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Gary and Alla

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Posts posted by Gary and Alla

  1. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/13/tens-of-thousands-of-connecticut-gun-owners-may-be-staging-a-massive-act-of-civil-disobedience/

    I wonder what would happen if....

    African Americans had to register themselves...

    Muslims had to register themselves...

    Jews had to register themselves (never mnd, we already know what happens when Jews register themselves)

  2. This, exactly. There was no requirement for the prosecution to enter into evidence pages from Dunn's journal reading "Dear Diary, tomorrow is when I'll finally be carrying out my long standing plans to shoot a black kid." to prove premeditation. Like the prosecutor said over the weekend, there is no time frame for premeditation.

    There is no requirement for the prosecution to enter anything into evidence. Unless they want a conviction. If I had made such a foolish decision I may try to make statements such as the prosecutor did in order to keep my job.

    There IS a requirement that 12 people agree that is what happened. There is little question he murdered someone and no question that it was "justified" but there certainly can be a question it fit the description of "premeditated"

    There is no requirement the jury consider other charges than what he was tried for and that, again, has to be unanimous. They went for all the marbles and lost. He will now be sentenced for a mich lesser crime and be eligible for parole much sooner.

  3. There is a scenario in which 1st degree murder would apply and I believe this is where the jury got hung.

    First-degree murder involves premeditation, but the very definition of premeditation, in the legal sense, is not all too clear. In the classical sense, it is easy to understand it: You buy a gun for the purpose of killing someone and carries it through. In the case of Dunn, it is quite clear he did not leave his home with the intention of shooting anyone but the moment he pulled out his gun to shoot the unarmed kid, premeditation took place. He was not in a fight, defending himself, nor can he claim anything other than he had a gun, the other guy didn't, and he decided to prove his point in the worst possible way. A prosecutor can make the case that the moment Dunn went to his car and pulled out his gun, premeditation attached. He was not in imminent danger, nor was he being attacked. Many consider that premeditation, as evidenced by the jury.

    And they used this contorted interpretation to justify the charge to appease racially motivated people. They also know they have to convince a jury of 12 people (not 6 since it IS first degree murder) unanimously of this contorted nonsense. And they all come from Florida.

    A charge of 2nd degree homicide would have had a jury of 6, not twelve, and would have been a slam dunk. It was also sure to cause a near riot among racial haterz so they went the other way. Ridiculous.

  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_bite



    OOPs. Forgot to milk that one first. Growing up in West Texas where we saw rattlers every day in warm weather and tried not to handle them, this topic was pretty well covered at home and in school. One of the perplexing things for medical professionals was always being able to tell if the bite were "dry" before proceeding with treatment. Though it was usually obvious by the time one reached medical care, not always. The prescribed procedure was to ice it down and head for the hospital ASAP. Localized swelling, inflamation and severe pain were pretty good indicators the bite was not dry.

    Death from viper (hemotoxin) snakes is fairly rare anyway.

    It is also possible the man developed an allergy to the venom. Just as a person can to bee stings. Probably best not to play with the things.

  5. It shouldn't be. Such language is derogatory and insulting. There are more creative ways to question someones integrity.

    I agree. It's revolting. If one has a legitimate disagreement, state it.

    Obviously racial discrimination is wrong and should be eliminated, I think that is what Justice Thomas is trying to do in working against programs that take away people's opportunites based on skin color, like Affirmative Action. I do not believe anyone should lose opportunities or rights based on the color of their skin.

  6. Hey man, that's a good point! States with more lenient CC or gun laws in general may benefit from additional jobs from firearms manufacturers. But a few examples is hardly a conclusive point IMO

    But what you said was "It would suck to have one of those jobs because then I wouldn't be able to post about CA concealed on VJ on holidays because I would be working and getting paid to do something else."

    ​Are you suggesting the people living in states where firearms manufacturers are moving will have better alternatives for production level jobs, which would take away their burden of posting on VJ all day? Or are you sad because some of those new jobs may be "office jobs" that could exacerbate people's want to post on VJ instead of what they are "getting paid to do"

    Or, as usual, did I miss your point entirely?

