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Posts posted by Jessica&Lute

  1. Well I just thought I should drop in as well and share our progress report since it's been so great reading all of yours!!

    I moved back to the US on August 2nd and time has just been flying by. I started back to work right away so that is helping the time go by quickly. Not to mention the MILLIONS of things I have to do to set up my (and our) life here again, including finding a place to live! I'm happy to report that I think I found an apartment today. Just waiting for the formalities and credit check to go through but that should all be fine. And for the even better news..... We found out on Wednesday that Lute's interview is on SEPT 3RD!!!!!!!! It's way sooner than we were expecting so now I am SO thankful that I did everything early and took care of most of it while I was still in Thailand. Now I'm just preparing the affidavit of support documents and will send the final packet of stuff he needs for the interview to him on Monday. It is really a relief knowing this will all be over soon and that I think the worst is all behind us now. I'm thrilled he will be here by September so now we can start planning our wedding for October when at least the weather will still be relatively nice around here. :)

    well, it's great to hear how you guys are all progressing so far as well. Congrats to all of you where it is due and Hang in There for anyone so close they can taste it!!!! Everything will come together soon.

  2. Hi Good news about NVC getting their act together for you, how did you find out? We got our NOA2 on the 15th and I have been ringing the helpline at NVC twice daily since but when I enter the EAC number the automated system says they have no record of the case!! However we received a letter yesterday from NVC saying that they had received our petition were forwarding it to the London embassy 'within a week' so not quite sure what is going on there?

    Anyway good luck to you and all other filers

    K-1 visas are not fully processed into their system so you have to choose the option to speak to a person to get your information. They can tell you when the case was received from USCIS and when it was sent out to the Embassy, as well as what your new case number is.

  3. HI you guys,

    I'm still here. Although I don't have anything exciting to report, I'm very happy to say that I just found out today that NVC processed our case and sent it out to Bangkok on 18 July, only 4 days after our NOA2!!! So that was kind of exciting for us! I have our BNK number and everything. So now I can start bugging Bkk about if they've received our case yet. As soon as they tell me they have I can mail in P3 and get an interview date scheduled!!!! :) I leave Thailand for good in less than 10 days now. :o I'm just hoping Lute can join me by September or October at the latest.

  4. Congrats Steve on getting the visa!!!! It's good to hear some recent first-hand knowledge of how the interview went. In the past I think USCs could approach the window at interview time with their SO, but it's interesting to hear that that has changed.

    By the way, we finally got our NOA2 on Monday!! So I feel like I'm graduating from the March VSC Filer's thread and will be spending more time over here now that things will be going through the BKK Embassy pretty soon... It feels really good to be done with that first stage of the process!!!!!

  5. Hi, My first post here after months of lurking and we are approved too!! :dance. Just got the email at 7.45 pm. Good old Vermont - my adopted home state!

    Can someone please tell me how to update our timeline?

    Congrats to all others and good luck to those still waiting!!! I KNOW how you feel.



    When you're in the Forums look at the top of the page under the Embassy Info link and you'll see something called "My Assistant". A box will pop up when you click on that and you'll see an option to edit your Timeline.

    Way To Go VSC!!!!

  6. Thanks for all the Congrats, guys!! And Congratulations to Danielle-Justin as well!!!

    I have to admit it's a pretty great feeling to know things can finally move ahead. I have just over 2 weeks left before I have to move back to the US so I am in a whirlwind of preparing, planning, and packing!! The time just slipped away while waiting for the NOA2 and now all of a sudden it's time to go. I feel like there is a lot to do before I leave, but I guess a lot of things are under control. Now I need to prepare Packet 3 and think about what else we need for the visa. All good stuff!

    Hope things move speedily for those still waiting!

  7. We got it!! We got it!! We got it!! We got our NOA2! WE'RE APPROVED!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    I've been waiting to dance for what feels like SO LONG since most of the other March 31st-ers were approved like three weeks ago already!! Finally it's my turn!!! Yay! :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

    Well, I'm glad I stayed up late tonight and saw that email. It's 12:30 am here and I need to sleep now!!!!

  8. USCIS hasn't forgotten us!!!!!! We got a touch today!!!!! I just checked and my heart totally jumped when, for the first time in nearly three months, I saw today's date in the Last Updated column!!!!! Wow, that was exciting. Let's just hope that by the end of the day that touch turns into an APPROVAL!!!!

    For everyone else who's waiting from March, GO CHECK!! Maybe your cases got picked up along with mine this morning!!

    I'm really just so relieved that at least our case hasn't been lost or anything like that... Whew. Maybe there will be some good action on Igor's List this week!!

  9. I think Michael calling would be a good thing. He's likely to get 3 different answers all from the same person but you never know one of them might be something you want to hear. He can ask whether your case has been assigned for adjudication yet. If it hasn't then no one will have even looked at what you do for a living so that panic can wait a while, if it has then it means it is sitting on someone’s desk waiting and you are due an update soon maybe?

