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Posts posted by Mountain777

  1. Hi, we just started our I-751 process for my wife and her daughter. The directions for the form I-751 read that we should have "Affidavits sworn or affirmed by at least two people who have known both of us since the conditional residence was granted"

    My question is do these affidavits need to be notorized? usually an afidavit is notorized but the directions do not specify this. Has anyone had experience with this before and what did you do?

    Any help on this is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  2. Thanks for all the responses so far! yes, my first thought was to go to the Emergentcare center by us but they were closed at the time this happened (this happened at 10:30pm)

    The Medicaid supervisor was quite confident in telling me to come down and apply for Medicaid for my wife. We might meet the income requirments that I'm not sure, but even if, I fear that if she did recieve Medicaid, it would have to all be re-paid which I'm sure it would no matter what the Medicaid office tells me.

    I know we would qualify for one of the HealthyNY health care plans through the state that are non-Medicaid plans that works on a sliding scale depending on income but again, I'm not sure if this would be considered a "public means-tested bebefit"?

  3. USCIS only knows USCIS stuff (and barely if that)... Medicare/Medicaid is not under the USCIS, so of course they know nothing about it... What you did was like calling the Food & Drug Administration to ask a tax question...

    Not a K-3 visa general discussion topic.... moving this thread

    oops I put it under the wrong forum, thanks for moving it for me :-)

    So, yes neither agency knew anything really... What do you advise? If neither have the answer Who should I call? I am stuck on this one...

    Thanks in advance for the help

  4. Hi, My wife who is a permanent resident since 2008 had to go to the emergency room 2 days ago after getting her finger caught in the car door. We do not have health insurance. I know the guidlines of the affidavit of support for permanent residents regarding use of "public means-tested benefits" but there is the clause so the permanent resident can recieve "emergency medicaid" without penalty. Only thing is no one seems to know what "emergency Medicaid" is!

    I spoke with the idiots on the USCIS hotline twice... they were of no help at all as usual. I also spoke with the Medicaid supervisor at my local Social Services office here in NYS and of course she does not know anything about the affidavit of support situation. She told me that there is no such thing as emergency Medicaid, only that the person applies for Medicaid and if approved can recieve 3 months retro coverage. She also told me that they give medicaid to permanent residents all the time with aparantly no problems. Does anyone have any clarification for us on this issue that maybe you can share please? Are Medicaid offices different from state to state? Do some require reinbursment by the sponsor where as others don't? We are lost on this one and looking at a $4,000+ bill to put two stitches in a finger and take an X-Ray!

    Any help would be great thanks!

    And to all of you waiting for your spouses... our hearts are with you! IT'S WORTH THE WAIT! HANG IN THERE!!!!

  5. Hi, I have a few qestions about the I-864. For my wife and her daughter. On page 1 part 3 Question 9, where it says " I am sponsering the following family members immigrating at the same time etc.." I was told by the NVC helpline to not check the box and not list my wife's daughter because her daughter has a seperate visa petition as this is always the case for cr-1. And therefore question 10 should say 1 person and question 21a and 21b also should say 1 person, then in total there should be 2 people. Same applies for the other form for my stepdaughter. Is this correct info?

    There are two seperate I-130 petitions one for my wife one for my stepdaughter.

    My lawyer checked the box and entered the child's name. Who is correct?

    Also, on the ds-230 page 2 Question 21a where it asks "Person(s) named in 14 and 19 who will accompany you to the United States now" this should be N/A. Same for 21b... N/A

    Is this correct?

    Any help would be great, Thanks

  6. On the US embassy webpage page in Bogota it says that it is 'suggested' that we bring the baptismal certificates. My wife has one that she must have sent from the church in Bogota (hope they will have it) but her 7 yr. old daughter does not have a baptismal certificate. What do you do if you do not have a Baptismal Certificate?

    I was told we could write up a document stating that the child does not have one due to the fact that she is not catholic etc... Can anyone advise on this please? What dp we write exactly and must it be notorized? Must we get my wife's Baptismal Certificate notorized aswell?

