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Posts posted by hellaslover

  1. so basically i can't escape it even with dual citizenship... what if i renounced my greek and was considered only american..?

    and i have another question: how come Greece won't recognize community colleges as universities...because they won't give me another extension unless i transfer to a State university. What if i want to graduate from a community college and get a degree from there, they shouldn't tell me what school to go to right? I mean, some people in greece go to technical schools and still get away with it, i go to a community college (better than technical) and it's not recognized.......

    i've thought about taking a class at a state university, but not actually getting admitted, while i'm still attending a community college and get a verification letter from the state univ. saying that i'm taking a class there will Greece accept that and give me an extension?

    i don't know what to do, i just wanna go back home for a couple months and relax but i don't want problems... :crying:

    + thanks for your help everybody i really appreciate it!

  2. If you're a US Citizen, why would there be a need for a foreign country to draft you? The US do not acknowledge dual citizenship. For those who got naturalized, I hope you still remember the ceremony. Renounce your citizenship from Greece. It's up to you. Greece recognizes dual citizenship, but the US do not. It's all up to you.

    So once i renounce my greek citizenship i can't get drafted? What if i keep both? And if i decide to renounce the greek can i do that here before i go to Greece at the same time i get my american?

  3. i don't understand the deal with dual citizenship...are you guys saying that once i'm in Greece i have to follow the laws as a greek (and join army)? But once i'm in the U.S they can't send me back?

    Most likely i will not have time to obtain an american citizenship, since its February now and i want to leave end of May..My brother was born in U.S and has American passport but still has to join the army (he went to school in Greece) but he never had any problems going back and forth. I heard that if you have an American passport they don't really go into depth to check at the airports, they just let you travel with no hassle, is that true?

    Let's say i go in the summer and i get caught, could the American Embassy in Athens protect me since i live in the U.S and have a green card?

  4. Hello everybody,

    I was born and raised in Greece, until 7 years ago when i moved to U.S. Since it's mandatory for all the young men to be drafted in the Greek army, and i'm considered greek, i will have to get drafted as well. In the summer of 2005 i was called to attend the army(with other ppl my age) while i was there for vacation. I was able to get an extension and not get drafted since i could prove that i was attending school in the U.S. Thing is, this extension has expired and the college that i go to is not recognized in Greece, unless i transfer to a State university and i can't right now, so they won't give me another extension.

    I have 2 questions:

    1) If i go to Greece for vacation this summer will i be in danger of getting "caught" at the airport and forced to go into the army? I have heard that i could go for less than 6 months with no problems, is that true?

    2) If i get an American passport will i have any problems in Greece with the army or will they leave me alone for ever? If so, how long does it take to get a passport (and what is the process?) I live in Sacramento, CA if that helps...

    I don't know if this is the right place to post but i'm new here.. :blush:

    If somebody can help me please do!

  5. Hello everybody,

    I was born and raised in Greece, until 7 years ago when i moved to U.S. Since it's mandatory for all the young men to be drafted in the Greek army, and i'm considered greek, i will have to get drafted as well. In the summer of 2005 i was called to attend the army(with other ppl my age) while i was there for vacation. I was able to get an extension and not get drafted since i could prove that i was attending school in the U.S. Thing is, this extension has expired and the college that i go to is not recognized in Greece, unless i transfer to a State university and i can't right now, so they won't give me another extension.

    I have 2 questions:

    1) If i go to Greece for vacation this summer will i be in danger of getting "caught" at the airport and forced to go into the army? I have heard that i could go for less than 6 months with no problems, is that true?

    2) If i get an American passport will i have any problems in Greece with the army or will they leave me alone for ever? If so, how long does it take to get a passport (and what is the process?) I live in Sacramento, CA if that helps...

    I don't know if this is the right place to post but i'm new here.. :blush:

    If somebody can help me please do!

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