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Posts posted by Nusu

  1. My fiance is from Paki, i went to meet him and stayed with his family. I really think you will get denied if you dont meet. Just my opinion.

    Thnx now I am honestly wondering if it is even worth filing

    I think it would probably be best if you either A) meet in person and then file or B) get married and file for a spousal visa.

    You'll figure it out together. You are together in this, a team. Keep faith and hope in your love.

    I wish you all the best :)


  2. Hello Everyone,

    I need some help. I am going to apply my fiance's K-1 visa but I need help in the "how we met" section. The thing is we both are muslims and we have never met. Ours is a poster perfect "arranged" marriage. We first "met" through our families in Jan 2007 and we spoke to each other till March and decided to get married. Yes we get along very well and our engagement was announced at my local mosque here in the US. Ever since then I have been sending him cards, letter etc...to prove that we are indeed in a relationship. The only problem is that we have never met in person. Part of the reason being that I was in college and then and still completing my internship...the other part being that since we both come from a strict family/muslim background we can't possibly meet and plus we both were busy with internships/residency (on his part) and plus we both are middle class families so financially it would not have been possible for us to meet. Now I have to write an affidavit regarding that. So far I have this written....but I don't know how to add the muslim part and how we can't meet etc due to our religion....I was wondering if someone could help me out...I would be ever so grateful.....

    My Fiancé, *** ***** family and my family have been family friends for a very long time. His brother's family had visited Pakistan in November of 2007 where my Fiancé & his parents live. They mentioned me to the family, as is the norm in our culture. My Fiancé & I were given the opportunity by our parents to get to know each other before any decision could be made. Neither of us were coerced or forced and we spoke to each other for three months. In these three months we got to know each other and we discussed important things pertaining to our lives. We both got along well and by mutual decision we decided to let our families know that we would like to marry each other. In the month of April 2007, our engagement was announced in my local mosque in Allentown, PA. Both our families come from a very strict Muslim background, as it is the norm of our culture and religion, a guy and girl do not get to spend a lot of "alone" time together. Since I was in the middle of finishing my internship and he was in the middle of his residency, our families decided to take the route of applying for fiancé visa... (after this I don't know how to include the muslim part)....


    Salaam :)

    I just want to point out a few things to you from what I have read on responses USCIS has given people when they have appealed USCIS's decision to deny their petition based on not meeting the "met within 2 years requirement".

    (1) The fact that you were in school/doing an internship/middle class is not going to exempt you from the requirement. A lot of people take time off work/school and find someway/somehow to go and meet their future spouse be it borrowing money/saving funds/what have you. Their response is going to be that this is a hardship on everyone applying so it will not be seen as an extreme hardship unique to you. Also, there is nothing stopping you from meeting in a third country which may be cheaper than going to Pakistan.

    (2) In your letter you say that "a guy and girl do not spend a lot of alone time together"...this word "a lot" is going to get you into trouble because it does not say "none". It also does not say that you cannot meet in a public place or with other people around.

    (3) Now, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I am not sure what Islamic source you are using to say that a man and woman do not meet each other before marrying. Maybe it is more cultural than religious, but as far as I know, there is nothing in Islam that bars a man and woman from seeing each other before marriage as long as they keep to the Islamic guidelines (in public, with family, yada yada). If it is cultural, you will need to do as Laura said and get a letter from an authority explicitly stating that it is against your culture to meet your future husband until you are married.

    (4) I suggest you look here: http://www.uscis.gov/uscis-ext-templating/...errFrameset.jsp

    Go to "Administrative Decisions After 2001", then "D6 - Fiancye and Fiancyee s of US Citizens" and read the appeals there. It may shed some light on how easy or difficult this whole process may be.

    (5) This is not related to your original question but just something to think about....don't you think, for your own sake, that it would be better for you to meet your fiance first? I know that you have talked and all but meeting someone is very different than talking to them on the phone.

    I def agree with some of the things you said...not meeting is more of a cultural thing rather than religious...thnx for pointing that out....so I can't get away with not meeting him then huh??? I know...I get that from a lot of people...meeting is waaayyyy different than talking over the phone....thnx I will keep that in mind :)

    Thnx a lot for breaking it down...I was so caught up that I forgot to see some glaringly obvious things which will get his visa rejected.... :)

  3. I mean this with the best intentions. Getting engaged/married/filing for a visa is expensive. Starting a life together costs money! Even if he was there with you already.

