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Posts posted by Laura+Tom

  1. Just a quick update since I haven't posted in a couple months.

    Everything is well. Hopefully I'll be getting the keys to my new place soon, I'm really excited about that. I have also been seeing someone from work for just over a month. It's a bit strange going from a long distance relationship, where you are used to being on your own a lot, to seeing someone nearly everyday but I'm slowly getting used to it. He knows all about what happened with Tom and the visa and he's ok about it.

    I haven't spoken to Tom for a month or so but as far as I am aware he has settled in fine in Alabama, however talking to some friends he does seem to have cut himself off from all his friends in the UK.

    Hope all of you are doing well.

  2. Just a quick update, though most of you probably see my facebook. Everything is well. Hopefully I'll be getting the keys to my new place soon, I'm really excited about that. I have also been seeing someone from work for about a month. It's a bit strange going from a long distance relationship, where you are used to being on your own a lot, to seeing someone nearly everyday but I'm slowly getting used to it. He knows all about what happened with Tom and the visa and he's ok about it.

    I haven't spoken to Tom for a month or so but as far as I am aware he has settled in fine in Alabama, however talking to some friends he does seem to have cut himself off from all his friends in the UK.

    Hope all of you are doing well.

  3. Dear Captain Ewok,

    Loving the site, I've created a time line & I see this question has been asked before but i couldn't find the answer, I don't know how to make my time line appear on my posts can u please tell me how its done, also my nearest colsulate is bermuda & u dont have that opption could u put it in for me or tell me how to do it?

    many thanks

    Like I said a couple of posts up you have to manually enter your timeline into your signature block under the 'My Control' tab.

  4. I was wondering about this as well. On the i-129f, under country and place of citizenship do we put United Kingdom instead of England? Just a little confused with what we should put on question 2, 3a and 3b. Can anyone help please?

    For country you can put United Kingdom, Great Britain or England, whatever takes your fancy really. Same for Citizenship though I put what was on my passport, British. But if you see yourself as English instead, put that.

  5. I just dropping by to say hello to my 1st family!

    All is well here...packet 3 is at the consulate and I'll be waiting for my interview. Seems that things are picking up so we're planning a mid-August move, July interview! The forms for me were weird to fill out because of the kids...anyone else with dual citizen children??

    Well congrats to all the newlyweds, new home owners, and all of you who have great things happening. Laura, I hope your life will be bright and you'lll find love again. Enjoy your new appartment!! :) Should I say flat? ;)

    Take care all!

    I prefer the word apartment as that's what they are listed as lol. I was always under the impression that apartments in the UK are self contained whereas flats share communal areas. But now I just think people use the word apartment as it sounds better. Still no word on when I can move in though.

  6. I think it depends on the delivery person to whether they ask for ID. For example, when delivering Recorded and Special delivery the Royal Mail should ask to see ID however more often than not they don't. It's the same when picking up said parcels from the depot. It depends on the person. So saying you weren't ask to produce ID doesn't mean someone else won't be.

  7. Does anyone know what happened with Laura + Tom? Is she not filing any longer?

    Not any more. It all started when Tom told me he didn't want to get married and cancelled my holiday. I am supposed to be in the US now for an 8 week holiday. It all went downhill from there. We split just over a week ago. We had drifted apart and Tom had become a different person once he arrived back in the US after being away for nearly four years. He wasn't interested in making the relationship work, was citing he had 'issues' and barely spoke to me, so we made the decision to split. I put my life on hold for him for two years, sacrificed work opportunities and friendships as I always knew I wanted to follow him to the US, now it's time for me to get my life back. Sorry for the essay.

  8. Gemmie, Tom and I are no longer together. A whole multitude of things caused it. Being so long apart caused us to drift apart and, since arriving back in the US Tom became a different person. He was no longer committed to making the relationship work and needs to grow up and get his priorities right before even considering entering another relationship. We mutually ended it but I miss him and still love him to an extent but he caused me a lot of hurt with his behaviour which I can't forget.

    I'm glad to say that I am getting on with life, the new apartment is giving me something to look forward to and things are picking up at work.

  9. i just saw this:

    Avoid US and Mexico, Britons told

    Britons were urged to postpone non-essential travel to the United States or Mexico as senior officials held emergency talks over the deadly outbreak of swine flu. Skip related content

    What do you do, travel or not?

    I would say everyone here is classed as essential travel if you are emigrating. I think it just applies to those going on holiday. I heard something today, if you travel for a holiday or business against the recommendations of the FCO and anything happens to you, your travel insurance could be null and void.

  10. Hi Guys,

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldnt find a UK specific answer by using the search function on VJ. On the DS-156 there is a question that asks the place of issuance of the passport and the province.

    Hmmm, well i applied through the post office and it was sent through my door. So, is it my home town and county? Just wondering what everyone else wrote.

    Thanks :)

    Is usually your nearest Passport Agency. Mine was Peterborough which covers a large area.

  11. I finally have an apartment, pending a credit check. It's a lovely two bed apartment built this year. So new there are no carpets down yet!

    Getting used to being single. Though at the moment I see no difference between being in a long distance relationship and being single. We still chat a bit, I go to bed alone and wake up alone. The only difference is there are no I love yous. Am back at work tomorrow after a week off so I am going to have to start all over again with the Tom and I are no longer together...

  12. Firstly congrats!!!

    You don't need the NOA2 for the interview but you will need it for AOS. Get Mike to contact USCIS and ask where your NOA2 is as you have received the letter from NVC which should come afterwards. It may be that it is floating around in the endless black hole called the postal system.

    I got my packet 3 about 2 weeks after the embassy received the approved petition.

    Thanks Laura (F)

    What about all the original docs ie ... petition evidence and stuff??

    That all gets sent to the embassy. After your interview you get it back in a brown envelope that says 'do not open' which you then hand in at POE. You don't get it back to keep sadly.

  13. Firstly congrats!!!

    You don't need the NOA2 for the interview but you will need it for AOS. Get Mike to contact USCIS and ask where your NOA2 is as you have received the letter from NVC which should come afterwards. It may be that it is floating around in the endless black hole called the postal system.

    I got my packet 3 about 2 weeks after the embassy received the approved petition.

  14. Thank you all for your responses. Can you please confirm that all PS3's have universal voltage converters? I checked my PS3 (its the UK version that was released in March 07 - 60 GB) and it says 220 - 240 W.

    Thanks :)

    Universal adapters, like the one for my laptop, read 100-240V. Meaning yours, like the one for my Nintendo DS, can only be used in the UK. You'll have to buy a new adapter for it when you get to the US. Also remember you won't be able to play any US games on it as they are NTSC specific unlike your PS which is PAL.

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