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Posts posted by PASTJOURNEY18

  1. On 2/20/2024 at 4:31 PM, Hardship2022 said:

    It is the final stage and you will hear from them very soon. I was going insane after the sponsor view request, checking my DOS page multiple times a day, including in the middle of the night.

    BTW, I am a self filer and you can see. I would never ever pay a lawyer for something I could do myself. I adjusted my status myself too. Zero lawyers involved.

    Good luck and keeps us all posted. 

    If you don't mind me asking, how long was your statement of reason on the DS-3035 and how long was your statement for USCIS? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't send all the evidence to DOS, instead to USCIS then they will send their I-613 to DOS if they find hardship right?



  2. 22 hours ago, lennikov said:

    The DOS does not request sponsor views if the case involves the health of the US citizen (i.e., US citizen receiving some life-saving therapy that can only be provided in the US and reasonably expected to not be available outside of the US), as even with the negative opinion of the sponsor, the case would still get a favorable recommendation based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. 

    Very curious where you've read this... 

  3. 20 hours ago, corgidance said:

    Can't figure out how to reply to comments here. But no, I didn't contact a representative or do anything but sit and wait. I highly doubt that contacting my congressperson from Texas would have helped things. I really hope that DOS is speeding up their processes now and all still waiting will get answers soon.

    was your sponsor ECA?

  4. 1 hour ago, Sabina Bart said:

    US Gov I believe, but it was not even a four-year college so it's not a lot. I don't even know whom to reach like I said my program was suspended for a while and then it changed couple of times it's co sponsors… so I am not sure. 

    When did DOS receive your case? 

    Who was the original sponsor on DS-2019 (ECA/x/x for example) or something else and did your program number have a G-1, G-2, etc?

    1 hour ago, Sabina Bart said:

    Also a question, do you know a person there you can reach out to? I honestly don't even know anyone like I said my program (I was eleven years ago on this program!) it was under a different agency, then another agency took over and now another one… I found their email but I have no idea who the people there are. 

    Congressman/Congresswoman would be your best bet.

  5. 13 hours ago, Sabina Bart said:

    Mine was Ugrad 

    Was the funding from US government or university?

    6 hours ago, Wyboxcx said:

    Has anyone with gov funding tried to reach out to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to ask for a favorable recommendation? 

    I will likely reach out when the time is right, so they can at-least keep an eye out for sponsor views when it's requested. Was your sponsor ECA?

  6. 1 hour ago, Sabina Bart said:

    Mine does unfortunately :( But I am not Fulbright, I know Fulbright scholarships are a way higher… since it’s on higher level education. 
    Yes I will talk to my Senator today, I tried it once but they told me it’s early and yes first come and first serve etc, they wrote that too, but now it’s 12 months for me even more a bit than 12 months. 

    Hi Sabina, who was your sponsor?

    We were denied no objection and hoping we don't have to go through sponsor views request again for hardship.

    48 minutes ago, blooper1899 said:


    I think they skip the ones with government funding and wait to accumulate cases with the same sponsor. Then they do a batch of sponsor view requests. That's my hypothesis. My case is from June 2022 with funding, and they skipped them initially. Then for three cases that I know of they sent SV requests on Jan 25-26. 

    Who was your sponsor?

  7. 12 hours ago, lennikov said:

    I honestly doubt it, there is no indication that waiver involving less money invested into scholar are handled differently. It’s not really about money even few hundred thousands spend on 5 years J-1 scholar is nothing in the grandiose of US gov economy. It’s more about the promise you made (even if you did not fully understand this promise at the time) and now trying to break. 

    This is where the whole thing becomes subjective in my eyes. The promise that was made may be broken, but based off of changes in life that were unforeseen - just like they offer the waiver in the first place, it's from their understanding that things do change in life. Particularly in hardship cases, my personal opinion is that it is about protecting their citizens from going through a legitimate, documented hardship. Whether it's been on-going or caused by the program home residency rule itself (the US citizen never signed up for it, very important to keep this in mind).


    The most confusing part to me is when a program no longer exists or doesn't operate yearly because there aren't enough participants - not sure if they treat that more lightly or not.

