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Posts posted by Ilmagnifico

  1. Greetings, 

    First of all, I would like to thank the admins of the forum and the lovely community here for guiding thousands of people in their journeys. I have learned quite a lot from your website!
    And I would like to apologize to create another "help me please" topic!
    Sadly, the more I read about the similar situations to mine, the more I get confused. So maybe someone would have some spare time to give me a little bit tailored guidance.   

    Me and my fiancee finally decided to marry. We have her tickets booked for this summer, but then we learned that our reunion will only happen after a full year -if not more- after our marriage.
    This struck us dearly as our financial abilities would not allow us to visit each other regularly.
    On top of that, now we have doubts whether I would be successfully migrating to USA or we should migrate together to a new country such as Canada for a faster reunion. 

    My fiancee is an American citizen from Salt Lake City, she is 29 years old PHD student who's currently working in university lab. 
    I am 30 years old Turkish citizen, I have bachelor's degree, American Culture and Literature. Currently working remote for a foreign company. (I am not registered to Turkish tax office since 2019) 
    Our sponsor options are my brother who's an American citizen but low income, a retired disabled lady who's willing to help our story happen, and my fiancee's extremely rich uncle but he's a little too patriotic let's say, so obviously hesitant. 

    1) Do you think she is being a student (30k yearly) and me being not registered to tax office (practically looking like unemployed) can cause problems for I-130?
    2) Or even if I-130 is approved, would it cause problems later during the interview? Because I think if they ask me, I shouldn't say that I am unemployed, that would look bad? But I also believe confessing that I was evading my income tax for many years to come as I didn't want to feed a dictatorship that officially banned / crippled my actual profession (night life industry)  would equally cause concerns even though that is something I would never do in a foreign country?
    3) Is there any way to make our process faster? Some people say that it took only 2 months for 
     I-130 to be approved, and just another 4-6 months for visa to be issued. But I have also seen cases where I-130 being approved after 10 months, and visa another 10 months on top.
    4) Do you think we should refund her tickets and buy much more expensive tickets for March if there is no any other way to shorten the process? But then we would only have 7 days to marry in Turkey and I am concerned if its enough time?
    5) Do you think if I can obtain a working visa in her city would help? I have a business owner (not specialized labor tho) who may help for a greencard, he says I can work as a ski instructor and we can split the extra costs he would do for my application. But he's doing it solely with good intent, he doesn't need any workers, nor he knows a thing or two about green card. 

    We don't have any criminal records, any suspicious activity, no health problems, no former marriages..
    We have proof of our love, photographs, love letters and promising couple potential with promising careers. :) Our only downside is current financial status, we met online and I have never been to USA. (and I have only 2 shots of vaccine, I don't want to get 4 more boosters.)

    Thank you all in advance!

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