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Posts posted by meatspin

  1. I am just amazed that you had known her for years yet you didn't know that she passed the Midwifery exam, if she is indeed the one on that list of the Midwifery board passers.

    I assume that she proceeded to take the Nursing course after passing her Midwifery board. You have to ask her the truth.

    If she really wants to take the Nursing board this June then let her take it. The result usually comes out 2 months after the exam.

    But this should have been discussed before you filed for the K1 petition. Taking the board exam entails a lot of preparation, not a last-minute decision.


    I am a IDIOT, i believed in everything in she told me, I TRUSTED her and only to be taken for a long azz ride like this.

  2. I got good news and bad news..

    Good news she took up her "medical course" and was able to pass her exams.. bad news... she didnt take nursing.. she lied..


    I got good news and bad news..

    Good news she took up her "medical course" and was able to pass her exams.. bad news... she didnt take nursing.. she lied..


    is this what she look like?


    sorry i guess not.. WRONG POST..:D SORRY =)

    thats her on facebook its Zinge Zinge sarmz,

    Apparently she took midwifery and not nursing. She lied. Is there anyway that I can legally nail her for what she did ?

    You want to legally nail her?

    in other words is there anything that I can do legally to her as far as scamming me ? I do feel scammed in regard to this.

  3. I got good news and bad news..

    Good news she took up her "medical course" and was able to pass her exams.. bad news... she didnt take nursing.. she lied..


    I got good news and bad news..

    Good news she took up her "medical course" and was able to pass her exams.. bad news... she didnt take nursing.. she lied..


    is this what she look like?


    sorry i guess not.. WRONG POST..:D SORRY =)

    thats her on facebook its Zinge Zinge sarmz,

    Apparently she took midwifery and not nursing. She lied. Is there anyway that I can legally nail her for what she did ?

  4. Believe it or not, there ARE Filipinos who would choose to stay in the Philippines rather than come to the US. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. My wife has some family members who turned down the chance to come here because they would prefer to stay close to family.

    Perhaps the young lady had a change of heart once she got her nursing degree and figured she might be able to have a decent life in the PI without having to leave her family. Sometimes, when people feel guilty about something, their response is to try to blame it on the other party. In the young lady's mind, she might have to hate the OP and say it's his fault to avoid feeling guilty about the fact she got cold feet and changed her mind.

    If they are well off, yeah, many prefer to stay where family is... he hasn't presented his ex-fiancee in this way however. He has presented her as a poor woman who need his support to go to college and who has a mom that wants him to pay her to get out of the way of the relationship.... not only presents her as poor, but also spoiled rotten and disrespectful (read his quotes from her).

    We will never know what the real deal is because unfortunately he cowardly (in my opinion) goes on a forum and talks trash about someone who has no opportunity to defend herself.

    I'm going to call it as I see it....

    whatever floats your boat..........

  5. haha, this story is completely bogus and as usual, Filipinas are all lining up to take part in the drama this guy has dreamed up.

    wow, who goes from 100 to 0 overnight... in love, sending money, put her through school for years to zero, nothing? Liars do.

    and on the other side, who in this world would treat someone like dirty after that someone put her through college, sent her money, petitioned her... etc. etc. etc. .... who would so easily give up on getting out of the RP? NO ONE!!!!

    can't those that are buying this drama add? this story doesn't add up.... wake up folks or get a life!!! :):) Sorry, call them as I see them ladies.

    Whatever floats your boat.

    even more funny that your first post on this forum is to gloat and brag and boost about how stupid and how much of an idiot you are... and how easily you were taken advantage of.... what a chump you are... very weak but suddenly you are very strong right at the end of her college days and right as she is about to come to the USA... wow, great timing hero!!!!! hey, i'm not calling you names, you've called yourself out like this so i'm just pointing it out.

    most people keep this stuff to themselves, but here you are putting it out there for everyone to join you in the drama you've dreamed up.

    he is so laughing at the people who believe his story.... another troll seeing how many pages his dream can generate.