  8. 2 hours ago, lennikov said:

    There is no way to prove it. They would always say something “Careful consideration is given for each individual case”. But if you see how negligent are bureaucrats are across the country institutions I would not be surprised at all. You can’t even tell if you have government funding until you see request for sponsor views is send by DOS. You might think you have it and it’s never send and decided without sponsor views or you may think you don’t have it and then see the sponsor views are send. 

    I absolutely see your point. At the end, we're all people and we realize what is hardship and what is not. I just believe there is a lot of "scare" in hardship cases, especially when it comes to government funding, but overall, there overall denial rate for exceptional hardship cases are not high (I think less than 5% per year the last few years). Likely, and this is just a guess, the denials come from lack of documentation and proof.


    Even though I have spoken to an attorney that has said it doesn't matter if it was $1 or $1,000,000, they look at the case as government funding only - which I still have a hard time believing this is such a thing, other than to cause fear to get one's business. Maybe they tread more carefully if the funding is more than tens of thousands of dollars, but it wouldn't make any sense to harm their citizen over a few dollars or thousands of dollars (as long as their is legitimate exceptional hardship).


    At the end of the day, the US government is here to protect its citizens and their well being - if all documentation is given for proof, there is no reason for a denial.

  9. 3 hours ago, Sabina Bart said:

    I know couple people from Fulbright they got their FR -15 months Max, but again each case is different. I wonder if they regard disability cases somehow and what happens if someone is out of status and if they get denied they are barred for 10 years, this is very very bad. So not sure if they even review these areas. 

    15 months including USCIS?

  10. 11 hours ago, lennikov said:

    They did not. Gov Sponsor cases take 24+ months since the request for sponsor views takes 6-12 months (not necessarily reflected in the online status, as DOS frequently updates the case in bulk, i.e., my documents were sent at different time points, yet they all showed up in the system on the same date). The sponsor's view requirements have poor approval odds because regardless of the actual hardships, that is recognized by USICS and probably would be recognized by DOS. Still, as soon as the Sponsor says "No" without reading the documents, the DOS closes the case with NFR. The sponsor doesn't need to justify their position or consider what hardships they cause to the person who was foolish enough to take any money from them. The overworked clerk in some governmental agency saves an hour of his/her work day by quickly clicking "no" without even reading the document package since there is no consequence for him/her to say "no." Still, in theory, there might be if he/she clicks "yes" without figuring out the case. Again, we don't even know what is precisely sent to the sponsor or, in many cases, who the sponsor is. For instance, many J-1s come from scientific positions. Is the sponsor an NIH that provided the grant to the PI to hire a J-1 postdoc? Or the sponsor in the host Institution that the PI and postdoc worked at? I don't have a clear answer to it. 

    If this theory is true, that they just say "no" to save time, that was be misleading the waiver title itself. Incompetent and technically fraud for taking a citizens money without doing the work, but wasting thousands of dollars of its citizens and in many cases I'm sure, hundreds of hours wasted of the person going through hardship and one can argue that it made their hardship even worse.

  11. 28 minutes ago, blooper1899 said:

    I've been tracking several cases from May-October 2022, including my own in June 2022. They skipped them and moved on to Nov-Dec 2022 and Jan 2023. My hypothesis is because they adjudicate the cases without funding first and then do the ones with gov funding later. Don't know how much later. This is very disheartening, because I also saw cases from June 2022 being decided and was optimistic, only to have my hopes crushed when they moved on to January 2023 cases. I'm very happy for those who don't have to wait that long, but it is very unfair to not process cases as they came in, even if it requires more work on the DOS's behalf. 

    Who was your sponsor?

  12. On 1/8/2024 at 2:46 PM, PJAW said:

    I suspect (just a guess), that DOS as a matter of routine does not grant FR for hardship waivers for people who are not in status.  I'd be curious if anyone on this forum has been granted a j1 hardship waiver after having overstayed a visa, for example.  So I worry that some people think they can overstay while waiting for a waiver because they will eventually be forgiven in their adjustment of status, but they may never get the waiver.  Bottom line, as a general rule avoid getting out of status if at all possible.  

    I don't agree with this nor do I believe this is true. Every situation is different and the bar actually makes the hardship waiver case stronger with most attorney's that I spoke to - but again, everyone's case is different as to why they are out of status. The argument no longer becomes 2 years, but 10 years instead.

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