in order for me to do my taxes as married. but i did made a copy of my W2 and sent it to my wife last week just in case. I hope thats good enough.


    Carlos Torres

    Are you sure that H&R Block isn't blowing smoke up your.... You know these people sometimes aren't the best trained. It seems like your in a catch 22 if you really must file your taxes as married. I would think that if your marriage was not done in the USA, then you could easily file your taxes as single. I don't think the IRS is going to have a problem with taking more taxes from you, which is what would happen filing single.

    If it were me, I would be telling H&R Block to file my taxes as single and getting a copy of the return sent to my spouse ASAP. If the consulate holds up the visa for the 2007 tax return, you are going to have to do this anyway. I would eliminate this risk.

    Wel i got married in June 9th, 2007 in Peru, so if I file my taxes as single, I dont think I will be able to change that as married, and I dont know if I am going to get in trouble for filing single, when Im actually married but my wife is in Peru...now im going crazy, because if i file as single I know is less money back but i dont know why would they hold eveything up because of the taxes, if I make more than what they ask in the affidavit...so your advise would be for me to just do my taxes as single?

    Carlos T.

    You need to make a written statement why you were not able to file the taxes and get it notarized. Then send it along with your W-2/1099 to your wife for the interview.

    ok, that sounds better. I guess I can just type the statement and have it notarized and just mail it over...basically just write the reason why I havent filed my 2007 taxes yet, correct? at least that is what H&R block has told me.

    Thank you for all your help everyone

    Carlos T.

  13. Well my most current taxes are from 2006 since I havent done my taxes for 2007 because my wife needs to be here in order for me to do my taxes as married. but i did made a copy of my W2 and sent it to my wife last week just in case. I hope thats good enough.


    Carlos Torres

    Are you sure that H&R Block isn't blowing smoke up your.... You know these people sometimes aren't the best trained. It seems like your in a catch 22 if you really must file your taxes as married. I would think that if your marriage was not done in the USA, then you could easily file your taxes as single. I don't think the IRS is going to have a problem with taking more taxes from you, which is what would happen filing single.

    If it were me, I would be telling H&R Block to file my taxes as single and getting a copy of the return sent to my spouse ASAP. If the consulate holds up the visa for the 2007 tax return, you are going to have to do this anyway. I would eliminate this risk.

    Wel i got married in June 9th, 2007 in Peru, so if I file my taxes as single, I dont think I will be able to change that as married, and I dont know if I am going to get in trouble for filing single, when Im actually married but my wife is in Peru...now im going crazy, because if i file as single I know is less money back but i dont know why would they hold eveything up because of the taxes, if I make more than what they ask in the affidavit...so your advise would be for me to just do my taxes as single?

    Carlos T.

  14. It just came to mind. My wife is going to her interview on May 9th, 2008 and she basically has most of the paper work that she is going to present for the interview and I have sent the original copies for my 2005 & 2006 taxes but my 2007 taxes I have not done it yet because at H&R block they told me that since Im married I have to do my taxes as being married, (which that's obvious) but since my wife isn't here I cannot do my taxes because I would need my wife's SS#.

    Does anybody know if this might be a problem? I'm not sure if they ask her for my taxes for 2007 and since I have not done it yet until she actually gets here, im not sure if this could delay from her coming to the USA.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you

    Carlos Torres

    I can't say for sure, but it would seem like the most recent tax year is the most important for verification that you can support your spouse. How are you filing the I-134, with taxes from 2006?

    I would at least make sure that your spouse had a copy of your 2007 W2.

    Well my most current taxes are from 2006 since I havent done my taxes for 2007 because my wife needs to be here in order for me to do my taxes as married. but i did made a copy of my W2 and sent it to my wife last week just in case. I hope thats good enough.


    Carlos Torres

  15. It just came to mind. My wife is going to her interview on May 9th, 2008 and she basically has most of the paper work that she is going to present for the interview and I have sent the original copies for my 2005 & 2006 taxes but my 2007 taxes I have not done it yet because at H&R block they told me that since Im married I have to do my taxes as being married, (which that's obvious) but since my wife isn't here I cannot do my taxes because I would need my wife's SS#.

    Does anybody know if this might be a problem? I'm not sure if they ask her for my taxes for 2007 and since I have not done it yet until she actually gets here, im not sure if this could delay from her coming to the USA.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you

    Carlos Torres

  16. How you all doing? I have a question. I am a US citizen and my wife is in Peru, she just received her interview appointment for May 9th, 2008 and she is about to schedule the physical exam. Now my wife was told by someone that before her interview she has to pay a fee of $130 or $131 for her interview or something like that??? now I have never heard that and I was doing a research here and it says the following:

    "The fee of $130 for Visa of non-immigrants MRV will only be paid at the Banco Continental."

    I am getting confused, does my wife has to pay the $130 fee? or not? as far as I understand it says for "non-immigrants" but she is an immigrant, but her friend has told her that she still has to pay that fee.

    Can someone help me understand and if she actually has to pay it, and I also tried to call the Embassy of USA in Peru but they placed me on hold for 20 minutes and they hang up on me.

    I will appreciate your help.