    What is the point of keeping to ourselves....????

    To show MACHISMO....we are so good that no one fools me?

    If is going to stop someone else for falling into the same trap.....I will share for the world to know....

    IT TAKES A REAL MAN to admit mistakes instead of keep the head in sand...like an ostrich.

    If he is a TROLL...so what...let it be....

    the all point of a FORUM is to share idea, experiences GOOD or BAD....most of the time we share good and uplifting stories, other times we share our bad experiences

    Tell everyone in person that this happened is one thing, tell strangers on a forum in not "man..ing up" in my opinion.

    Like I said my friend......................... whatever floats your boat, always one in every crowd

  6. haha, this story is completely bogus and as usual, Filipinas are all lining up to take part in the drama this guy has dreamed up.

    wow, who goes from 100 to 0 overnight... in love, sending money, put her through school for years to zero, nothing? Liars do.

    and on the other side, who in this world would treat someone like dirty after that someone put her through college, sent her money, petitioned her... etc. etc. etc. .... who would so easily give up on getting out of the RP? NO ONE!!!!

    can't those that are buying this drama add? this story doesn't add up.... wake up folks or get a life!!! :):) Sorry, call them as I see them ladies.

    Whatever floats your boat.

    even more funny that your first post on this forum is to gloat and brag and boost about how stupid and how much of an idiot you are... and how easily you were taken advantage of.... what a chump you are... very weak but suddenly you are very strong right at the end of her college days and right as she is about to come to the USA... wow, great timing hero!!!!! hey, i'm not calling you names, you've called yourself out like this so i'm just pointing it out.

    most people keep this stuff to themselves, but here you are putting it out there for everyone to join you in the drama you've dreamed up.

    he is so laughing at the people who believe his story.... another troll seeing how many pages his dream can generate.

    like i said man whatever floats your BOAT.........

  7. I dont know wherelse to post this,

    this is the situation, The K3 has been approved for my Fiancee, she will be coming here in June, but lately she just told me she wants to come for only 3 months then go back to the Philippines so she can take her nursing board exam.

    It has really gotten me irritated to the point to where I was thinking of calling everything off.

    Then I was thinking this, if she were to come here, maybe within 3 months she might change her mind and decide to stay.

    any opinions ? am i an idiot or what ?

    I would really appreciate it.

    MY opinion is that she is delaying the trip over here for some reason. If she trully wanted to be with you, she would drop everything and come over when it is time. And the pure thought of them trying to bribe you for money to get her mom to stay out of the wa just makes me mad. It makes me mad because some people cannot get the "everyone from america is rich" thought out of their heads. We are not all rich. In my opinion she might have other motives beside being with you. I find it very fishy that she would not want to stay with you as long as she can. The only reason why I would not find it strange that she wants to go back is for health or family reasons. I would self evaluate the whole situation before making a decision. I hope for the best for you. :thumbs:

    I spoke to her earlier this morning and apparently she is a psycho, I got her answer and she said that her mind is set, so I told her that there is no need for this relationship to go on any further, she said "NO PROBLEM, BUT FOR NOW I WILL HATE YOU". So that puts a end on that chapter, si frustrating that time and money was spent on this for nothing, better that it happened now then having it happen when when she is hear, wow, i guess it was just never meant to be, a shattered dream it is.

    Oh well...............

    life moves on.

    It is better for you to find out now then when she comes to the states and your responsible for her financially and she takes out govt assistance in which you would have to repay. I am willing to bet she is probably in the internet cafe finding the next victim to fall for her shannigans.

    That is so TRUE

    her name is NIKKI AIZA CABIDO, im not trying to get even with her by broadcasting her name but just giving it out as a precautionary step for everyone, im really hurt by this with all the years and money spent on her.

