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Posts posted by Gooden

  1. my husband and I had our AOS 2nd interview last week and we were approved! I'm glad this part of the journey is finally over. He received his resident card in the mail on Monday 7/19/2010. He also passed his driving test last week and received his California DL today! What a good week :dance::dance::dance: Next, we file I-130's for his kids. We're too late for the K2. Thanks for everyone's help along the way :thumbs:

  2. Nik had some hesitations and completely blanked when she asked about one of his trips to visit me.

    On the other hand, I think we had all of our evidence of relationship in the bag so we were able to pull through - Maybe you didn't have a large wedding, but did you have any sort of celebration afterwards? Or get any nice cards (addressed to both of you at the same address etc)? I agree with the others, start gathering evidence of co-mingled lives.

    The gathering afterwards was dinner with me, my husband and my mother. Me and my husband then went to beautiful B&B in San Francisco and spent the night it was New Years Eve but we opted out of going out on the town. I've never had a close family, and never dreamed of having a big wedding with them all there. I always figured I would go somewhere like JA and get married on the beach just me and my love and then relax there for a few week, having a wedding and honeymoon combo. He however, has a huge family that are very close. Had we decided to marry in JA our wedding would have been big. But at the time I didn't want to marry him in JA and then go home alone and hope that he would be approved to live in the same country as I. If it were just me I would have done it and moved to JA to be with him if he wasn't approved, but I have 3 kids and there life and family is here in the U.S. But at this point I'm not sure it makes a difference because he could still get sent back to JA.

  3. My husband and I had our AOS interview today in San Francisco. I'm scared it didn't go so well. We were nervous and my husband stumbled over a few questions. Such as our address, but quickly corrected himself with correct address but messed up on the last digit of our zip code he said 94608 instead of 94609 the 08 was from our previous address. He also, forgot the names of my kids schools. He new their ages but not dates of birth. The immigration officer also didn't seem to like the fact that my wedding only consisted of me, my husband and my mother at City Hall. I feel we didn't have enough evidence, just a lease agreement, auto insurance (which my spouse's name is recently added, due to the fact I just got this policy and my husband has no CDL so why would I previouly add him to the policy) and joint tax returns for the past 2 years. We don't have a joint bank account (I couldn't add him to the account until we fininish taking care of his overdraft from another account) In short, the officer left the room for a period of time with our lease agreement and my husbands passport for about 15 minutes and then returned with a I-485 Adjustment of Status Interview Results. The box checked is: your case has been continued for futher review. The officer said the will contact us if they need anything for the review.

    I know I should be thinking positive and just relax until another notice comes, but I'm scared! Is it possible my husband could be denied and we will be forced to live oceans apart once again? :crying:

  4. "Well, he would not let me know his address. He said he lives by himself, but has no job to support himself and asks me for money only for his cell phone bill or travel to where I live. I asked him once , what the back ground noices were in the house (sounded like a baby crying) he said it was a cat, and now he always go's outside to talk to me. He would always make it here late at night to visit me and leave very early in the morning or even that night. He would step away to talk on his phone, and locked it when it was not in use. All of these things added up in my mind that there is someone else. He said he was doing nothing wrong and didn't like negative thinking I should relax! I tried as per his request to think positively, but this be inside this was difficult for me."

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like one...it most likely is one. I know now in your time of pain you are hoping beyond all hopes it is not what you think it is, but being a man, I would bet 95% there is someone else. And worse yet, I think you were used all along. You were the ticket to America - he might even have been in correspondence with someone else all along. My suggestions (beyond grieving for the end of what you were hoping for) - cut him off and to the extent possible, do not support him in any way (since you are married to him, I have been told that the government still holds you responsible for his support.). The age difference of 10 years should not really be a factor if he was a mature 28 and SERIOUS about a real relationship. There might have been warning signs all along as to his real intentions, but when one is starry-eyed in love, the signs are easy to overlook.

    Good luck, be strong and don't think it's about you or what you did wrong - I seriously doubt that you are more than 5% of the "failure".

    Thanks, your right. My family keeps saying that same duck quote. My family thought that I was just a green card to him just by other stories they've heard about JA. I stood up for him, and he said he was insulted that he would even have been questioned about doing something like that, but thus far, he's lived up to the story. I still will try to see people on a case by case bases, but will try to follow my instincts more in the future. Our last conversation was a few days ago and it ended pretty abruptly with me saying "I guess there is nothing else to say, good by" and, with him leaving me with the idea that he's just going to hang out where he is until he's ready to go home. I think perhaps that is the last time I will hear from him, and I can write-off ever seeing any the possesions he took with him. Thanks for the imput, it helps to hear a male point of view.

