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Jen C 2008

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Posts posted by Jen C 2008

  1. Do you ever feel like you are just so ignored? Well I do and although I don't post that much it seems like this forum is not for everyone. Sorry but I do feel this way.

    Don't feel bad Jeanne, I know how you feel. Not many here respond to my post either but there are more than enough people on here that truly care about ALL of us and truly care about our journey as well. You just have to be patient and open yourself up to them. I am sorry if I do not respond to you but I really do not say much anymore because I do not like to get caught up in the negative stuff that happens sometimes. Feel free to PM me! :D

    Speak of getting ignored? how come certian ppl get slumber party for there interviews and others (within the past few days) get totaly ignored? seems tho there definitely is a "click" or is it just the hostess is occupy with her man now. it may be that simple and i am just thinking why???????

  2. Hi ! is theiir a way to print these logs without showing the actual conversations- just showing our id's and the dates we chatted- or is it better to show everything little detail we discuss ? :wacko: thanx!

    yes, you can do a screen shot. pm me or ask in this thread for more info on how to do that.

    Yes! please post this info, it may help others as well. i use yahoo mostly- thanx!

  3. When you talk abnout getting your elected officials involved-at what stage? Do you alert them to your filingand sign release forms and have them go to bat for you later if needed? -OR- do you have them write letters from the start and include them with your petition so the gov. knows they(elected officials) are aware of this filing?


  4. Well, MOnday is it...I board that plane and head back to Cairo...i can't wait. Interveiw is Thursday...less than a week away. We are nervous as you can imagine. How many of you went to the interveiw with your SO? Did you being there make him/her MORE nervous? Does going to the interview together really help? Or speed up the visa? Im worried that if they SEE us together...it may emphasize the age difference...yet it will also show we are united and a couple. Or maybe that we are trying to hard to prove our relationship is real???? Any thoughts on this??? Veterens encouraged to relpy....... :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

    What is your age difference? ours is 11 years. Not that i am an expert, i certaintly think your presence at the interview couldn't hurt :thumbs:

  5. since there is great wisdom and experience in this group, how whould you answer this: When a Muslim man marries an athiest woman, is he still a Muslim? :wacko:

    or maybe this should raise a red flag for the woman as to the true reason he is marrying her, as this is considered Haram!

    anyway, just curious as this thread seems to ber taking so many turns !

  6. Hello all:

    if i want to include some letters from ppl that have known us as a couple, do they need to be all formal and notarized? some of my fiance's family speaks english, in that case can they just write their letters in english or do they need to be written in Arabic than transcribed in english? Have any of you used such letters? i wonder if they are at all helpful??


  7. It is also in the marriage contract that if a Muslim is marrying a woman of Christian or Jewish faith she will be allowed to continue to practice her religion. It is interesting that a woman marrying a muslim man is not required to convert, but if a man wishes to marry a muslim woman he must convert to Islam.

    What's also interesting here is that many woman just throw their convictions out the door and convert simply because they are expected to(or want to please their man) without even fully understanding the religion. This is not a game, this is your life! If you are Christian, how can you give up your savior for a man? By the same token, i know Muslim men who have married athiests, how is this even possible???????? so many contradictions !

    This will be an interesting discussion, but realise you have opened a can of worms, also! :whistle:

  8. get real......this isnt western....this is islam.......and u are not first generation arab.....so stop throwing the arab card around....most want kids....if they dont have them...most hurt about it at one time or another

    You get real coz you really have no idea what you are talking about. You started this thread so you could engage in stereotypes about Arabs marrying westerners. You don't know the first thing about Islam, nor about what most Arabs want or feel. I've forgotten more about both than you ever knew. Just because you married an Algerian doesn't make you any kind of expect on Arabs and Islam.

    Reading your constantly angry posts that slam nearly everyone and everything, I'm sure no one can convince you of anything that will make you feel better than the perpetually sad state you seem enjoy wallowing in. If stereotypes suit you, then you will choose to believe them. You should, however, learn something more about Islam and Arabs before you start throwing around stereotypes about it, cause that will not be taken lightly.

    well said :thumbs: these sweeping generalizations are really uncalled for ! why do you take such pleasure in these type of postings? :wacko:

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