    And also, that any documents that may be in spanish DO NOT need to be translated for the embassy. Is this really true? I was always told that all doc.'s must be officially transalted...?

    'DAS Certificate' showing all travel to and from Colombia within last 10 years is also needed. Can my wife obtain this Document at the DAS in Cali? Although... she has not traveled out of Colombia in 10 years... is this doc. still needed?

    Thanks for the help

    1. Your wife needs to get her baptismal certificate with marginal notes, these notes will say if she has been married by the Catholic church or not. Since her 7 year-old daughter has not been baptized she will need to go to a notaría and get a DECLARACION EXTRAJUICIO, which is a signed and notarized document that says she has not been baptized. She will have to go with two witnesses, one of which needs to be a family member. This declaration has an expiration of 30 days after it has been issued, so be careful of when to get it.

    2. Any document that is not in either English or Spanish needs to be translated. If all documents are in either language then no translations are needed.

    3. Your wife HAS to get a Migratory Movement Certificate (Carta Migratoria) from el DAS. She will have to go to the DAS in Cali and tell them that she will need to pick it up in Bogotá a few days before the interview. It doesn't matter if she has not travelled outside of Colombia in the past 10 years, or if she has not travelled at all, she still needs to get it.


    Thank you Diana! You covered everything for me. Other question, what is a 'folio' birth certificate and a short form certificate? We have gooten her birth Cert. From Bogota (where she was born) from the notaria and it is a one page document stamped and dated by the notary. Is this it? Or is there something more?

  7. On the US embassy webpage page in Bogota it says that it is 'suggested' that we bring the baptismal certificates. My wife has one that she must have sent from the church in Bogota (hope they will have it) but her 7 yr. old daughter does not have a baptismal certificate. What do you do if you do not have a Baptismal Certificate?

    I was told we could write up a document stating that the child does not have one due to the fact that she is not catholic etc... Can anyone advise on this please? What dp we write exactly and must it be notorized? Must we get my wife's Baptismal Certificate notorized aswell?

    And also, that any documents that may be in spanish DO NOT need to be translated for the embassy. Is this really true? I was always told that all doc.'s must be officially transalted...?

    'DAS Certificate' showing all travel to and from Colombia within last 10 years is also needed. Can my wife obtain this Document at the DAS in Cali? Although... she has not traveled out of Colombia in 10 years... is this doc. still needed?

    Thanks for the help

  8. On the US embassy webpage page in Bogota says that it is 'suggested' that we bring the baptizm certificates. My wife has one but her 7 yr. old daughter does not have a baptizm certificate. What do you do if you do not have a Baptism Certificate? I was told to write up a document ststing that the child does not have one due to the fact that she is not catholic ect... Can anyone advise on this please?

    And also, that any documents that may be in spanish DO NOT need to be translated. Is this really true? I was always told that all doc.'s must be officially transalted.

    Thanks for the help

  9. Hi

    If at all possible, I would go to the Interview with her. Check out the Carib/Latino subforum and see all the problems myself and 3 other gentleman are having in Ecuador. We are all being required to come to the Consulate for a "MATRIMONIONAL INTERVIEW " 2 of us are filing for CR-1 visas and the other 2 are K-1. In all cases the consular official did not want to see the evidence that our wives/fiances brought or proof of the relationship. They only said come back with your spouse or fiance for the joint interview even though they state on there webpage and all of us also phoned the consulate and were told we could not attent the Interview, but you can bet if we had been there or even outside the Embassy, they would have brought us in at that time to do this Interview. My advice GO TO THE INTERVIEW !

    Andy and Fer

    Thank you for this information. I guess I will have to make the trip to attend the interview... We have gone too far to waste time with any mistakes.

  10. I am not sure if I can get away from work and travel to Colombia for my wife's interview. This really concerns me because I think it is really important that I be there even though our relationship of 3 years is thoroughly documented. Can anyone share their xperiences and/or opinions about attending a spouses interview at the embassy?

