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Posts posted by indreams

  1. I tried the following sequence and it worked for me:

    1-800-829-1040 => 2 => 2 => SSN => 1 => 1 => 4 => Address => 4 => Year => 1 => 1 => 2 => Year

    And so on. This is an automated system. So it will send you the transcripts to the address that the IRS system has. If someone wants them in a different address, then this option is not going to work. In that case, speaking with a live person will do it.

    I apologize for bumping this, but since it's important information I thought it would be okay.

    This was the method that worked for me, as simple_male posted. When I tried it the original poster's way, Option #3 also gave me Business Accounts. It would not let me request transcripts for years I didn't file my taxes, as someone else posted. It really was a simple process to order the transcripts, after I knew which numbers to press. I was just thankful I didn't have to speak to a human :wacko: It does take a while because the automated voice rambles on, but so far this has been the least painful part of this whole process.

    Thank you VisaJourney!

  2. (This is only what happened to us, hopefully you'll get a few more responses along with this one) At the biometrics appointment your husband's fingerprint will be taken, he will sign a paper, & have his picture taken. He will NOT recieve his SS# or EAD the same day. They will mail you the EAD (check my signature for what our timeline was to recieve the EAD after the appointment), then you fill out a SS# form & take it to your local SS# office. Then they will mail you his SS# card.

    I'm in the same position as you, my husband needs to be working ASAP but unfortunely we've just had to wait. He's been a good househusband in the meantime, washing the dishes & doing the laundry & making the bed & making me dinner after I get home from work.

  3. I agree with zyggy - your situation is too complicated for a message board to give you an easy straight answer :( You need to at least seek advice from an immigration lawyer or USCIS itself before deciding what to do. Once you figure out how to begin, feel free to ask questions about the rest of the process. I know this is SO not what you wanted to hear but VisaJourney was the first place I went asking for questions & was quickly told that I needed to seek advice somewhere else first. Good luck! You'll be in my thoughts.

  4. I'm sorry you had to return to Ireland to work. As everyone else said in another thread, start researching & working on a K3/CR-1 Visa immediately & work as much as possible to save up all the money you can. You'll probably need a joint sponsor if you're having financial trouble. There is really no other legal option here - if there was, none of us would be going through the process.

  5. But yeah, I give up, I'm calling the IRS tomorrow because it's too late today.

    Just wanted to update that I called today, explained my situation thoroughly & was told I should not file for an ITIN because my husband is eligible for a SS# & could get one before April 15. The person I talked to said the best thing to do would be to file for a 6 month extension just in case my husband doesn't get a SS# before April 15. I can file my taxes anytime between now & October (of course we'll do our taxes the second he gets a SS#).

    The IRS doesn't ask why you need an extension anymore, the extension form is a tiny half-page thing you just mail in & automatically get 6 months to file. So if there's anyone out there just waiting for their spouse to obtain a SS# & has to file taxes for 2005, I'd recommend getting the extension too. Keep in mind if you owe anything, you STILL have to pay by April 15.


  6. Gee well an hour away really isn't that far. I don't drive either...but hubby does ;) And why would anyone think you're creepy? :P

    Just because it might be odd for someone that isn't well known on these boards to show up to a group meet-up :) On another board I post on daily, they have meet-ups all the time & once a girl showed up who no one really new, & now that girl has turned 'crazy', threatening the other people that went to the meet-up...the internet can be scary!

  7. I know you will at least need to file for an ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) on a W-7 attached to your federal taxes to do the married filing jointly thing.. The W-7 is not that hard to fill out.. And once you get his ITIN then you can use that on State and Local taxes if you have to do those as well...

    Here's a link to the IRS section on ITIN's..


    I checked the ITIN information before I posted, & the very top of the form says "DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO OBTAIN A U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER" My husband is eligible - the only problem is we're scared that he won't get his Social Security Number before April 15th :crying: (He had biometrics taken last week for his EAD...) I can't file my taxes without him having a Social Security number. Gahhhhh.

    You will also have to figure out residency for the year of 2005 and attach a statement stating your choice..

    Read this thread for more info:


    He wasn't inside the U.S. for any day or second or moment of 2005, he entered the U.S. in 2004 (when we got married) & 2006 (last month).

    Also, you can call the IRS for more information, or you can go to Taxpayer Assistance Centers for help...they will even help fill out all your tax forms if you made less than 38,000 I think...

    I'll be calling the IRS helpline number tomorrow...I didn't mean to get snippy at all in this post, I understand that you & anyone else is literally just trying to help me & I am endlessly thankful for that. And I apologize for not being more clear about the situation. You did help because I read the VJ thread you linked & now I understand that my husband is a non resident alien.

    But yeah, I give up, I'm calling the IRS tomorrow because it's too late today.

  8. How the heck am I supposed to file my taxes when my husband was not in the U.S. for all of 2005 (& thus never worked in the U.S.)? He's a K3 Visa holder with no EAD (but it's been filed for) & no Social Security Number. He did have income from Canada.

    I've been trying to figure this out for days, reading here & the IRS website. Yes, I know I need to just call the IRS helpline. Sigh.

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