    If you are not in a financial place in your life to visit (I'm guessing that would be around $2000-$3000) - How do you expect to pay all of the costs associated with such a huge life change? If you can't afford to visit, how will you afford to support him? If you parents are helping why don't they pay for a visit?

    My bf and I have been dating for 4.5 years long distance. I haven't even filed for a K1 yet because I know that I want to be very comfortable financially so that when I get there we can buy a house, I can chill our until I'm authorized to work. We save save save and spend money to visit back and forth.

    I know you want to be together, but I don't think its worth spending $400+ dollars to file a petition that will probably get denied.

    Exactly, I am always amazed by many posts of couples contemplating the expensive and complex immigrations process before graduating school and having a good paying job that pays enough to support the prospective immigrant. Many posts about CO-Sponsors, because they have no income, or no IRS returns because parents still claim them on their returns.

    As I mentioned before...not everyone is financially well settled like you are....FYI... I file my own taxes....it's just the internship that I need to finish before I can find a good paying job....saved some money....but not enough to consider flying down to marry...just enough to file fiance visa :)

  4. I mean this with the best intentions. Getting engaged/married/filing for a visa is expensive. Starting a life together costs money! Even if he was there with you already.

    If you are not in a financial place in your life to visit (I'm guessing that would be around $2000-$3000) - How do you expect to pay all of the costs associated with such a huge life change? If you can't afford to visit, how will you afford to support him? If you parents are helping why don't they pay for a visit?

    My bf and I have been dating for 4.5 years long distance. I haven't even filed for a K1 yet because I know that I want to be very comfortable financially so that when I get there we can buy a house, I can chill our until I'm authorized to work. We save save save and spend money to visit back and forth.

    I know you want to be together, but I don't think its worth spending $400+ dollars to file a petition that will probably get denied.

    No offense and I know you mean it with the best of intentions...but not everyone can save and wait...you probably have the luxury of waiting...but I don't...yes all that you said is def true....but my parents are in no position to help me out and the reason I want him here in a hurry is because he is a dental student and whatever he can finish back home he is done with and he is just twiddling his thumb...waiting to come here....it does not make sense for him to finish something there only to come here to take the same classes again (US does not recognize residency from other countries)

  5. I know that you said you cannot spend "alone" time together but I really think you need to meet him. You don't have to spend time together alone, or even spend lot's of time together at all.

    Just go there, meet him, take some pictures, keep your boarding pass for verification.


    Get married in Pakistan and then file for a K3 visa instead. Then you are already married.

    Honestly.....flying down to get married is really going to be expensive for me....that's why we first decided to go fiance visa route....So here is the game plan...it takes 4 to 5 months for the fiance visa interview date to come along...and till then I can finish my internship which gets done in August....till then I guess...let's wait and watch what happens...if he gets it...YIPPPPEEEEE....I don't have to worry about flying down expense and stuff like that....does that make sense???

    I flew to China 2 times, this was expensive, virtually all K-1 filers have traveled one way or the other. But yes, another option and recommended is to marry first and then file for a spouse visa.

    Okay suppose I apply for fiance visa and god forbid (YIKES!!!!!) it gets rejected...so the next step is to finish my internship...fly down get married and apply for spouse visa....are there any chances of spouse visa getting rejected even though I am a citizen and married to that person????? And if I apply for spouse visa approx how long does the processing time takes before he gets to come here???

    Just weighing all my options guyz...thanx a bunch for all your help and good wishes :)

  6. I know that you said you cannot spend "alone" time together but I really think you need to meet him. You don't have to spend time together alone, or even spend lot's of time together at all.

    Just go there, meet him, take some pictures, keep your boarding pass for verification.


    Get married in Pakistan and then file for a K3 visa instead. Then you are already married.

    Honestly.....flying down to get married is really going to be expensive for me....that's why we first decided to go fiance visa route....So here is the game plan...it takes 4 to 5 months for the fiance visa interview date to come along...and till then I can finish my internship which gets done in August....till then I guess...let's wait and watch what happens...if he gets it...YIPPPPEEEEE....I don't have to worry about flying down expense and stuff like that....does that make sense???

  7. One other thing that I forgot to mention was that I was going to get an official announcement letter from my mosque (I guess that would be helpful)....any other suggestions people????

    I would like to thank everyone in advance for all your help and advice....