  5. :crying: I've been feeling down all week. I've been married for 6 months and and living under the same roof for only half that time do to his uncomfortableness of living in a house where the bathtub / shower is being remodeled (I however would be happy to sleep next to him outside in a sleeping bag). He moved to another city he says his friend who he just met a few months ago who is in realstate let him stay in one of his houses for free. He would only tell me the city he lives in but not an address. He has decieded that there is more negatives in our relationship than positives, he wouldn't tell me what those negatives were though :unsure: He says he's just going to hang out where he's at until he feels like returning to JA since I wouldn't give him money I have saved and the paper work to finish the AOS process on his own. I loved him with all my heart, made future plans with him. I feel like my heart has broken into a million pieces and I haven't figured out how to put it back together of if that's possible.

    Im sorry this had to happen to you.... please don't get me wrong when I say this but it might be better that this happened early on before you put all this money out... my heart goes out to you! Stay strong and God bless! (F)

    Thinking our last conversations, I believe you are right. He was upset that it was taking me so long to file his AOS papers, which was due to finance issues(lost my job) and feeling unsure he would come back and live with me. He said I was doing the AOS for me and not for him. I told him I was doing it for us so he could continue to live here and we could be a family, but he wasn't showing me that that was what he wanted, only promises and excuses as to why this has not happened.

    Since I can't seem to sleep well at night, my mind tends to go over all of our past conversations in search of answers, and if he ever loved me. This morning I woke up feeling like maybe all of this was planned from day one of meeting me. Everything he ever said or did was acting.

  6. Gooden - can I ask a question - is there an age difference between you and your hubby? It doesn't mean anything....I am just curious.

    Either way - thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes to you.

    Yes, there is, but people are always shocked at my age they say I don't look it. I'm 38 and he's 28. I have a photo or two of us in my profile I think. Maybe due to his age though, he wasn't done shopping, but wanted residency so I wasn't informed.

    I saw your pictures and you look great. There is a 10 difference between me and hubby. His age may not mean anything..maturity level is more important.


    Gooden what u mean he wasn't done shopping (if it's what I'm thinking)...I can't even type the rest of my reply.

    Well, he would not let me know his address. He said he lives by himself, but has no job to support himself and asks me for money only for his cell phone bill or travel to where I live. I asked him once , what the back ground noices were in the house (sounded like a baby crying) he said it was a cat, and now he always go's outside to talk to me. He would always make it here late at night to visit me and leave very early in the morning or even that night. He would step away to talk on his phone, and locked it when it was not in use. All of these things added up in my mind that there is someone else. He said he was doing nothing wrong and didn't like negative thinking I should relax! I tried as per his request to think positively, but this be inside this was difficult for me.

  7. Gooden - can I ask a question - is there an age difference between you and your hubby? It doesn't mean anything....I am just curious.

    Either way - thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes to you.

    Yes, the age difference is 10 years. I'm 38 and he 28. People are shocked at my age though, I'm told I don't look 38. I have a few pictures in my profile of us under photos. I think maybe he wasn't ready to settle down at 28 (not done shopping). He did however tell me I was it for him, and that his previous relationships were with women in there 30's. I on the other hand had never dated anyone youger than me.

  8. Gooden - can I ask a question - is there an age difference between you and your hubby? It doesn't mean anything....I am just curious.

    Either way - thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes to you.

    Yes, there is, but people are always shocked at my age they say I don't look it. I'm 38 and he's 28. I have a photo or two of us in my profile I think. Maybe due to his age though, he wasn't done shopping, but wanted residency so I wasn't informed.

  9. Gooden,

    I hate that you are going through such a difficult time. The immigration process is expensive & time-consuming. I have learned that no matter how good you are to a person, you CAN NOT make a person do right by you. Respect the fact that he no longer wants to be married. Stand your ground. Perhaps his real estate friend can assist him with obtaining a green card. In the mean time, try to focus on you. I pray that God sends you a man that will love & respect you unconditonally.

    Mrs. Scott

    Thank you, I will. IMy mind tells me I've done everything I could to try and make him happy. I know it's not something I've done wrong and you can't make someone love and respect you. Everyone says I can have better, but my heart wishes things could be different.

