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Posts posted by ricorico21

  1. I have a problem with this domicile thing. My domicile in the U.S. is my parents' house, because I moved over here right after I graduated from university in Jan 2007. My driver's license, mailing address, passport, and everything about me is tied to that address. The problem with this is that my parents are planning to move in July of this year. Is this going to be a big problem? I haven't started the process yet, as we're not planning to move back until July of 2009. I think I have 2 options here. One: file before they move, so the visa will be probably finished processing by the time they move. This way wouldn't be good for me because then we'd have to enter the states 6 months after whenever it is done. We can't do this because of unfinished business that won't be finished til mid 2009 here. The second option is to wait until after they move and file whatever needs to be filed to change all my cards, passport, etc to that address. This will let us enter the U.S. at the time we want, but seems like it'll be a huge annoyance to change all that stuff. I might even have to travel back there to change all that stuff which is expensive and will make me miss probably weeks of work.

    What I'm hoping is that the domicile thing isn't too strict and they would accept an explanation that my domicile has changed address since I left. Does anyone know the answer to this? Has anyone else had this occur? I hope I can find out the answer! Thanks.

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