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Posts posted by mmcgee015

  1. My Fiance and I are now married.(L) YEA!!!! Thanks be to God that this part of the journey has ended however now the next chapter begins. My question is regarding the AOS. We were told that it would take two months to receive our official marriage license (we had a civil ceremony in California). We received a customer copy with the words customer copy written on it. Should I go ahead a submit the AOS with that copy or wait for the official marriage license. I do not want to have any problems during the AOS however I do not want to delay the process either. Any info would be helpful. Thanks again for all your help.

  2. My fiance's POE was Atlanta therefore he was unable to obtain the work authorization stamp. This is proving to be a problem since the SSA in California will not process the SS # application without the A# that is stamped on the I-94. Anyone else in California or another state having these issues whose POE did not provide the work authorization stamp. Any information would be appreciated. Have provided the SSA with all the information provided on website to confirm that Fiance is eligible for the SS# however they are claiming that they are unable to imput his information without the A#. Any advice or information would be appreciated. Thanks again for all your help.

  3. Thank you VJers for all the support that was given to me during the Visa delay process my fiance and I recently endured. The embassy actually called my fiance this morning and told him the Visa is ready for pick up. The Visa is now in hand and God willing my fiance will be in the states with me next week. I just want to encourage all those that may be having Visa problems to stay committed. Be in it for the long haul. Only the strong will survive. This is not called a journey for nothing. Never lose hope.

  4. I am really upset. : The US embasy in Lagos has not given my Fiance his Visa although he has been approved. He was told to come back yesterday and he did and it was not ready. He went back again today and was given the same lame explanation. Has this happened before? Is there anyone out there who has had a similar experience? My fiance and I are both stressed out about this. I have never heard of this. After his interview he was given a pick up slip telling him to come back yesterday so why are we having this problem?

  5. I am new at this. Concerned about receiving the packet 3 from the Lagos consulate office. Received the NVC letter dated 12/26/07 indicating that the petition will be forwarded to the consulate office within the week and that my fiance would receive a packet soon with the instructions. Will the packet be sent through a courier service or will my fiance need to go to Lagos to pick it up. Please advise. Very concerned about this whole process in this country. Experience with this consulate office has not been great in the past.

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