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Posts posted by Sparker

  1. Hello all!

    Mike and I (Steph) decided to get married! Hopefully sometime this winter.

    He is in the american army and I am a flight attendant for a canadian airline.

    I am planning on keeping my job, at least for the time being and am concerned about the limitations that the Petition for Alien fiancee and K-1 visa will pose on my ability to travel.

    We have been scouring the USCIS and travel.state.gov website but have been unaable to find the answers to theses questions...

    As well the "non-immigrant visa application" asks: "have you ever been to the US? When? For how long?" and "Enter additional visits." I have lived close to the border my whole life and I have travelled to the US on many occasions that way. I have also been flying there for over a year now. And I will continue to commute to work in Vancouver from Hawaii. Sooooooo......

    What do I answer to those questions and how do I ensure that my work is still possible?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated,


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