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Status Updates posted by KnightAndMagpie

  1. Heyhey! Knight said that you got through everything! I'm so happy for you, and may you have joy in your marriage =D You've been so very brave throughout this, and I'm glad you've made choices for yourself, for your own well-being and happiness. Lots of love! --Magpie

  2. Hello my dear, I've started working recently which is why I've been so scarce! I hope that you're well, and that you guys are progressing in your VJ. Huggums!

  3. Hey you guys =D I haven't heard from you in a while! I hope things are progressing well. I thought I'd say hallo, so...hallo!

  4. Oooh one of my close friends calls me "chikkin"! How have you been? Sorry, I'm really bad about checking my own profile. Huggums!

  5. =D everyone on the other side has been in your position, more or less. It is maddening, yes...I was in the UK while my hubby was in Alaska, so the distance and plane tickets were horrendous. Now we're both in Alaska =D and I adore it here. You'll get there!

  6. omg, you already have Packet 3! I'm so sorry I've been out of touch, things have become so busy here. I got my EAD recently and married life is wonderful. Hugs -- I'm glad things are moving along for you!

  7. Hiya! So sorry that I didn't see your message, I don't check my profile much. Apparently UK degrees translate directly to US degree standards so that's okay...the degree classification just means what I got

  8. Posted on your topic. Be STRONG! I know it's horrible right now, but it'll get better! I've thrown lots of advice your way, and you're almost there. Lots of hugs!

  9. Hellooo my dear! I'm sorry I haven't checked my profile thing in a while -- it's so WONDERFUL up here! His family is lovely and there's plenty of love to go around =D. How are things with you?


  11. DOS wouldn't do us any good at the moment because it hasn't been long enough :( but thank you for your words :: hug ::

  12. That does give me hope. I've been holding back calling DOS because it hasn't been six weeks, but it's so hard not to call them. I'm so glad that things seem to be taking a turn for the better for you. :: Hugs! ::

  13. Thank you so much, I'll let Bean know ;)...and I actually call DOS myself but I'm not going to do so until it's been a few weeks more. I don't want to pester them so they feel prompted to stick me at the bottom of the pile... :: Hugs! ::

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