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zee baby

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Posts posted by zee baby

  1. 31 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Sounds like the CO is saying you will need an I601 waiver request to deal with the previous counterfeit document.  All is not lost since the CO stated a waiver is possible (refused does not mean denied or revoked), but it will take more time.  I suggest researching the I601 waiver form, most folks employ an immigration attorney for this, but I have heard of folks doing it by themselves.


    Good Luck!






    Thank you very much. I will go ahead with the waiver. What’s the chances of getting the waiver approved and also how long does it take?

    34 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    Seems like you were denied due to material misrepresentation.  

    Yea and that’s was with the first petition in 2018 not the second petition approved by USCIS. What do we do?

  2. Hello, 


    I recently had any IR1 interview and was not approved. The CO didn’t ask too many questions and the ones asked were answered truthfully. 

    Note: we had our first marriage with the same husband 7 years ago and filed for i130 and was approved, I got the visa at that time and it was revoked due to my husband divorce document with his ex. He paid a lawyer for his service and was issued a counterfeit document. USCIS ask us to appeal or reapply after sorting out the documents. 

    Since then my husband made sure he refilled it himself and got the original paperwork done and the divorce certificate was genuine. He then went ahead and we remarried since the previous marriage was null and we did the i130 again and was approved and scheduled for interview. 

    why did the CO refused based on the previous issue when it has been resolved already and it’s a new petition. 

    she said we can go ahead and file waiver. 

  3. On 11/25/2023 at 2:20 AM, Oko Vicki said:

    I know your question was rhetorical but I will still answer you o.... all I'd want is for you to murder them at that interview and come back to give us the good news 😊

    You're gonna be fine sis. The fake certificate wasn't even from you anyways. You two also have 2 kids together, abeg abeg Welcome to America 🇺🇸 

    Immigration can be draining. As they say, delay is not denial. When you get your passport with visa in it, you will forget all the years of pain instanta. 

    You can inbox me, no qualms. 


    I wish you all the best. 

    I will be back here to testify God’s willing. Thank you so much! 

  4. On 11/23/2023 at 3:50 PM, Oko Vicki said:



    I know I'm kinda late to this post but I'd still like to offer my 2 cents. I went through similar issue wrt fake divorce decree. You know what they say about wanting to get something, you gotta do it by yourself? I believe this holds even more true when it comes to anything document in Nigeria.


    I never knew my divorce decree was fake, too, until consulate said so. I'm sure my ex also gave some person the money to do it for her. Anyways, since your husband got his citizenship through DV, that erases any notion that he might have divorced his ex through whatever crooked means in order to marry a citizen here and stay. Now, since he has handled the new divorce himself (this is what I did, too. I actually excused myself from work - my BM was very understanding - several times to attend court), I am now certain that the new divorce decree is legit. That's all you need really, is for the new decree to be legit.


    By now everyone knows that consulate knows very well how terrible we are when it comes to document forgery etc but they also understand that many people actually truly have no idea they were not getting legit documents. 


    You most probably are not gonna encounter any issue, for all we know they may not even mention the old fraud case at all. I advise that you focus on what you have now and prepare accordingly. If (a big IF) you were ever asked about the previous fraud case, all you have to say is that your husband has since gone back to court to obtain a legit divorce document, this time he monitored it himself by being present. I am saying this so you would not walk into your interview more worried about this fraud case than the visa itself. Relax. Go kill them with that smile sis. You got this! Good luck!


    PS: I was never asked about my previous fake document. However, at some point the CO found it on her PC, she did not ask me anything but she called another lady to the window and they looked at it together. The other lady said something like 'oh he was denied before because of this? I don't think he needs a waiver, if he did they would never have approved his petition or sent it to us.' That's all that was said about it. 

    How can I thank you? You’re one of the few that gave a very genuine response. And I’m glad it’s coming from someone who has being in same situation. My interview is in December and we took 2 years to obtain the original and was closely monitored by my spouse and his new lawyer who is a senior advocate. We did explained to USCIS while filing when they asked if we have filed before and reasons. I will follow your advise and face what we have ahead. We have 2 kids together and they’re American. 
    it’s been a draining 8 years of our lives and we stayed together through the pains, tears and happy moments. Nothing will break us by God’s Grace. 
    please can I have inbox you to talk to you better. 

  5. 6 hours ago, JeanneAdil said:

    To best help u many of us ask questions

    it can seem invasive and personal but immigration gets very personal

    only trying to help here so bear with us and we will try


    Unforunately Nigeria is known for fraud and false documents and u have been caught up in a long hard process because of that

    Thankfully they are giving u and spouse a 2nd chance

    I would suspect long AP after interview to check the document of divorce and the new marriage / nothing against u but in the past someone took your husband's money and there was no divorce


    the CO will ask about times u have been together,  if u want children and i would not be surprised if the CO calls your husband


    Stay hopeful,

    Be honest 

    don't volunteer anything the CO doesn't ask about


    Thank you so much for your words! 
    yes, we have 2 children together (6 years old and 3 years old) and yes, he has been visiting us. We have so many joint stuff together like land, account and others! 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    The Petitioner is the one with the fake divorce degree?


    Did he then get divorced in the US or Nigeria?

    He was in the US at the time the divorce was filed in Nigeria in 2009. He filed thru a lawyer introduced to him by a friend and after spending so much, they sent him a divorce certificate that wasn’t registered at the court. Without confirmation, he waited till 2016 and we got married unknowingly to us that the certificate wasn’t genuine until my interview. 

  7. Hi, please I am going for my IR1 interview for the second time and it will be in December. 
    The first filing was done in 2016 and I got my spousal visa in 2018, but unfortunately, my visa was cancelled without prejudice due to misrepresentation in my spouse divorce decree. Case was sent back to USCIS and was later revoked. 
    We had to re-file his divorce with his ex as there was a mistake made by the lawyer in the first decree which made the embassy believe it was fraud. We filed another divorce with his ex who already has kids and married to another man years ago before my last interview 

    After re-filing the divorce with his ex, we had to remarry again for the second time as the first marriage was considered invalid. 
    In 2021, we filed another I130 and took us 20 months to get approved. 
    Now, I have to go for another interview with the original divorce decree and genuine one from his ex. Note: we have two kids already together and they’re American citizens. 
    what should I expect from the interview? I am so worried and I want this to be perfect this time. We have been waiting for 7 years. Please advice me

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