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Posts posted by islander33

  1. On 1/31/2015 at 11:25 AM, ChrisnKris said:

    Hi Pinayanne...

    We are same sex couple too... (fiance is transgender) From what we understand and what we have been learning, the Philippine Gov. does not recognize legal marriage even though the marriage was legally performed in the US State where the marriage took place. Things might be changing in the future though as most Filipinos are becoming more and more sympathetic to the rights of those of us. Below is a link to a wiki site that explains a lot and details the fact that the Phi. Gov. will not honor SS unions regardless of where they are wed.

    Yes, it is very discouraging to us too since even the most simple rights like a foreign SS spouse cannot even get an extended stay visa if we want to stay for more than 30 days to be with her family etc...


    All we can do is hope the powers that be will finally and soon recognize they are never going to stop people from loving each other and then provide equal rights regardless...

    All the best to you and your loved one too!...

    Chris n Kris

    Hi Chris & Kris,


    Quick question: Have you had a ceremony here in the Philippines prior to her interview? Did the consul question her that? I am curious. Thank you. 

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