    They might. laughing.gif

  7. Then we need the link here you think?

    No. I would be able to go to the first page and read the article in the appropriate topic. But that's just me.

    This is the topic about the CA concealed carry law. The topic about Remington taking jobs out of NY is separate one. You beleive that ALL links for ALL topics need to be posted in ALL topics? Or just in ALL posts? laughing.gif

  8. You make a good point, rifles are not the big killer, hand guns are:


    So more focus should be on the weapon MOST USED in homicides. Good point Gary

    Has nothing to do with the right to own and carry guns. I simply copied an article, I didn't write it. Court rulings are clear, rights are not subject to casualty counts.

    But I welcome you to the fold of opposing Assault Rifle bans. Its a learning experience.

  9. Yeah right. B for effort?

    Like I said before it was a misquote by some wanna-be next Breitbart. I hate to fart inside your bubble but no real news sources picked this story up. Not even mainstream conservative publications like WSJ. mentioned this on its editorial page. No real journalist would ever run with an uncorroborated story.

    I said that Clarence Thomas was an Uncle Tom because he went to college on an affirmative action program,” Holmes said. “I said since he’s been on the U.S. Supreme Court, he has voted against every affirmative action program to help poor people get an education. That’s the reason I called him an Uncle Tom.”

    Link in post above

    It's a matter of official record. He said it on the state house floor. Why would WSJ run an editorial on it? Do you know what an editorial is?

    Why is it OK to call a black professional an "Uncle Tom" ???

  10. It's actually not bad. Plus the pay is a lot better than most labor intensive jobs.

    What's that have to do with the topic? Please be specific.

    States which have strict gun laws and have passed more recently have been losing jobs as firearms manufacturers move to more gun friendly states. NY just lost 2000 jobs when Remington decided to build its new plant in AL. California has a lot of jobs related to the firearms industry...Weatherby for one well known example. Striking down the unconstitutional CA concealed carry law may help CA keep good jobs in the state.

    I hope so.

  11. IMO it was. Once again, someone starts a confrontation, then used a gun and killed a person when things got heated.


    Your opinion, fortunately, does not matter. Such things are a matter of law.

    But clearly you are one that would not have been satisfied with a 2nd degree murder charge and are one of the people they tried to appease with a charge they could not prove. The killer is not convicted and you are not satisfied. Predictable. You got what you asked for.

  12. God, you need to stop posting.

    You have no idea what you're talking about. They didn't overreach, that man murdered that boy in the car. But people on that jury actually think that it was justified. That Jordan Davis was a threat to Mr. Dunn, and they believed him more than the 3 black teenagers that testified against him.

    What more evidence do you want Gary? He fired 10 shots into a vehicle full of teenagers, 4 while sitting there, then more when they tried to flee. He got out of his car and kept shooting. Then he left the scene of the confrontation, didn't tell his fiance he saw a gun, didn't call 911, went back to his room and had a pizza, walked the dog, and then left in the morning to drive another 175 miles back to his hometown. Guess that's normal to you.

    I say as least because it's the best his family could get. I hate it more than you ever will because you're so closed minded you can't fathom what it's like.

    I'll overlook the personal insults and consider the source.

    I would need, for a conviction of 1st degree murder, evidence that the assailant planned the attack in advance and conducted himself in a manner to cause it to happen. No such evidence exists, which is why they could not get a conviction on the charge of 1st degree murder.

    The number of shots he fired has nothing to do with it, neither does anything else you mentioned. No evidence of pre-meditation.

    2nd degree murder is a slam dunk, but the prosecutor did not go for that because racially motivated people would have been outraged. There was a demand to go for "all the marbles" Didn't work.

    Only those who had unreasonable expectations are disappointed.

    Now he is in prison on attempted murder conviction and can be paroled a lot sooner than a 2nd degree murder charge AND he is not even convicted of killing the boy he killed. How on earth would his parents receive "peace" from that?

    ."Don't worry, the guy that killed your son is in prison for trying to kill someone else" wacko.png

    Florida is not well served, and not safer, by the idiotic decisions being made by prosecutors to satisfy racially motivated people that will bever be satisfied.

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