    Thank you,

    Carlos Torres Jr.

  17. Does my wife need to bring ALL ORIGINAL COPIES to the interview? because all originals were already sent to the NVC and we just made photocopies of all those documents and that's what she is going to be presenting, would that be sufficient? or does she need to get one more set of originals for the police records, certificate of birth and all those documents?

    Thank you guys

    Hi Carlos,

    I've added a link that will send you to more links for help/checklists for the Peru interview... We had ours approved on 4/10.


    The question that you asked about the copies is in there too. Basically they could ask you for originals of anything you submitted with your I-129F packet. If you sent the originals of the info in the packet, then this shouldn't be a problem. You submitted original evidence (phone records, receipts)?

    The police certificates (3), birth certificate (legalizada por RENIEC if she's from a provincia), government forms (ds-156, ds-157, of-156k, of-179), I-134, your letter from the bank, your letter from your employer, receipt for paying for the visa tariff and medical exam info should all be originals.

    Buena suerte!


    hey Shannon, thank you for the info...thank God i submitted all originals, i just called the NVC and they told me since I sent the originals then i dont need to bring any other originals and copies are good enought...Congratulations on your Visa getting approved, one questions, did you get your visa the same day? or is it going to be mail to you or how does it take to receive it? because my wife's interview is going to be May 9th, 2008 and I am flying to Peru on the 16th, 2008 and coming back here to Maryland on the 20th and I already bought her plane ticket too :( but im not sure if she is going to be ready by then...did you get your visa right away?

    thank you again for the info.

    Carlos Torres Jr.

    ohhh i forgot i did sent all originals cell phone bills I had for the past year to my wife, hope they wont ask for too many things...how long does an interview usually last?

    Gracias de nuevo ;)

    Carlos Torres Jr.


    sorry to bother you, my wife was telling me that she has read that for the interview you actually have to pay a fee, is that true?, she said that it has to be paid at the National Bank of the State but I have never heard of such a thing, and I just called the NVC and as usual I always get someone uncooperative that does not want to help me at all, so I am not sure if she is going to pay for any fee for just having an interview done or not???

    Thank you

  18. Does my wife need to bring ALL ORIGINAL COPIES to the interview? because all originals were already sent to the NVC and we just made photocopies of all those documents and that's what she is going to be presenting, would that be sufficient? or does she need to get one more set of originals for the police records, certificate of birth and all those documents?

    Thank you guys

    Hi Carlos,

    I've added a link that will send you to more links for help/checklists for the Peru interview... We had ours approved on 4/10.


    The question that you asked about the copies is in there too. Basically they could ask you for originals of anything you submitted with your I-129F packet. If you sent the originals of the info in the packet, then this shouldn't be a problem. You submitted original evidence (phone records, receipts)?

    The police certificates (3), birth certificate (legalizada por RENIEC if she's from a provincia), government forms (ds-156, ds-157, of-156k, of-179), I-134, your letter from the bank, your letter from your employer, receipt for paying for the visa tariff and medical exam info should all be originals.

    Buena suerte!


    hey Shannon, thank you for the info...thank God i submitted all originals, i just called the NVC and they told me since I sent the originals then i dont need to bring any other originals and copies are good enought...Congratulations on your Visa getting approved, one questions, did you get your visa the same day? or is it going to be mail to you or how does it take to receive it? because my wife's interview is going to be May 9th, 2008 and I am flying to Peru on the 16th, 2008 and coming back here to Maryland on the 20th and I already bought her plane ticket too :( but im not sure if she is going to be ready by then...did you get your visa right away?

    thank you again for the info.

    Carlos Torres Jr.

    ohhh i forgot i did sent all originals cell phone bills I had for the past year to my wife, hope they wont ask for too many things...how long does an interview usually last?

    Gracias de nuevo ;)

    Carlos Torres Jr.

  19. Does my wife need to bring ALL ORIGINAL COPIES to the interview? because all originals were already sent to the NVC and we just made photocopies of all those documents and that's what she is going to be presenting, would that be sufficient? or does she need to get one more set of originals for the police records, certificate of birth and all those documents?

    Thank you guys

    Hi Carlos,

    I've added a link that will send you to more links for help/checklists for the Peru interview... We had ours approved on 4/10.


    The question that you asked about the copies is in there too. Basically they could ask you for originals of anything you submitted with your I-129F packet. If you sent the originals of the info in the packet, then this shouldn't be a problem. You submitted original evidence (phone records, receipts)?

    The police certificates (3), birth certificate (legalizada por RENIEC if she's from a provincia), government forms (ds-156, ds-157, of-156k, of-179), I-134, your letter from the bank, your letter from your employer, receipt for paying for the visa tariff and medical exam info should all be originals.

    Buena suerte!


    hey Shannon, thank you for the info...thank God i submitted all originals, i just called the NVC and they told me since I sent the originals then i dont need to bring any other originals and copies are good enought...Congratulations on your Visa getting approved, one questions, did you get your visa the same day? or is it going to be mail to you or how does it take to receive it? because my wife's interview is going to be May 9th, 2008 and I am flying to Peru on the 16th, 2008 and coming back here to Maryland on the 20th and I already bought her plane ticket too :( but im not sure if she is going to be ready by then...did you get your visa right away?

    thank you again for the info.

