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Posts posted by ramiz

  1. I helped my brother, who still lives overseas, to fill his online NVC DS260 immigration application. However, the application and NVC website (https://ceac.state.gov/IV) are acting up and we are not sure how to fix the problem. NVC does not have a support phone line, and attempting to solve the issue with the public inquiry form can take 2 months to get a 1st response. I would appreciate any advice / insight anyone can offer.

    1st, we paid the main applicant IV fees (325$) and the petitioner AOS fees (120$), on 07/03. We thought we would defer paying fees for the derivative applicants (2 kids + wife) till we finish the principal application, which took us ~3 weeks. We however, went ahead and added the derivative applicants manually during that time, since the website seems to suggest so. By the end of July, both the petitioner and the main applicant submitted their forms. Few days later we noticed the website shows the derivative applicants had duplicate and approved entries, 2 applications per child and one for the wife. Looking at the messages, the wife had a duplicate application too , but it was rejected for duplicacy, while the 2 applications per kid were approved.

    Also, the other problem, the website, now, says the petitioner and principal applicant fees are not paid. Since communication with NVC can take up to 2 months, we decided to go ahead and pay the spouse fees, and a single fee per child, finish the forms and then communicate to NVC. We tried that with the wife case 1st, and paid the fees. The status now changed to paid for the wife. However, the “start now” application button is not clickable which tells me we are blocked from filing … probably because the main applicant is not recognized as paid ??!!

    I don’t see anyway we can fix these problems on our own. It looks like either their software or the officer who reviewed the submitted principal application have messed up.

    These problems require someone with admin privilege to fix them

    Anyone here have insight or advice on how we should go about handling these issues ?

    The issue have persisted more than a week, and without phone support, we feel hopeless

    Note, the receipts page itself is contradictory. As show in the attached image, the 1st row says IV fees is paid, but the details bellow the table say unpaid .... its so frustrating.

    should we file the inquiry form and wait ?
    or should we re-pay the fees, and manually remove the redundant applications ? ... and state the reason being duplication 



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