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Posts posted by Mosartap

  1. 8 minutes ago, Redro said:

    Unfortunately not every embassy offers DCF. And sometimes DCF is offered in very narrow situations. 

    I know for Seoul DCF is not always offered for job relocations but during less busy times it is... 

    I would ask Dublin just to be sure because the situation might have changed or your circumstances might be considered exceptional. 

    Thank you, greatly appreciate you responding. Hopefully will have good news early this week.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Have you asked?


    Coming up this week. I meet with my company immigration relo company on Monday and then from there will start the process from there. 


    Natural worrier here and decided to over research. Saw a couple threads of people saying they were told Dublin didn’t do DCF and the anxiety went from there.


    Regardless, will keep the thread updated as I’ve seen a few inquiries about Dublin on here so hopefully my journey may help and hopefully good news.

  3. Hope someone can talk me down the current panic attack I’m having.


    I’m being relocated for work back to the States and I always assumed DCF would work given both me and my spouse are residents in Ireland and I’m a citizen.


    Well, I doom-scrolled here and saw a few threads that Dublin does not offer DCF

    Hoping I’m wrong but would there be any other avenue if this is true - such as applying in London (have read conflicting things on here)?


    If anyone has some insight; it would be greatly appreciated for a very worried spouse. 


    Thank you and this forum is awesome - appreciate everyone’s insight. 

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