    Bex xxx

    Hi guys-

    I tried calling USCIS yesterday because now I am starting to worry because it seems like only April approvals are coming out this week and my case hasn't even been touched in 2 and a half months. I know sometimes the date order jumps around slightly, but it's been over two weeks now since others with my same NOA1 date were mostly approved. Anyway, I managed to get a person on the line, which was not easy, but they gave me zero information other than that which I already knew. I asked if my case had been assigned for adjudication, but she couldn't answer me one way or the other. Does anyone know how I can get someone on the line who can answer that question??? Also, I've read in other places that people can actually get a hold of someone working at the service center where their case is. Does anyone know how in the world we can do that??

    I know it's probably a futile effort to try to get someone on the phone who can tell me anything about my case, but I just can't help but try!! I never expected it to be mid-July and STILL have no idea what's going on... SO frustrating... :angry:

  10. Hi everyone-

    This is just an FYI for anyone who plans to have their medical done in Chiang Mai anytime soon. I went with my fiance over the weekend to have his done and we had a really good experience with McCormick Hospital. They were very organized with the paperwork and procedures for everything. They actually asked him to come twice, once to get the blood tests and x-ray taken, and then to come back for the appointment with the doctor for the physical exam when the results of all the tests would be ready. We went Saturday morning for the blood work and x-ray and were in and out in under 30 minutes including time for registration at the hospital. We then went back Monday morning to meet with the doctor and get vaccinations. The only age appropriate shots for him were MMR and Td, although he will still need to complete the series for both of them, which should be done by the time we apply for AOS. The exam was 2,000 baht and the two shots were 1,300 baht, so a grand total of 3,300. Not bad... The nurses had already typed up all the forms before we arrived Monday morning, so they were ready for the doctor to sign off and for us to take home as soon as the appointment was over. All in all, we were pleased with the whole experience. Just thought we would pass on the information...

  11. Yea it certainly is depressing. I'm hoping for this week being a "good news" week.

    Just outta curiosity, once I pass my predicted adjudication window (which I know is only an assumption), is it "safe" to call USCIS to inquire about my case?

    Danielle-Justin- We're right there in the same boat as you... I was actually thinking about calling USCIS yesterday but thought I'd give it a few more days. From what I've read it doesn't seem like you can get much more information over the phone than is available through the website, but it can't hurt I guess!!

    It really stinks that they now seem to have officially moved on to April filers and there are still several of us just left hanging here. I would almost be just as happy with an RFE for something stupid at this point, just to know that our case is actually being processed! Oh well, the wait goes on...

    We actually did go ahead and take care of the medical over the past weekend and everything went well, tests and x-ray were clear, got first set of vaccinations, etc. So that feels good to have done something productive.

    I'm just trying to stay positive now. Hope everyone else who's waiting can do the same!

  12. FYI- I was doing some searching on the Internet and found a link to a newer version of the Medical Examination Instructions than the one that is currently available from the Packet 3 page of the website. Here it is: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/root/pdfs/med...tion_121207.pdf

    It appears that the document was updated months ago, but no one bothered to change the link on the Packet 3 page to point to the new document... You will see the fees have been updated and some of the contact info. You can find this document by using the general search function on the website.

    Thanks Jessica

    I will send that on to Joom.

    Are you hanging in there? I do not understand the delay

    I hope you receive that NOA2.....like now!!

    Thanks George! Yeah, we're hanging in, but it just keeps getting more and more frustrating as the days go by and almost everyone else with dates around us are approved, except a few... Oh well, it's completely out of our hands. It will come eventually. But we decided to move forward with a few things anyway so we're gonna do the medical and get the single certificate when we go down to Chiang Mai this weekend. I'm going to the 4th of July party at the US Consulate today so that should be fun and distracting!!! And Lute's birthday is Sunday so hopefully by the time we get back on Monday maybe there will be some good news!! Keep your fingers crossed!

  13. Hi-

    I am in the process of getting my fiance's documents translated while we are both still in Thailand since it will be much cheaper than trying to do in the US. I know we need a certified translation of his birth certificate when applying for AOS. Does this need to also be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or is the certification from the translation agency enough?

    Thanks for any advice!

    The only document we had "certified" by the MFA was one from the US embassy saying I was free to marry (US doc - translated to Thai - certified by MFA - presented at Amphur when applying for marriage).

    I did not have Rin or the children's BC certified by MFA (just filed AOS in June). Since some people wait until they are in the US before getting the translation, I would imagine most would not have the MFA certification document.


    Thanks, John. I did a bit more research today and am pretty certain it's not necessary. I'm sure the translation agency was just suggesting it so they could charge me an extra 1,500 baht and have it done for me, probably for a fraction of that cost! I told them, No Thanks. I think the normal certified translation is all that's required.