    Updated version of How I met my Fiance

    My Fiancé,****** family and my family have been family friends for a very long time. His brother’s family had visited Pakistan in November of 2007 where my Fiancé & his parents live. They mentioned me to the family, as is the norm in our culture. My Fiancé & I were given the opportunity by our parents to get to know each other before any decision could be made. Neither of us were coerced or forced and we spoke to each other for three months. In these three months we got to know each other via phone calls and we discussed important things pertaining to our lives. We both got along well and by mutual decision we decided to let our families know that we would like to marry each other. In the month of April 2007, our engagement was announced at my local mosque in Allentown, PA. Both our families come from a very strict Muslim background, as it is the norm of our culture and religion, a guy and girl do not get to spend “alone” time together. Since I was in the middle of finishing my internship and he was in the middle of his residency, and also the Muslim Sharia (law) does not permit a man and woman who are not husband and wife to meet, we both could not meet. Also, even if both our families had decided to keep an official Muslim engagement (after which we would be allowed to meet), financially it would not have been possible for me to fly down to Pakistan. Hence, our families decided to take the route of applying for fiancé visa.

  8. From my understanding, the K-1 process considers extreme circumstances regarding having met. And in my opinion, your circumstance is not extreme. Your explanation here seems very legit.

    Just to clarify, have you two gotten to know each other through communication (phone calls and chats)? Because you said you haven't met but have gotten to know each other.

    Anyway, welcome to VJ... I'm sure you will be able to find some great words of advice around here. Good luck! :thumbs:

    Yes...loads and loads of phone calls :)

    I-129F Directions:

    You may file this petition if:

    2. You and your fiancé(e) intend to marry within 90 days of your fiancé(e) entering the United States, and are both free to marry, and have met in person within two years before your filing of this petition unless:

    A. The requirement to meet your fiancé(e) in person would violate strict and long-established customs of your or your fiancé(e)'s foreign culture or social practice;


    It is rare for USCIS to waive the requirement of meeting within past 2 years, you will need to demonstrate satisfactorily that this would violate a custom.

    So what do you suggest we do???? If you could elaborate...that would help...thnx in advance

    I-129F Directions:

    You may file this petition if:

    2. You and your fiancé(e) intend to marry within 90 days of your fiancé(e) entering the United States, and are both free to marry, and have met in person within two years before your filing of this petition unless:

    A. The requirement to meet your fiancé(e) in person would violate strict and long-established customs of your or your fiancé(e)'s foreign culture or social practice;


    It is rare for USCIS to waive the requirement of meeting within past 2 years, you will need to demonstrate satisfactorily that this would violate a custom.

    So any suggestions????? :)

  9. Hello Everyone,

    I need some help. I am going to apply my fiance's K-1 visa but I need help in the "how we met" section. The thing is we both are muslims and we have never met. Ours is a poster perfect "arranged" marriage. We first "met" through our families in Jan 2007 and we spoke to each other till March and decided to get married. Yes we get along very well and our engagement was announced at my local mosque here in the US. Ever since then I have been sending him cards, letter etc...to prove that we are indeed in a relationship. The only problem is that we have never met in person. Part of the reason being that I was in college and then and still completing my internship...the other part being that since we both come from a strict family/muslim background we can't possibly meet and plus we both were busy with internships/residency (on his part) and plus we both are middle class families so financially it would not have been possible for us to meet. Now I have to write an affidavit regarding that. So far I have this written....but I don't know how to add the muslim part and how we can't meet etc due to our religion....I was wondering if someone could help me out...I would be ever so grateful.....

    My Fiancé, *** ***** family and my family have been family friends for a very long time. His brother’s family had visited Pakistan in November of 2007 where my Fiancé & his parents live. They mentioned me to the family, as is the norm in our culture. My Fiancé & I were given the opportunity by our parents to get to know each other before any decision could be made. Neither of us were coerced or forced and we spoke to each other for three months. In these three months we got to know each other and we discussed important things pertaining to our lives. We both got along well and by mutual decision we decided to let our families know that we would like to marry each other. In the month of April 2007, our engagement was announced in my local mosque in Allentown, PA. Both our families come from a very strict Muslim background, as it is the norm of our culture and religion, a guy and girl do not get to spend a lot of “alone” time together. Since I was in the middle of finishing my internship and he was in the middle of his residency, our families decided to take the route of applying for fiancé visa... (after this I don't know how to include the muslim part)....


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