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Posts posted by LadyShaly

  1. So when I tell them I'm visiting friends in the US for 3 months odds are they won't ask me all the questions and proof etc etc? Should I bring the paperwork just in case? I'm going to bring copies of my daughter's stuff regardless, I don't like travelling without it.

    If from some reason I'm denied because I didn't bring enough proof with me how long do I have to wait before trying again?

    Not having filed means you are not in their system as a beneficiary of a visa of any kind from a petitioner in this case your fianceé. That makes you a no threat of staying forever in the States visitor. All they need to know is that you want to visit the States and you will be there with a friend or friends enjoying the sites just don't say "boy" friend. You will be travelling as a tourist as many others do. It is once you are in the K visa system that all the questions you fear will be asked and the paperwork will be required. Go and have fun moving to the States is no worse than moving on your own from Vancouver to Toronto
  2. Are you and your boyfriend engaged and have you started the K1 process, I don't see anything that would lead me to believe you have started the immigration process. If your boyfriend isn't your fiancée the only problem would be what story to tell that would require you being in the states for 3 months. I'm sure I'm missing something but what.

    We are engaged but have not filed any paperwork. One of the reasons is I'm unsure whether I'll really like it down there or not. He's been here, now it's my turn to go there. Then when that's sorted we'll apply to the appropriate immigration office. But no paperwork has been submitted at this point. Can I not just tell them at the crossing that I'm visiting him for 3 months? Or am I better off getting a return ticket for say 2 weeks and then changing it to a later date once I'm there?

  3. Here's a link to some helpful suggestions. Good luck, and have fun! Can I Visit FAQ's

    Thanks, I've looked through VJ before but never come across that... definately going in my bookmarks! My main concern is not having an apartment or a job while I'm gone. Never thought of getting a letter from the BF saying he'll support me while I stay either.

  4. If you have a formal custody agreement with your ex that may help. It would show perhaps that you have partial or full custody with of your child and do not intend to leave her in Canada forever.

    No nothing on paper between my ex and I. We share custody of her equally and have had some difficulty putting it on paper... pretty much he wants full custody and won't budge. One of the reasons for this trip is for me to visit my boyfriend and start establishing a place to bring her once and if we do decide to apply for the K1 Visa. I would have an agreement with my parents to ensure that my ex isn't able to sue me for abandonment when I leave (he likes threatening to sue me for all kinds of things). They would essentially be holding onto my side of the custody arrangement while I was gone.

    I know not to volunteer things like me not having an apartment or the fact that I don't have a job but I won't lie about them either. I've never been asked that when crossing before but I've never taken a trip this long. Usually it's just, where you from, where you going, when you coming back?

  5. I lost my job in Dec and I've not had any success in getting a new one. My boyfriend that lives in NC suggested I come visit him for 3 months and then I can return to Canada and look for a job then (really hard to get a job after Christmas here).

    I'd have to give up my appartment because of the lease agreement, but could change my address to my sister or my parents (I'd also be staying with them when I got back until I found another appartment).

    I know US border wants proof of ties to Canada. My stuff would all be in storage, along with my car. Would receipts of that be enough cause to come back? And also, the most important one, my daughter would not be travelling with me. She'd be staying with my parents and her dad. If I brought a copy of her Birth Certificate and the receipts I mentioned along with a round trip ticket would that be enough?

    Any advice and tips on border crossing would be appreciated.

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