    Maybe I am wrong but I don't think that anyone had ever been denied the visa just on the fact that their american spouse were not there at the interview with them?

  11. Hi can anyone tell me where I can locate the NVC processing time from recieving our papers to sending them to the embassy?

    Also, what is needed at the embassy? Or what would one advise to bring to the embassy? ie. (last year of 563 e-mails... wedding album... phone bills?) How silly should we get with all the 'proofs'?


  12. Mountain, I read what you wrote and the implication is clear. That it wasn't stated outright does not erase the motivation behind the posts. Using language that skirts what you are clearing implying does not change the implication. It is clear to most 16 year old girls and probably quite a few 13 year olds as well. Shall I ask my daughter her interpretation of what you wrote so we can get an actual 13 year old to call your post prejudiced? Then how would you insult her? Would you call her a 10 year old? Or maybe a 6 year old?

    oohh yes... sshhh! It's a conspiracy against Iraqis don't tell anyone!!!

  13. Well I beg to differ. I dont think it was appropriate to use her case with the wording and dialogue you originally stated. I think she would be very hurt by that.

    Doesn't really matter if YOU think using her case as an example was wrong. Or what you think might be appropriate words or not. Look, hurt about what? What do you think about approving Iraqis automatically? How can you think a through background check can be done on a person from halfway around the world in 11 days... or 42? huh? You tell me! Protect our borders? I think?

    Besides all this.... Realistically... what would a 45 yr. old woman from South Carolina be doing marrying a man from Iraqi in the middle of a war zone??? Look, I don't know. That is not a question being asked by USCIS? It should be. Or maybe she flew to Iraq to marry him after meeting on the internet or something like this who knows.

    Hey, I am married to Colombian woman and you know what... the US GOV wants to make damn sure that she is not married me just for a visa. And with good reason! Because this is what so many others do yes? Fraud their way into US illegally.

    Colombia is a very dangerous place to be too. Ever been there? mmm... They have the FARC and narco-traficants and paramilitaries, groups of terrorists to worry about. 2 bombs went off in Cali just last week. How do I know? I am here to know!

    If they US GOV can THOROUGHLY check a Colombian... they can thoroughly check out Iraqis all the more I think. Period. Now fight amungst yourselves on this, I'm finished.

  14. Calm down everyone. USCIS has posted recent changes in the policy and it states that beneficaries from both Afghanistan and Iraq will fall straight under the category of cases to be expedited without any expedite request. Seeing the grave condition of both countries, especially Iraq where on average 40 people die in bombings every day I strongly believe anyone applying from there has a right to be considered as a very serious case. Its only human that USCIS has considered this. I do know the frustration of waiting for ever over these petitions but the Iraqis do deserve special attention. I hope we all get approved soon.

    Exactly and Rocketta stated this along time ago after getting her approval in 2 weeks. Its posted at travel.state.gov. There's many African countries that are under this same expedite. And GOOD FOR THEM. Not all people living in these war torn countries should be considered the inablers of the war. I mean seriously...there's way more U.S. military over there than Iraqis. And the total number death toll is crazy high on the Iraq side not the US side. A human being is a human being no matter what country they happen to be born in. And if there is a way to help a decent human being who cannot help themselves then we all should be for that.

    It is prejudice and nothing more to suggest that all Iraqis are terrorists, and that's exactly what some people are stating in this thread.

    And yes, Iraq was dangerous before. That doesn't get us out of responsibility for how dangerous it has become now. I'm not anti-war. But I recognize our responsibility in Iraq.

    Anyway, I agree that it is the process that's screwed up.

    And, anyone who can prove that their spouse is in danger can apply for an expedite. The process allows for it.


    Judging from your style of writing... it sounds like you are a confused 16 year old girl.

    I did not say that ALL Iraqi's are terrorists. Neither did anyone else in this thread (unless I overlooked something.) Don't write such stupidity... What prejudice? aaghh... GO and read again what was written... by me at least!

