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Posts posted by elhuracan59

  1. On 3/2/2021 at 11:03 PM, FreeTanner22 said:

    Any other Lima Peru applicants stuck at the NVC still? It’s been since end of March 2020. Peru is no longer in quarantine and there is zero transparency on when they plan to resume things at a reasonable rate/speed. Im really curious when they will begin sending more applications from the NVC to consulate.

    Has your fiancee contacted his senator? I know it was precovid and not a K1, but they got mine pushed through in one day. Maybe it is something they can do. I have my wifes daughter in F2B and they regularaly check up on Lima for me at Marco Rubio's (Florida) office. His folks are very understanidng and can contact the embassy directly. Our F2B has been DQed since just after covid started, and we are still waiting on her interview. It sucks not knowing if or when she will be called while her life is on hold. Rubio's office is always told the same thing from the Lima embassy, "civil unrest and covid." I thnk a bunch of millenials who dont want to go back to the office if you ask me. If you contact your elected official, they will want your financee sing a release for personal information. And always follow up with a call. 

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