  8. haha, this story is completely bogus and as usual, Filipinas are all lining up to take part in the drama this guy has dreamed up.

    wow, who goes from 100 to 0 overnight... in love, sending money, put her through school for years to zero, nothing? Liars do.

    and on the other side, who in this world would treat someone like dirty after that someone put her through college, sent her money, petitioned her... etc. etc. etc. .... who would so easily give up on getting out of the RP? NO ONE!!!!

    can't those that are buying this drama add? this story doesn't add up.... wake up folks or get a life!!! :):) Sorry, call them as I see them ladies.

    Whatever floats your boat.

  9. I dont know wherelse to post this,

    this is the situation, The K3 has been approved for my Fiancee, she will be coming here in June, but lately she just told me she wants to come for only 3 months then go back to the Philippines so she can take her nursing board exam.

    It has really gotten me irritated to the point to where I was thinking of calling everything off.

    Then I was thinking this, if she were to come here, maybe within 3 months she might change her mind and decide to stay.

    any opinions ? am i an idiot or what ?

    I would really appreciate it.

    You are not an IDIOT...but you have a good heart.

    But I unfortunately learned the HARD way, the there are peoples in this world (FILIPINAs or otherwise) that will take advantage of anyone with decent heart.

    I am in almost similar shoes as you are but for completely different reasons;

    it is really hard to digest being so close to the goal of being together and just see the all thing just disintegrate at the very end....

    But learning from my previous marriage...it is better to end something now then to end after many years ...because that is/will be even more painful.

    I will just consider what i spent on her as a form of charity, I know God is watching her and he will be the one to judge her for her actions.

    She has some nerve to tell me that she hates me after all i have done, and when I did mention all of the good i have done for her she mentioned the word "SOMBAT"


    what goes around comes around.

    when Karma comes back it hits harder.

  10. I dont know wherelse to post this,

    this is the situation, The K3 has been approved for my Fiancee, she will be coming here in June, but lately she just told me she wants to come for only 3 months then go back to the Philippines so she can take her nursing board exam.

    It has really gotten me irritated to the point to where I was thinking of calling everything off.

    Then I was thinking this, if she were to come here, maybe within 3 months she might change her mind and decide to stay.

    any opinions ? am i an idiot or what ?

    I would really appreciate it.

    MY opinion is that she is delaying the trip over here for some reason. If she trully wanted to be with you, she would drop everything and come over when it is time. And the pure thought of them trying to bribe you for money to get her mom to stay out of the wa just makes me mad. It makes me mad because some people cannot get the "everyone from america is rich" thought out of their heads. We are not all rich. In my opinion she might have other motives beside being with you. I find it very fishy that she would not want to stay with you as long as she can. The only reason why I would not find it strange that she wants to go back is for health or family reasons. I would self evaluate the whole situation before making a decision. I hope for the best for you. :thumbs:

    I spoke to her earlier this morning and apparently she is a psycho, I got her answer and she said that her mind is set, so I told her that there is no need for this relationship to go on any further, she said "NO PROBLEM, BUT FOR NOW I WILL HATE YOU". So that puts a end on that chapter, si frustrating that time and money was spent on this for nothing, better that it happened now then having it happen when when she is hear, wow, i guess it was just never meant to be, a shattered dream it is.

    Oh well...............

    life moves on.

  11. Her certification will not be needed at all here in the United States no matter what state, i have already checked, me made plans that we settled on a few months ago and completely agreed on everything then on the 11th hour she changes her mind and when I tell her about what we planned in which i told her in a civil matter then she easily got angry.

    She sent me a text message, telling me if i send her mom some money her mom would stay out of the way and spend her time at the ####### fights.

    Some of you may be thinking that this is some story of some sort, you can call me at 702-502-3523 if you dont believe me. I have been very patient with her i believe in GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE THAT WAIT that is exactly what i did.

    I tried calling her tonite and no answer, so I will text her and give her a 24 hour ultimatum, I am tired of waiting for her for all these years. Its time she comes here.