    Actually you specifically called out the name of FSU and her husband when making your point. So THAT was wrong on your part. If you wanted to make a general statement then why would you mention another fellow VJ'er and her specific case and even show links to it.

    I used their case as the example... since it was the case in front of me, and this subject. There is nothing wrong with that... nothing prejudice.. or hateful... or nazi... etc.

  15. Yes Kip, Hi I too would love to know exactly how you wrote your letter and what you said and what congressman to contact? I live in NY. My wife and her 7 year old daughter are in Colombia and I am just about out of money paying for two households! I am out of work right now besides.

    Another thing is that the biological father of her daughter has been threatening me and her to kill us etc. since we met 3 years back. He also hit my wife and broke her nose in 2005 because he could not accept that we were together. He is crazy... not sure if all this has anything to it but I wish to try and expedite.

    Please write back, thanks and congradulations man really!!!!! -Richard

  16. It is prejudice and nothing more to suggest that all Iraqis are terrorists, and that's exactly what some people are stating in this thread.

    And yes, Iraq was dangerous before. That doesn't get us out of responsibility for how dangerous it has become now. I'm not anti-war. But I recognize our responsibility in Iraq.

    Anyway, I agree that it is the process that's screwed up.

    And, anyone who can prove that their spouse is in danger can apply for an expedite. The process allows for it.


    Judging from your style of writing... it sounds like you are a confused 16 year old girl.

    I did not say that ALL Iraqi's are terrorists. Neither did anyone else in this thread (unless I overlooked something.) Don't write such stupidity... What prejudice? aaghh... GO and read again what was written... by me at least!

  17. You'll all have to ask her maybe but like I said, nowhere does this person say in her messages that their case was expedited.

    how the f&%k can the US GOV. do a background check on someone from Irac with a name Ahmed in 42 or less days? Huh? How can they. This puts our national secrity at risk.

    And besides, how can OUR COUNTRY let any Iraqie or anyone from that region into the US at this time. Let them live in THEIR countries and work through their own problems... just like we and many other countries do.




    HERE IS A LINK TO THEIR TIMELINE: http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/profile.php?id=32429


  19. The letter we had done here in the US at the Colombian Embassy was then stamped at an address in Bogota, it was a little over a month old and allowed both boys to leave. No snags at the airport. Yes my suggestion is as recent as possible to avoid what happened to steveandsandy. I know in our case the embassy did not ask about the letter. We did have to send a notorized letter to the NVC showing that the children were permitted to immigrate to the US, this letter was from the mom as I am the USC pettioner and married to the childrens dad.

    Hi narocks,

    Can you tell me what letter that NVC asked for? Did they ask for the paper signed by the two parents? Because we do not yet have this paper signed by the father. He is giving us a hard time about this. We hope to have it by the time of the interview. He insists that it is only needed at the airport and refuses to sign anything until then. We tried to explain to him that it will be needed by the NVC and the embassy! Can you confirm?

    Did you make up the documnet yourselves and what did it have to say besides to remove the child permantly from Colombia? How long was it valid for? Did the embassy ask to see the document? Were you required to give your physical address personal info ect? I ask cause we don't really want the him to know too much. He has been abusive towards my wife in the past and we are just trying to get him to sign this and want nothing more to do with him.

    PS- Did the embassy ask the child any questions?

  20. This is the link for the Colombian Club http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2572

    All you have to do is post your comment or question and someone will try to help.

    Also, the document needed to leave the country can't be more than a week old. Recently someone from the Colombian Club had an issue with the document not being that recent and they were stopped at check in the day they were supposed to leave Colombia.


    We were told that we can go to a notoria here and sign a paper that lets the mother take her daughter to and from Colombia forever. This is the requirment is what we are told.

  21. I tried posting on Club Colombia but I can's access the actual Club Colombia. Does anyone know how it works?

    At any rate I will ask my question here..... Both Colombia and the US requires that both biological parents sign for a minor child to leave Colombia and immigrate to the US with the one parent (my wife). At what time during this visa process does the US GOV ask for this document? Thanks

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