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Posts posted by sheena29008

  1. THank GOd that emergeny has already been taken cared of....oops i wrote IR-1..as supposed to IR -5..Yes she went to the US on IR-5 visa.and yes she has the stamp on her passport, in which has the expiration on march 5th 2008 ...really? she can go back to the US even without the green card , as long as will she fly processes at a US POE before the expiration of the temp GC ..ITs great to know that...

    *by the way..its..AS long as she will...i interchanged will and she

    process? .........when i said fly.i meant..she can go back to the US.and that means also.she has to go through POE when she gets there.isnt it a normal procedure? i mean..expected? ....is there something you want to elaborate?

  2. I'm sorry, I really don't know what to say. I'm sure somebody here with the knowledge can help you. Good luck!


    If you don't know what to say, why post????? :wacko: Yeah I know people pride themselves in the # of posts they can contribute, but how about "quality posts"??? "Congratulations" and all that I get....the "I don't know what to say post" I don't.

    lol some people get upset when no one answers their post, thinking others are ignoring them, I don't think anyone cares how much they can post in matters of quantity.

    Sheena - unfortunately I don't have an answer for you either :( but I hope someone is able to provide you with a helpful answer!

    Not me Melissa.if i get answer ill be happy if not then ill find it myself..... :whistle: .. i think its worse when you write something and you dont know what you are saying.... :blink:

  3. If she came to the US on an IR5 visa then she should have a I-551 stamp (temp Greencard) in her passport.... it will have a valid to date on it... she will be able to enter the US using just her passport with the stamp right up to the day it expires.... although she may want to return before then... you do not say what date it said in her passport for the expiry....

    Sorry there is a family emergancey that she has had to deal with...


    HI kezz..

    thank you ..THank GOd that emergeny has already been taken cared of....oops i wrote IR-1..as supposed to IR -5..Yes she went to the US on IR-5 visa.and yes she has the stamp on her passport, in which has the expiration on march 5th 2008 ...really? she can go back to the US even without the green card , as long as will she fly before the expiration of the temp GC ..ITs great to know that...

  4. HI TO all Vjers,

    my parent came to the US about 2 months ago.There is some emergencies that she needs to go back to our home country even without getting the green card yet...she came to the US as immigrant.IR-1... we thought that the green card will be sent to her address in the US in less than 30 days from her arrival. but we are wrong. its been past 30 days..No green card still.the thing is SHe wants to go back to the US...but she cant go back unless she has the green card right? by the way we inquire bout her case and it says in the recording that its still pending...

    THe stamp in her passport ..says..visa will expire on march...can she go back to the US..just with that? and no green card?

    when they say its pending how long usually it will take them to process the case.

    She is only allowed to stay outside the US for six months right?longer than that..she might not be accepted even if she has green card?

    please enlighten me..she really worries alot about her case.and so are we.

    thank you for the time

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