    Reading your story... If i'm in your shoes... I would be happy not to marry this woman. Just cancel your petition.

    And next time... dont give money to any woman.

    yeah I am starting to think I am an IDIOT

  12. Her certification will not be needed at all here in the United States no matter what state, i have already checked, me made plans that we settled on a few months ago and completely agreed on everything then on the 11th hour she changes her mind and when I tell her about what we planned in which i told her in a civil matter then she easily got angry.

    She sent me a text message, telling me if i send her mom some money her mom would stay out of the way and spend her time at the ####### fights.

    Some of you may be thinking that this is some story of some sort, you can call me at 702-502-3523 if you dont believe me. I have been very patient with her i believe in GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE THAT WAIT that is exactly what i did.

    I tried calling her tonite and no answer, so I will text her and give her a 24 hour ultimatum, I am tired of waiting for her for all these years. Its time she comes here.

  13. I dont know wherelse to post this,

    this is the situation, The K3 has been approved for my Fiancee, she will be coming here in June, but lately she just told me she wants to come for only 3 months then go back to the Philippines so she can take her nursing board exam.

    It has really gotten me irritated to the point to where I was thinking of calling everything off.

    Then I was thinking this, if she were to come here, maybe within 3 months she might change her mind and decide to stay.

    any opinions ? am i an idiot or what ?

    I would really appreciate it.

    Can't anyone see this from her perspective? I agree that coming here for 3 months then going back is not a good idea and she probably won't even have the papers together to go, but can't you (anyone) understand her wanting to finish out her degree completely? Especially if the OP paid for it! Maybe in Nevada you don't need this certification, what if in the future you move to a state where you do need it? Is wanting to complete a certification in a important field like nursing, one in which there are usually job openings, a bad thing?

    If her K-1 will have expired before she takes the exams, then maybe it can be extended. If not, you have a problem. If her K-1 will not have expired, what's the big deal if she waits? From what I understand of the K-1 visa, she has 180 days to get here, then 90 days after she arrives to get married.

    Also (and conceding that I know nothing about nursing), maybe the OP could research some way for her to take these exams here in the US. That would let you know if she really wants to go back for the boards or for some other mom-induced reason.

    Remember, she's going to be making a lot of changes to come here, doing something to make it easier for her to find a job (even if it isn't required in Nevada, this certification can't be anything but an asset) seems like a good idea to me. Again and again we've seen that having a job (and having your own life) makes the transition to the US easier for the beneficiary and the petitioner. I know it would have helped me when I was in Spain.

    And if mom seems controlling, she is losing a daughter, not gaining a son. She won't know her grandkids very well, she'll probably only talk to her daughter once a week, it's probably not the future she envisioned for her little girl. If she's trying to find an excuse to see her daughter in 3 months, can you blame her? If you see someone every day, 3 months seems like a long time.

    Laying the smack down on your future wife and the woman you love doesn't seem like the best thing to do in terms of your relationship, unless you plan on controlling her and being her only source of companionship/support for the rest of your lives together or until she smothers you with neediness. Encourage independence now and you'll both continue to be interesting and exciting to each other. Crush her and you've basically destroyed the person you (presumably) fell in love with. Compromise is NOT putting your foot down...


    Her certification will not be needed at all here in the United States no matter what state, i have already checked, me made plans that we settled on a few months ago and completely agreed on everything then on the 11th hour she changes her mind and when I tell her about what we planned in which i told her in a civil matter then she easily got angry.

    She sent me a text message, telling me if i send her mom some money her mom would stay out of the way and spend her time at the ####### fights.

  14. I called her and laid the smack down and told her how its going to be, then i said i will call her in 24 hours and will expect a YES or a NO. I told her how it is......