  14. FYI- I was doing some searching on the Internet and found a link to a newer version of the Medical Examination Instructions than the one that is currently available from the Packet 3 page of the website. Here it is: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/root/pdfs/med...tion_121207.pdf

    It appears that the document was updated months ago, but no one bothered to change the link on the Packet 3 page to point to the new document... You will see the fees have been updated and some of the contact info. You can find this document by using the general search function on the website.

  15. Hi-

    I am in the process of getting my fiance's documents translated while we are both still in Thailand since it will be much cheaper than trying to do in the US. I know we need a certified translation of his birth certificate when applying for AOS. Does this need to also be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or is the certification from the translation agency enough?

    Thanks for any advice!

  16. HI and Good Morning. It's JULY already. Does it seem like the time has flown by to anybody since we filed? It does seem faster once you get the NOA2 and all the agony and uncertainty of waiting gets better. I just wish they would hurry up for you Jessica. I think you're just a little different case because you're not residing in the US right now. Somebody at USCIS is saying, "Hey Sam, what do I do when the petitioner lives abroad? They didn't teach me that in training." "Oh, just put it aside and we'll ask Bob when he gets back from Hawaii." :wacko: Arrgh!

    Thanks for remembering those of us Marchers still waiting, Nich. And there are still quite a few of us. There was even a new timeline added over the weekend of a late March filer who is also still waiting... Now that there's been an approval for an early April filer, I really hope they don't just start skipping right over us!!!! :angry: USCIS better get their butts in gear this week before the holiday weekend rolls around!!!! I wanna dance this week!!! And I might cry if I don't get to... :crying:

    You might be right, Nich, about me living abroad, but I really don't see how that should affect anything. If anything it should speed it up, since they should be able to see that we've been living together for almost 3 years!!! :bonk: Wishful thinking, I know...

  17. For some reason I can't edit my last post, but just to clarify on the phone numbers, when we called the number on the P3 sheet, they told us to call 02-205-2168 OR 02-205-2169, which are similar but not the same as the numbers posted by Birch-Beer. These numbers connected us to the right people.

  18. I emailed the embassy to clarify the correct address for the K1 visa police certificate. I listed both the one on the downloadable form, and the one posted Birch Beer. The Embassy replied back to use the one on the packet 3.

    Section 3, Sub-Division 2, General Staff Division

    Special Branch, Royal Thai Police Department

    Rama I Road

    Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

    Not trying to confuse matters, but I think they are both actually referring to the same address. "Royal Thai Police Department, Rama I Road,

    Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330" is the same in both addresses, it's just the Building and Section numbers that are different and confusing. Probably just different ways to describe the same place, as there can often be little consistency in Thai postal addresses. As for the phone number, the one that Birch-Beer posted is correct. When we called the numbers on the Packet 3 sheet, they told us to call the numbers provided by Birch-Beer.

  19. Thai nationals need:

    1- passport with 1 photocopy

    2- Thai ID card with one photocopy

    3-house registration with one photocopy

    4- name change, name change certificate with one photocopy

    5- Military service documents for males only

    6- marriage certificates or divorce certificates with one photocopy

    7- requesting letter from US embassy

    8- for a minor, legal guardian must sign

    Birch-Beer: What is the "requesting letter from US embassy"? Is this the letter that is received from NVC after the case is processed there? Or is it something that comes in Packet 3 (or the downloadable version from the website)? Or something else?

    If it's at all possible, would you be able to scan the document you received directly from the Embassy and post it on here? That would be really helpful since it seems to be an updated version compared to the one available on their website now. Thank you for the information!

  20. I just noticed there was another March filer (NOA1 3/28) who was approved last week and just posted their info today. That looks like positive news to me. And since none of the early April filers have seen any action yet, and looking at how the end of March timeline has been getting filled in with NOA2s pretty consistently over the past week, it makes me think that they are trying to get all of the March boxes off of the shelves and complete before they pick up the April boxes, which seems fair to me!! ;) There has been a bit of jumping around among the dates at the end of March but none of it has spilled over into April yet. My guess is that as soon as they plow through the rest of March (hopefully in the next couple of days!!) they will move straight into April... Let's hope that's the way it goes at least...

  21. where is Jessica aproval???



    That's funny, Ana, I was just thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!!!! Where's my approval?!?! :angry: Well, I better not get too angry or USCIS will leave me till last just out of spite. OK, deep breaths... Calm, relaxing thoughts... I will get my approval by the end of the week, and everything will be okay...

    No, you won't be left till last, because there will be our petition to keep you company.... Our timelines are very similar, but since 6/17 there were no touches, and I'm starting to get worried. Let's just hope we won't get an RFE, after wasting two months because it took USCIS that long to realise that the address on the petition was different from that on the check.

    Well, you're luckier than me because I haven't had a touch since 4/23!!! Yes, that's right, over two months now and nothing. I'm starting to get slightly worried as well. I mean, why would there be that big batch of March 31st approvals on Monday and then almost nothing for the rest of the week?? Weird.

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