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Posts posted by newdanny

  1. Hey everyone, I got a quick question and woudl appreciate any assisatnce.

    i want to apply for visit visa for my mom (60 yrs old) but she has previous immigration history. My mom had US visit visa about 9 yrs ago she overstayed it by 4 years and than left to Canada. From Canada she was EWI in a car while trying to reenter US (without visa). She was given paper work and released with a notice to aprear in court. She appeard in all her hearings and finally was given Voluntary Departure - VD. She left US on time as given by Immigration Judge in VD. Also would like to mention that she testified on belhalf of US attorney in conviction of teh smuggler who was taking ppl (along with my mom n dad) from CAnada to US, the guy was convicted (we got a letter from US attorney stating that she testified against teh guy).

    Is there a way we can file for visit visa for her (she is in Pakistan). would a wavier be requried? if Yes what wavier and what is the filing procedure?

    i will highly apprecaite any assistance and advise.


  2. i called state dept and they also told me that nothing apears on their screen that can relate to AP. the operator also told me that it can "mean" that AP is over also they said that my waiver is with DHS they didnt tell me for wat purpose: processing or wat? i asked since when its with DHS and the date they told me is same when i submitted wavier. That was last week and the next day i emailed embassy and they replied that my case is pending for AP so i am confused who is telling me the truth. i replied back and asked the reasons for AP to which they relplied sayi8gn that my case is forwarded to USCIS for further processing. can you gimme DOS no. plz. will appreciate any other adivice. and suggestions ... thanx alot

  3. Dear emt103c. thank you for your reply. So u mean there is a possiblity that my AP is over and my waiver is being processed now? I havent received anything from them saying that my AP is over. Did they send u any letter and inform you somehow that your AP is over. Another question: if you know whether waiver from islamabad pakistan are sent to Rome or USCIS? Are they both same.....i m jsut a bit confused wat do they mean by "case forwarded to USCIS for further processing". ....did they send it back to US or to Rome....i have been sending them email but no reply.

  4. Hi everybody. I wanted to have some information abt AP. My case was denied in Oct 07 rite after my interview (immigrant visa - USC spouse), i was told to submit 601 waiver. When i completed my waiver approx after two months of the interview, i emailed embassy and found out that my case is in AP (i was surprised bcz they didnt tell me anything in interview abt AP). Anywayz after couple months, in Feb 08, i went to the embassy and finally submitted the waiver. Now i have been sending them emails and they have been replying to me that my case still pending for AP. However i replied them back asking the reasons for AP and how long it would take, to this they replied saying that my case has been forwarded to USCIS for further processing. What does that mean? Are cases in AP automatically forwaded to USCIS. How can i find out further about my case status? where to contact USCIS?

    My case has already been denied. What else can they do? Oh by the way I left US on voluntary departure. My first entry in US in 97 on visitor visa at age 16...overstayed till 2002...left to Canada....returned to US in 2003 (EWI - released after paying bond) and finally left US on VD given by judge on time and reported to US embassy here in Pak after arriving.

    Any advice....suggestion would be highly appreciated. i just want to end this dilema....its been about two yrs already...

  5. Yes emt103c. My wife called up the state dept and they said same thing that my case in AP but they said to file waiver its better to wait to hear something from embassy and its better if we can contact embassy in Islamabad

    However getting in touch with embassy is not quite helpful, they dont pick up calls at embassy and to emails they dont reply :(

    i was just wondering if i can file waiver and have waiver processing and AP running parallel, and thus save some time.

  6. Hey everyone, hope u all r doing good. this is my first post here, though i been visiting this site for a while. i was denied immigrant visa (Spouse based - Oct 07) in Islamabad and given blue sheet mentioning 212 a 9 b ii under reason for denial and i was told to submit the 601 waiver and HSL. Now that i am ready with the waiver, i emailed them to reconfirm the waiver fee and they replied with the msg that my case is currently in administrative processing and they will contact the beneficiary (me) once AP is done. i emailed them back to inquire if i can submit the waiver but so far no answer.

    Any one went thru this? they didn't mention anything about AP when i emailed them after my denial to chk how much time i have to file the waiver. and now they are telling me that its in AP.

    Can i file the waiver while my case in AP?

    Acutally i want to submit the waiver ASAP for the sake of time.

    I will appreciate any help/suggestions/advices.

    Thank you

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