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About juana17

  • Birthday 02/17/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    North Carolina/Bar Harbor Maine/Habana,Cuba
  • Interests
    horse play( therapeutic riding professional)
    All Art


Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    met my love in 2006, we talked , we danced I knew he was different but I was on a mission, and could not stay...
    2007 Marzo y Abril, I see him again, we talk, ( he
    remembers my history, my family!) we dance, I think, god , how handsome, how different....)
    fin de ano, 2007- now 08, who do I see? he remembers me!!! Asks me on a date, the rest is history.. never parted 2 months, soul mates. My life begins again. I return to US to make ready the path for love to grow.
    Every day is a step on the journey towards our life together, the road feels long but I see the bright light shining....
    We are married, heaven! On June 3rd 2008 Aldeki and I had a beautiful wedding en Miramar (Playa, Vedado) with our family and friends. It could not have been more incredible. Parents came from the Sierra Maestras ( Santiago de Cuba) and our party in Habana Vieja was music, dancing,bebidas / la comida y CAKE! , soy contento y muy feliz....
    Our days continue to be filled with laughter and vision of the future, gracias dios por todos!
    NOW 2009 a new president!!!
    We applied for permanent resident status etc. on Jan. 17 sent to the chicago lock-box , it was received on the 21st.
    I cannot believe it will take so much time and that we have lost so much time by following the instructions/bad ones....First, getting married there, as much as i love my husband, we should have applied last year and he would be here by now and we would have saved all that $$$! For here! 2nd, the consulate there gave us old instructions and paperwork, We had to re-do the pictures separately( to be facing forward not 3.4 view.) now i am praying every day and night that somehow this system works in a compassionate way and that it moves us through more quickly than what i have heard as of yesterday. separation is a lonely place....
    Got the receipt for the I- 130 from Vermont , now i can send the 129-f right??? except i am still waiting to receive my birth certificate to replace the stolen one!!!
    2012 March, Aldeki has been here in the US for 2.5 years now! we've just been home to Cuba for the first time since he arrived and seen all our family, and friends, it was wonderful. We are so great together , traveling is easy for us even tho Cuba is always just as t difficult as ever. We had to go back to where we were married to get his proroga redone, it took 4 days, ugh.. and NEVER leave the country without your green card , even if a well meaning US official tells you the stampon your passport or letter from USCIS is good enough.. anway, now we are in the lifting conditions phase which is taking forever and now they want more evidence of our marriage, this process is a test, they are trying to drive you mad! Anyway we'll jump through whatever hoops they throw at us, we are great and happier than we ever dreamed possible.

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