  15. it sounds like she is taking you for granted , not answering your calls, etc. i dont want to judge people but it seems like she got spoiled and demanding all these years youve been saying YES to everything. its time you set your foot down because if you give in again this time, then you will have a big problem after you get married. if you want to call their bluff, then by all means go ahead. your fiance needs to learn the meaning of compromise.

    Im going to call her mom and then ask to speak to my fiancee since she wont answer her phone, time to lay the smack down.

    keep you guys posted.

  16. I'm kind of amazed that your very first post is about your unappreciative Filipina fiance and her controlling mother.

    And, I'm amazed you've been dealing with the immigration process for quite a long time and again this is your very first post.

    But, no matter, I'm easily amazed.

    Anyway, I think, if my fiance ignored my text messages and wouldn't answer the phone for no good reason and if she seemed as unappreciative as your fiance, yeah, I'd leave her in the RP, good luck and goodbye!

    Yeah you are right, I am just a lurker on this forum and read everyones stories and experiences but I finally decided to post due to this situation.

    Your advice is starting to sound really good.

    Your fiancée (wife?) may not necessarily need to take the Local Board Exam. If she is planning to work as a Registered Nurse in the United States, each state has different requirements. It is my understanding that not all states require the Local Board Exam.

    You can Google the Board of Nursing for the state in question and read up on their requirements.

    Or, maybe she can simply stay in the Philippines until she passes her Local Board Exam.

    my brain is so frustrated that I cant even think right, I actually meant the K1 visa for Fiancee, thing is she has 180 days to use that visa, in which she will be taking the board exam in June and then wants to wait for the results. We already had plans but her mother got involved, from what I can see is that her mom is PAKIPOT (meaning she really likes it but acts as if she does not). Anyways I might be pulling the plug on this since it does not make any sense for me that she is waiting for her Philippine board exam and its not needed here in the state of NEVADA only a NCLEX.

    Maybe its a bluff and I will be calling her bluff.

    no doubt that you're from Nevada with all the poker terminology, lol....all joking aside...Correct me if I'm wrong but it is not guaranteed that she can just leave like that after 3 months...You have to file for an AP for her (advance parole) when you apply for AOS and who knows how long it will take to get one...Does anybody know??? please post..

    As for your fiancee, I think it sounds like you spoiled her, you sent her through nursing school, and you said you always say yes, yes, and yes to whatever she says....I can see trouble from what i'm hearing from you...1st, unappreciative..that's not gonna work in a relationship, she should be grateful you sent her through college, it seems like she's taking you for granted. 2ndly, a meddling mother in-law, she shouldn't be the one to make the decision on what her daughter should do...she can give advice, opinion and so on but that's it. 3rdly, It seems you're not a 100% sure about this marriage...So you should think about it....If you think it's not gonna work, don't do it...like you said you might go postal...you might regret it later on....If you think you can work it out, then go through, BUT weigh everything first. If she gets her way all the time...Watch out......TROUBLe :whistle: It should always be a 2 way street, give and take, 50/50...

    I am 100% sure that i want to marry her but you know how it goes, when you are upset you tend to talk smack about anything, and yes you are right, I probably created a monster.

    My bro calls me Jim Carey as in the YES man.............

  17. Yes you are right. Within 90 days you have to get married and it's very risky to go home after that because your soon-to-be wife's papers should be filed first. I go by what my brother did to my sis-in-law. And you're also right that her mom should stay away in your fiancee and your business. She (her mom) should step back and should be there to advice and to see to it that everything is going well in your relationship. Too much meddling (no offense meant to some mothers) is really a poison in a relationship. With regards to your fiancee, she should learn how to decide for herself. This is her future with you and she should be matured enough to tackle these issues. But please don't take it against them (your fiancee and her mom), try to be more understanding a little bit. I know that this visa journey is really a tough situation because I am still into this process.

    well said.............

    Yeah I am just frustrated, her mom really needs to back off and leave it between us to decide.

    As of now we are not talking, she refuses to answer the phone and is ignoring my text messages.

