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Posts posted by aphex

  1. 2 minutes ago, Redro said:

    The first month long trip in Feb might have also triggered the discussion as officer might have assumed you were looking at another month long visit this Feb. 

    Personally another visit in May seems too quick to me. I would wait until the summer UNLESS May is when you have the time. 
    Also, not knowing about your type of employment/ your situation you might want to consider delaying a trip so soon. 
    If you’re a student. I would delay OR if you are someone who works from home and doesn’t have to go into the office I would delay the trip. 
    If you’re in a more established career with a home you own, I would visit. 
    Either way, expect a visit to secondary on your next trip and feel good/ lucky if it doesn’t happen. 

    May is the only time I'm able to book off currently due to other people in my department booking at peak times during the summer. I work an office job with no remote working - in the office all week. I know secondary is a possibility, which is kind of scary as I know they can turn you away if they want to. I don't want to wait another 9 months to see him again but if that would be the safer option it is something to consider.

  2. 20 minutes ago, TabeaK said:

    These don't really look like suspicious frequent visits to me. Short stays each time, you returned as planned. I think you are fine. I visited my partner more frequently back in the day...


    But to cross your ts and dot your is, bring along evidence that you are returning (rental agreement, job contract, evidence of approved vacation time).

    This was my thinking too and it's reassuring hearing that someone has visited more often and been fine before (although I know it's ultimately down to the discretion of the officer at the boarder). I just don't want to wait so long to see my partner again so wanted a small trip in the meantime to make the waiting more bearable :) 

  3. Hi. I live in the UK and my partner lives in the US. So far I have visited him 3 times as follows:


    Feb 2023 - 1 month stay

    Nov 2023 - 2 week stay

    Feb 2024 - 2 week stay


    On my last visit, the officer I spoke to mentioned to start bringing proof of my ties back home as visiting frequently can look suspicious. I am planning on visiting again for 1 week in May and was wondering if that would be enough time between visits or if I should postpone the visit. I last left on 24th Feb and would be re-entering on the 22nd May. I don't want to risk losing the privilege of the ESTA so not sure if I should leave more time between the visit. This would be the last time I see my partner until the end of the year.


    Thanks in advance!

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