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Posts posted by K-n-K

  1. hi!congratulations to all vsc filers,,,wow im impressed to vsc,they moving too fast.....they working so hard.....goodluck....and to csc filers like me..waiting and we need a lot of patience guys :unsure: ..god bless to all :luv: ann

    I agree jego, Us CSC filers need a lot of patience. I am happy for the VSC filers, but have to admit there is a bit of frustration watching them wizz on past us.

    Hang in there everyone our time is coming.

  2. (Apologies for encroaching on Mox) To the immigration people, "expedite" is for Cuban applications, emergency asylum applications, military applications, and (only for the very few) TRULY emergent personal circumstances (life-or-death matters, if even those!). Mox may have a more complete explanation.

    TBone, you mentioned military applications as far as expediting applications. I am a military member, does that mean I should have done something different, or maybe that it would benefit me to call now even though I am a possible month or two out from my NOA2.

    BTW long time reader/first time poster......This is a wonderful site and community

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