  10. :crying: I've been feeling down all week. I've been married for 6 months and and living under the same roof for only half that time do to his uncomfortableness of living in a house where the bathtub / shower is being remodeled (I however would be happy to sleep next to him outside in a sleeping bag). He moved to another city he says his friend who he just met a few months ago who is in realstate let him stay in one of his houses for free. He would only tell me the city he lives in but not an address. He has decieded that there is more negatives in our relationship than positives, he wouldn't tell me what those negatives were though :unsure: He says he's just going to hang out where he's at until he feels like returning to JA since I wouldn't give him money I have saved and the paper work to finish the AOS process on his own. I loved him with all my heart, made future plans with him. I feel like my heart has broken into a million pieces and I haven't figured out how to put it back together of if that's possible.
  11. Hi everyone,

    I'm here at home completing the forms for my husbands AOS. I'm done with everything with the exception of the I864 affidavit of support form. I'm thinking I may now need a sponser, when I didn't a few months ago. I lost my full-time job at the end of March and as it stands now, I have two part-time jobs and unemployment. My income was well over the proverty guidelines when I filed my taxes for 2008, but now counting me, my three kids and my spouse I fall a few thousand below if I'm to guess this will be my current annual income for 2009. The form ask what is your current annual income. Can I use whats on my 2008 taxes or should I go by my unemployment benefit multiplied over the next 12 months?

    Hope someone can be of assistance. Thank you :unsure:

  12. Hey everyone. I'm about ready to get the ball rolling on bringing my husbands to kids to the U.S. and have a few questions.

    If you named your S.O. kids on the I-129F and the kids did not come to the U.S. with their parent, because they were to follow later,what are the steps to now getting that K2 visa in hand to come to the U.S.? Is there another interview at the Embassy where you obtained the K1? How do you request that interview; via email or is there a form for that? Or should they have gotten K2 entered into their passport at the same time he got his k1 visa? Hope this makes sense and your able to assist. Thanks

  13. I just read the most recent reviews of the US Embassy in Kingston, and one person mentioned that it was okay that they didn't have the no impediment certificate.

    In the packet 3, is it stated that you need to have this (expensive) certificate? I'd be happy to hear that it's optional.

    If you do need it, did anyone get it from Montego Bay or Sav-la-mar, or did you have to go to Kingston?

    We went to Sav the same place where you get birth certificates.

  14. please advise...should i go to the interview or not?! my concern is taking off from work - especially since i just returned from vacation. it seems that most people go to the interview to be with their spouses. however, it seems that most interviews end successfully even if the spouse can't make it. what do you guys recommend? should i just call in sick to work and shell out $450 to fly to jamaica for the interview, or do you think it would be ok to not go?

    HI Javesgirl,

    I am in the same boat as you so I completely understand. :( They already look at you sideways at work when you say you need to take off and go to Jamaica. :o So I stopped telling them why I was taking off and just go. I am anxious to hear what the other VJers think as well because I have been debating this myself. I am supposed to be going next week for a long weekend but thinking I should maybe save the ticket and go for the interview instead. I jut don't know......

    when is your interview philly? i would definitely reschedule your weekend trip if your interview is soon. after reading sus' reply and talking to some friends/fam about the matter, i'm leaning towards going. i still wanna see some more responses though.

    When my fiance went without me he got a blue slip to make another date with me. I had just left JA a few weeks earlier, and had to take off of work again and dig up money for yet another flight. It was all worth it, because after a few interview questions, we got a pink approval slip!

  15. Thanks you all for all your assistance along the way with my journy. I finally married my sweetheart on 12/31/08 at San Francisco City Hall! :dance:

    CONGRATS baby girl....where the pictures :angry:

    I think I have to make the pictures smaller. Having trouble posting them. My mother also made a very cute 8 minute movie/video with music! can't seem to get it to burn or copy :angry: . I'll figure it out though.

  16. Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows about the cost for AOS for the kids that come over on a k2 visa. We're wondering if we are looking at $1000 + for each of my fiance's kids. Also how long do they have to do the AOS; 90 days from the time they arrive in the U.S. or else :unsure: return to JA? Thanks for any knowledge you may have on this.

    I understand that, but what about k2 and their AOS process.

    $600 each child for under 14 yrs old

    Do you happen to know how long they give you to pay that?

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