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Posts posted by EasyRider

  1. Today is the day of our interview!!! I'm very excited but nervous as hell. In a couple of hours we'll find out whether or not we get the visa. I need to remember to breath.

    I wish I was there with you, baby. Everything will be fine. No matter what happens, we'll always be together.

    I love you with all my heart.


    I wish you were here too. It would be much easier for me.

    People, thank you for your good wishes! It wasn't a breeze, but I'm going to get my visa tomorrow at 4 o'clock. :)

    Yay!!! I'm so happy the process is finally over!!!

    Phuck that interview guy, baby. What the hell does he know?

  2. Here are some questions I have for you.

    1. I make over the 125% needed for the Affidavit, but we thought it best to get a co-sponsor just in case we need it. My sister agreed to co-sponsor for us. My question is, will there be opportunity to submit her I-134 if it is needed or do we have to submit it right away in order for it to count.

    2. I have a statement from my employer, my pay stubs for 6 months and my W-2's from last year. However, I'm having problems getting a statement from my banks. Is it absolutely important for me to send that too or can I just print out my online statement and have them certify it at the bank? Would that be enough?

    3. In the I-134 on Question 7 there is a section that states, "I have other personal property, the reasonable value of which is." What property are they talking about exactly? Is it just big things like vehicles or do they mean appliances or books, furniture and things like that too? Also, do you have to provide evidence as to the ownership of the reported value like you do with everything else?

    4. At the end of the I-134 there is a part where you have to check whether you "intend" or "not intend" to make contributions in support of the beneficiary. My sister as the possible co-sponsor does not intend to make any contributions to our household. If she checks "not intend" will that count against us? That part was kind of confusing for me but who knows?

    I'm sure I have other questions but these are the only ones I can think of at this point. Thanks in advance for you help.

  3. Congratulations to all of those whom have gotten their NAO2's recently. And for those who haven't, hang in there! It's coming soon!!! :)

    After calling the NVC about 50 times since Monday and getting nothing but a busy signal (How is that possible? Must be really busy now.) I finally got through today and found out that our petition was received Wednesday 6/24/09 and was sent out 6/26/09. So it's on it's way to the embassy!!! I'm very happy right now since I get to see my baby soon!!!

  4. I'm sure there has been atrocities done by the American military where no evidence exists. However, it is unfair to accuse any one person or the military of anything with no evidence. But I'll go a step further. In the volatile state we find ourselves in these days, as a country, it is absolutely irresponsible to suggests that evidence of these atrocities exists. Many, many lives can be ruined by the mere suggestion.

  5. I've never been married or have had children so I don't know how exactly that would change my perspective. Being that I never really thought I would even consider either, until I met my fiancee, I can't really say how that would work. I would imagine that I would react different to a transgression from the mother of my children but who knows? However, if the past is any indication, I would end the relationship without any discussion or fights or anything like that, but only after I even the score somehow. Payback is a b!tch!

  6. I'm completely against this whole releasing of the memos. Really, what's the point? Don't get me wrong, I'm with Obama on this torture issue. But if you're going to release these memos then it has to have a purpose. If the intention was to illustrate the culpability of these rat bast*rds, the prosecute the lot of them. If not then shut the F up and move on.

  7. So many to choose from. I think most of the ones mentioned here are great choices. But I find that when this debate comes up, the one that usually gets left off the list is Freddie Mercury. I understand that some might be put off by his "life style" but when it comes to his vocals and stage presence, he's fighting for the top spot, in my opinion.

  8. Drunk + post = Fail

    Drunk + Post = Fail = Stupid.

    While I would normally agree with you, I'd like to point out that stupidity on VJ is not limited to drunk people.

  9. doesn't this discussion happen every decade or so?

    Only when the cry-babies lose the elections. They're out of power for a couple of months and right away they want to secede and start revolutions and sh!t. Weak.


    You been cryin for eight years and your b1tchin about two months?

    What? I don't understand what you said. It actually sounds like you're making my point for me but I can't be sure. I was saying that people who apposed the Bush administration did it for 8 years and never did you hear talks of secession from the "left." And we were the ones being accused of being called, "un-American." I don't know how many times I heard, "if you don't like it, get out!" LOL! We at least have a little more stamina than ultra conservative dipsh!t secessionists. It's like dealing with a 5 year old that throws a tantrum. And lets be honest here, if Bush or any other Republican was president and was making the same decisions Obama is making, non of you would be talking about all this secessionist #######. You would be lining up like mindless drones to protect your leader from evil Liberals, no matter how despicable your leader might be, just like you did for the last 8 years. And if you say you wouldn't then you're a LIAR.

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