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Status Updates posted by tchururu

  1. Well, things have changed course a little bit... I mean, I came here and things got completely different...

    I will tell you about it later... I am in another state right now... close to Kentucky!

    Take care!

    I;m soooo happy for you!


  2. Girl, you got your interview?! I am soooo happy for you and your husband! Finally!

    But I don't have that many good news... I will tell you later....

  3. Lisa, thank you very much for all your support since day 1! I cherrish that!

    You are going to be approved soon and be able to be with your habib really soon!

    Best of luck always!


  4. Oiii! Si, já estou indo viajar! Semana que vem!

    Ai ai...

    Depois veja no meu timeline como foi e/ou no www.imigrar.com

    Bjos e boa sorte!

  5. Lisa! I was approved! I received my visa yesterday at home! I'm so happy! I'm going to USA on the 28th!



  6. Carooool! Tdo bom? A entrevista foi ridícula! Depois eu faço um post só da entrevista! Mto legal, mto fácil!


  7. Aiii! Fui super aprovada! Tô megaaaa feliz! Nem acredito que acabou! hahaha

    Agora é só sentar e esperar embarcas no avião! O Consulado é mtoooo legal, mto bonzinho, eles te deixam à vontade!


    PS: Depois venho postar com calma o que aconteceu! rs

  8. Carooool!

    Biiiiig congratulations! We were all approved! I was nervous for you! Bruno is very cool!

    Congrattts again!


  9. Flor, minha entrevista é 3a. feira! Aiii meu DEUS do Céu! Tô aqui na pilha, zuada, não sei mais! hahahaha Ansieeedade!

    OAU, 4 meses? O seu vai ser o próximo, fica tranquila! Boa sorte! Estou na tua torcida!

  10. Happy birhtday (a little late) to youuuu! I wish you all the best!

    I'm down to 4 days!

  11. Thank you for your prayers!!

    I hope your case is approved soon!



  12. Hi Lisa!

    How are you? How's your process going?

    My interview is in 18 days!

    Pray for me!

    R =)

  13. Tu tá aqui tbm, é?! rs

    Bjooos flor!

  14. Amiiiiga! Que iraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaado! Vc vai junto comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigo! Tô feliiiiiiiiiiiz! Ai que emoção!

    Que liiiinda!

    Bjos e te adoroooo!

  15. Gogo, you deserve to have an approval! I am sooo sorry to hear that it's taking you sooo long to be approved. My husband can't hardly wait for me to go with him. Hold on tight, you'll be reunited soon, I promise!

    Thank you for ur support!


  16. Gogo, you deserve to have an approval it's you! I am sooo sorry to hear that it's taking you sooo long to be approved. My husband can't hardly wait for me to go with him. Hold on tight, you'll be reunited soon, I promise!


  17. Hi Lisa! Thank you for your support. I'm in serious need. lol

    OMG, you got a touch! That's awesome! As you said, at least your case is not collecting dust and spider nets somewhere! haha

    I wish you a speedy process and all the best!


  18. Lisa!

    Just got my interview date! YAY! August 19th!

    How's your process doing?


  19. Hi Lisa!

    How are you?!

    I am very stressed right now, so much to do, so little time! lol

    I wish you a greeeat week!


  20. Loolinette!


    I'm verrrrry happy for you!


  21. See?! I did told you that you'd be approved soon! lol

    Congrats again!

  22. Nessa, tdo bom?

    Respondi vc na thread da califórnia... Vai lá ver!

    Bjos e boa sorte!

    Desejo um processo bem rapidinhooo para vcs!

  23. Lisa, you'll never believe this! I got approved! My I129F was approved yesterday (05.15.08)!!!!


  24. Steve, thank you for your support! I am soooo happy and people cannot be happy for me. Only you. Thank you for that!

    I will be praying for you and your muchíssimo hermosa Jessica to be together soon!

    All the best!


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