    What will be will be, leave it at Gods will. All i know is i did my part as a man, I sent her thru college and was always there for her, I think her mother got big headed and thinks that her daughter is the only daughter in the world.

    Sorry to vent again..............

    All those years of knowing her, waiting for the day for us to be together, filing the K1 and going thru the process of waiting and checking the status everyday and only to come to a conclusion like this..... very frustrating especially since she does not want to talk to me right now, I say yes a million times and then say no one time and then suddenly I am the biggest jerk in the world.

    very disappointing.

  18. Your fiancée (wife?) may not necessarily need to take the Local Board Exam. If she is planning to work as a Registered Nurse in the United States, each state has different requirements. It is my understanding that not all states require the Local Board Exam.

    You can Google the Board of Nursing for the state in question and read up on their requirements.

    Or, maybe she can simply stay in the Philippines until she passes her Local Board Exam.

    my brain is so frustrated that I cant even think right, I actually meant the K1 visa for Fiancee, thing is she has 180 days to use that visa, in which she will be taking the board exam in June and then wants to wait for the results. We already had plans but her mother got involved, from what I can see is that her mom is PAKIPOT (meaning she really likes it but acts as if she does not). Anyways I might be pulling the plug on this since it does not make any sense for me that she is waiting for her Philippine board exam and its not needed here in the state of NEVADA only a NCLEX.

    Maybe its a bluff and I will be calling her bluff.

    K1 visa is good for 6 months from date of issuance. If you are approved this month, it is valid until november. If she will take her board on June, she could get the result within few days.

    The 180 days is the requirement for you to get married upon her entry to the US.

    is it not 90 days to get married for a K1 ?

    anyways with her mentality she thinks that I can just easily come up with a plane ticket and send her back to the Philippines anytime she likes, she still doesnt see the hardship and time involved with this process.

    Another problem with her MOM is that she tries to pretend to be a very conservative person, im going to call her bluff and the more I think of it, if i were to pull the plug they would be begging me back.

    I am just frustrated with the fact that they have to mentality of EASIER SAID THEN DONE.

    As for the BOARD EXAM ISSUE, her mom wants her to get it because of the fact she is proud to be a FILIPINA, i really dont want to think about it right now for the fact that I have been understanding for the past many years and seems like they are taking my kindness as a form of weakness.

    her mom needs to stay out of the way and let us work things out as a couple.

    So much time, effort and money has been spent to do this and they dont get it, seems as if i cant even reason out with either one of them on this, thinking of this makes me want to go POSTAL.


    If i offended anyone, I am sorry I just had to vent.

  19. Your fiancée (wife?) may not necessarily need to take the Local Board Exam. If she is planning to work as a Registered Nurse in the United States, each state has different requirements. It is my understanding that not all states require the Local Board Exam.

    You can Google the Board of Nursing for the state in question and read up on their requirements.

    Or, maybe she can simply stay in the Philippines until she passes her Local Board Exam.

    my brain is so frustrated that I cant even think right, I actually meant the K1 visa for Fiancee, thing is she has 180 days to use that visa, in which she will be taking the board exam in June and then wants to wait for the results. We already had plans but her mother got involved, from what I can see is that her mom is PAKIPOT (meaning she really likes it but acts as if she does not). Anyways I might be pulling the plug on this since it does not make any sense for me that she is waiting for her Philippine board exam and its not needed here in the state of NEVADA only a NCLEX.

    Maybe its a bluff and I will be calling her bluff.

  20. I dont know wherelse to post this,

    this is the situation, The K3 has been approved for my Fiancee, she will be coming here in June, but lately she just told me she wants to come for only 3 months then go back to the Philippines so she can take her nursing board exam.

    It has really gotten me irritated to the point to where I was thinking of calling everything off.

    Then I was thinking this, if she were to come here, maybe within 3 months she might change her mind and decide to stay.

    any opinions ? am i an idiot or what ?

    I would really appreciate it.

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