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Posts posted by j_hunt_12

  1. Raccaus: that looks like a pretty good explaination. It really does look like there is some correlation there... however slight. Honestly, I don't mean to sound bad or anything but I (usually) can see a difference between long and slow process times... like 60% of the time from VJ... Age difference is something I've noticed. And those I've met in person that were living together a while really seem to have it easy. Just what I saw. It's no fun either way.

    Yoko: I'm definately NOT on the "normal" side of this, and am a very poor college student. BUT me and my GF are way more in love than anybody else... pretty much in the whole world...lol j/k...



  2. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it really seems kind of like it. I've learned that most people have hearts (even the Gov.). And I know many of them. It seems like they might throw in the thicker packets for quiker processing because they know that they made an effort. I don't know. You're probably right though. I've just been looking through a lot a post though and it seems like they process them quicker. Probably just me looking for an easy way out though :blush:

  3. I know the processing times are very random most of the time BUT.....

    Looking over the forum on visajourney it seems like those who send in a LOT of materials and have a more "normal story" have better processing times. I saw one couple that had a 2 month time period before the interview, but they entered a lot of materials including engagment party pictures. Does anyone else see a correlation between number of pic and materials and process times? It seems like maybe if the couples' story is fairly normal, they were together a fair amount of time, and they sent in a lot of pictures and materials they do better off. Does this seem true to anyone else? It seems like those who do worse don't sent much information.

    I know everyone at USCIS is heartless but maybe not completely; I can see where the heart might come in to play if they see a really "cute" couple that made a very good effort to send a lot a materials, including personal stuff etc..


  4. I know the processing times are very random most of the time BUT.....

    Looking over the forum on visajourney it seems like those who send in a lot of materials and have a more "normal story" have better processing times. I saw one couple that had a 2 month time period before the interview, but they entered a lot of materials including engagment party pictures. Does anyone else see a correlation between number of pic and materials and process times? It seems like maybe if the couples' story is fairly normal, they were together a fair amont of time, and they sent in a lot of pictures and materials they do better off. Does this seem true to anyone else? It seems like those who do worse don't sent much information.


  5. Yeah its crazy process. I'm actually very confident that we wont break up in the next year (I know everyone says that), which means we'll probably get engaged very soon. At that time I'll search for a job and once I know I got one, apply and wait... ohh yeah I'm still in college-- probably the only reason I'm waiting at all. The thing is, when it really comes down to it, the reason I'm even thinking about all this ####### so quickly is because I only have 2 options: Break-up, which is really not an option at all for me as I'm in love and she's perfect...blah blah blah; or get married. I just wish there was a "come for two years and see if your compatible...then get married visa"... lol... I think someone should propose that to congress... call it the responsible marriage act. It just seems like a lot of people like myself would just make a quick decision to marry that they would never make otherwise because of the visa situation.... not to say it's a bad decision!

    But, I guess when it comes down to it commitment is key as is in all relationships.

    I just wanted to vent a little and talk out my problems some.. haha. Seeing all the stories here is a huge help though. And I'm feeling a little better now.

  6. Columbia S.C!!!!.... Your from my city dude... small world.. Even though I'm now in the republic of Georgia and my girlfriend is in the U.S. :(.. haha such a wierd situation. anyways thats all a bunch of help... I like that 75% rule... anyways, still got a lot of time to think about it... thanks

  7. Yeah most the people here meet online I can see and then meet once before filing the visa. No problem for me.. I find it quite legit, but I met my love and we were together for 4 months first (LDR just started) :( :(. I'll see her again and maybe after a year or so get engaged and start the process. But I'm scared shitless about promising to marry that quickly, I love her to death but still. Just curious about how everything is working for those who didn't know each other long and have been married for a while. It just seems like a lot would get divorces really quickly after finally getting to live together. I'm really not trying to be a downer-I strongly believe in crazy love stories... just curious

    P.S. this site is amazing. It's going to be so much help when we do decide to go through this dreaded process.

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