    Carlos Torres Jr.

  20. How you doing yall?

    My name is Carlos. I just wanted to ask anybody, my wife has received her interview date for this May 9th, 2008 at 9:30am.

    My wife and I have been married for almost one year (June 9th, 2007) and we both have been waiting for this moment for almost one year. I live here in Maryland and she still lives in Peru. I've known her since i was 5 years old, she lives in my neightborhood back in Peru and well we had a history together since we were little, she was the one that gave me my first kiss, my first love and right now she is my everything and my wife :P .

    I've been living in Maryland since 1999 but I kept in touch with her through the years, after that I went back to Peru for the first time, June 1st, 2007 and we got married June 9th, 2007, but since I have my life here I could only stayed for 2 weeks, then came back to Maryland, then 2 months later went back to see my wife for a couple of days, then came back and I've been doing this trip back and forth 4 times already and I am happy to know that her interview date is next month.

    My wife is going to go to the interview by herself and because of my work I couldn't take off to go around these date to accompany her to the interview but I already bought a plane ticket for May 16th, and come back on the 20th of May but I also bought her plane ticket thinking that if her interview is May 9th, then eveything will be ok after that, right? But I'm just scared that they might deny her visa or something could happen and they might tell her to come back another day, I dont know...does anybody know if there is a probability that she will get her visa that same day and everything will be good for her to come back to the US with me by May 20th, 2008. I also wanted to know what documents does she need to take because I thought the documents, such as; police records, military records and those documents i thought that she would needed to take those documents to the interview, but now they told me to mail those documents to the Visa center and they will forward the documents to the Embassy in Peru, so I'm not sure what documents does my wife needs to take besides the results of her physical; just in case I made copies of all documents that I've sent to the visa center and i printed emails, letters, pictures, also pictures from our marriage so she could take those and also all my cell phone bill for the past year.

    If anybody can help me to understand what can happened and if she will be granted the visa the same day and if she will be ready to come with me by May 20th, 2008 since i already bought the plane tickets.

    Thank you very much,

    Carlos Torres

    You will need to bring the appointment letter, your proof of ongoing relationship {looks like you have that part coverd with the emails, phone bill, etc.}, originals of the documents you send to NVC just in case they ask for them, 2 passport type photos {I know you had to send them to NVC, but bring them to be on the safe side}, and your medical exam results. It is also wise to bring updated financial info just in case as I've seen posts on here about the embassies wanting them. You will of course need your passport also.

    As for buying the plane ticket early, I wouldn't have done it myself b/c nothing is guaranteed. Good luck on getting the visa!

    edited to add: you will also need to bring anything else your embassy requires. You should check with other VJ members from your country for info on that.

    Does my wife need to bring ALL ORIGINAL COPIES to the interview? because all originals were already sent to the NVC and we just made photocopies of all those documents and that's what she is going to be presenting, would that be sufficient? or does she need to get one more set of originals for the police records, certificate of birth and all those documents?

    Thank you guys

  21. How you doing yall?

    My name is Carlos. I just wanted to ask anybody, my wife has received her interview date for this May 9th, 2008 at 9:30am.

    My wife and I have been married for almost one year (June 9th, 2007) and we both have been waiting for this moment for almost one year. I live here in Maryland and she still lives in Peru. I've known her since i was 5 years old, she lives in my neightborhood back in Peru and well we had a history together since we were little, she was the one that gave me my first kiss, my first love and right now she is my everything and my wife :P.

    I've been living in Maryland since 1999 but I kept in touch with her through the years, after that I went back to Peru for the first time, June 1st, 2007 and we got married June 9th, 2007, but since I have my life here I could only stayed for 2 weeks, then came back to Maryland, then 2 months later went back to see my wife for a couple of days, then came back and I've been doing this trip back and forth 4 times already and I am happy to know that her interview date is next month.

    My wife is going to go to the interview by herself and because of my work I couldn't take off to go around these date to accompany her to the interview but I already bought a plane ticket for May 16th, and come back on the 20th of May but I also bought her plane ticket thinking that if her interview is May 9th, then eveything will be ok after that, right? But I'm just scared that they might deny her visa or something could happen and they might tell her to come back another day, I dont know...does anybody know if there is a probability that she will get her visa that same day and everything will be good for her to come back to the US with me by May 20th, 2008. I also wanted to know what documents does she need to take because I thought the documents, such as; police records, military records and those documents i thought that she would needed to take those documents to the interview, but now they told me to mail those documents to the Visa center and they will forward the documents to the Embassy in Peru, so I'm not sure what documents does my wife needs to take besides the results of her physical; just in case I made copies of all documents that I've sent to the visa center and i printed emails, letters, pictures, also pictures from our marriage so she could take those and also all my cell phone bill for the past year.

    If anybody can help me to understand what can happened and if she will be granted the visa the same day and if she will be ready to come with me by May 20th, 2008 since i already bought the plane tickets.

    Thank you very much,

    Carlos Torres

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