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Posts posted by Shawnra

  1. My dad was going to co sponsor my husbands immigrant visa but he backed out at the last second.

    So the only other person I can find to help is my grandfather. He passes the minimum requirements easily enough but he's in his early 70s and I'm wondering if the embassy might ask for another sponsor considering he is old and near retirement. Actually he was retired but due to cancer treatment costs had to start working again.

    I dunno... does the embassy consider this sort of thing?

  2. I'm just wondering if this looks right to you guys. The whole domicile thing is confusing to me and I'm not sure if this statement I came up with makes any sense! LOL I based it off of another example I found online.


    RE: I-864, Affidavit of Support – No. 15 Country of Domicile

    Case Number:

    I, (NAME), am currently residing in Brazil but my principle residence is in the US. I have taken the following steps to establish domicile there:

    1. Signed a Rental Agreement

    2. Purchased a vehicle in the US

    3. Purchased car insurance

    4. Made arrangements to relinquish residence abroad

    5. Opened US bank account

    Please find attached documentary proof of the above conditions.

    I intend to further establish my principle residence in the United States no later than the date of the intending immigrant’s admission.

    Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________


    Also do you think this is enough??

    I'll have:

    A rental agreement

    A car title

    Proof of car insurance

    A moving quote

    Joint bank account statement

    I'm also trying to come up with some sort of documented proof that we are giving up our rented apartment.

  3. I dont know if this is a really stupid question but I figured it wouldnt hurt to ask.

    I'm a USC and my husband and I already filed the I-130 and recieved packet 3 in the mail. I'm finding it impossible to reestablish domicile in the US and decided its best to go back for a visit and get things in order. I'm pregnant and due in April so I thought a good time to do this would be around June or July this year. Which leads me to two questions. Is there a deadline to send in the DS-forms? And is it at all possible for my husband, the intending immigrant, to travel with me to the US?

  4. I'm trying to establish domicile in the states. I tried opening a bank account but I recieved an email from the New Account Coordinator saying that its against the US Patriot Act for me to open a US bank account while living abroad.

    Has anyone else had this problem??

    Are you trying to establish proof of residency somewhere for yourself or are you trying to accomplish something else?

    If its proof of residency, there are other easier ways than through the banking system. Can you be a little more specific about the circumstances for your question? It might help for people to respond.

    Regardless, if you trying to establish proof of residency and you don't actually reside there, then its questionable why you want to do that.

    I have another post explaining my circumstances with establishing a domicile.

  5. Right now, my husband and I are gathering the documents for the interview. And I have a question about the I864.

    The situation is I dont have an established domicile in the US right now. The plan is to stay with my relatives until we get things in order and we used their address on the I-130 as the intended address of the immigrant. We are also using a joint-sponsor but they are not the same people.

    So, to establish a domicile what does that require given the circumstances? Can I use my relatives home?

    I'm worried the situation is a bit messy and it might be better to use the joint sponsor's address as the intending address. In that case would they need to fill out the I-864A instead? And how do I change the intended address with the embassy?

    As Yu has touched on, 'domicile' for immigration purposes does not necessarily mean just having a house to stay at in the U.S. when you arrive.

    This thread might help you:


    I read the thread and it helped a lot. We got some good ideas. I just hope its enough. Thanks! :)

  6. Where do you receive mail in the USA?

    Do you have a valid US driver's license, what is the address on it?

    Did you vote in the last election?

    Have you filed IRS returns while out of country? US citizens may be exempt from paying tax on foreign income but are NOT exempt from filing returns. Past year IRS return is a requirement of form I-864

    More here: http://travel.state.gov/pdf/I-864GenInfo-FAQ-Final.pdf

    My driver's license expired since I've been living in Brazil. And the address on it is my mothers old address which she doesnt live in anymore.

    I didnt vote in the last election.

    I was exempt from filing taxes since I've left the country because I havent been working.

    I've read the list of things you can use to establish a domicile but I have nothing. And the only thing that is possible for me to do as far as establishing a domicile is signing a lease. But I'd rather not do that. Because I'm not sure when I'll be leaving for the US. So I was hoping there was another way...

    I may still recieve some mail from my mothers new address... Would supplying a letter with my name and her address on it be enough?

  7. Right now, my husband and I are gathering the documents for the interview. And I have a question about the I864.

    The situation is I dont have an established domicile in the US right now. The plan is to stay with my relatives until we get things in order and we used their address on the I-130 as the intended address of the immigrant. We are also using a joint-sponsor but they are not the same people.

    So, to establish a domicile what does that require given the circumstances? Can I use my relatives home?

    I'm worried the situation is a bit messy and it might be better to use the joint sponsor's address as the intending address. In that case would they need to fill out the I-864A instead? And how do I change the intended address with the embassy?

  8. Details about my situation:



    As you can probably see from the above topics I started. I want to go the cr1 route because it is typically quicker, cheaper and also makes for my husband to be capable of getting a job much sooner then the k3 process. I don't know much about DCF or what it even is but know that I can use it if I go back to Pakistan and stay with my husband while filing right? Would I still be filing for cr1, only that I'd be filing from abroad? Would it make my situation any more complicated or take longer? Or would it possibly even be quicker? What are the facts I need to know about DCF and how to use it in my situation?

    Is DCF initially the same as filing for i130/cr1?What are the differences? How long would it typically take? Could I still use a joint sponsor? Would being unemployed and not having a personal income source hurt our chances? I really want to get started with this procedure of being with my husband soon.....please help. :help:


    I just checked out the DCF guide, and it says that establishing permanent residency for at least 6 months abroad is a must? What if I have a multiple entry visa valid upto 06-16-2013? I don't think that would suffice....any possible way I could work around it? Or would I still end up having to wait 6 months...and getting a residency?

    To use DCF, you must be RESIDENT in the country for at least six months. Even living there without being a resident is insufficient to use DCF. You do not have a residency visa for Pakistan so you could not use your multiple entry visa for that. There is no way around this condition. Since you live in Michigan, your case would most likely be assigned to the California Service Center for processing. They specify the timeline for adjudicating I130 petitions (assuming no additional security checks which can happen for Pakistanis) at six months. Therefore, your I130 with USCIS would most likely be approved before you even fulfilled the DCF conditions. As such, the fastest route would be to just apply through the standard process as soon as possible.

    Also, having joint sponsorship for I864s in Islamabad appears to be a red flag that almost guarantees administrative processing (AP). If you can in any way fulfill and exceed the I864 conditions without a joint sponsor, I highly recommend it.

    I was able to do DCF right after recieving my permanent residency in Brazil. I was granted a temporary visa after I married a Brazilian and filed for residency. After my permanet residency was granted 9 months later (we took our time with it) I was able to immediately file the I-130 directly with the consulate. To meet the 6 month requirement all I had to do was show my temporary visa and my permanent residency visa. The embassy said I had to be a legal resident and have been residing legally within Brazil for 6 months. Not be a permanent resident for 6 months.

    You should find out the exact requirements from the embassy in Pakistan.

    But I think your best bet would be to apply stateside. Really DCF is more beneficial for those already living abroad with their spouses. I wouldnt leave the US just to do DCF.

  9. Details about my situation:



    As you can probably see from the above topics I started. I want to go the cr1 route because it is typically quicker, cheaper and also makes for my husband to be capable of getting a job much sooner then the k3 process. I don't know much about DCF or what it even is but know that I can use it if I go back to Pakistan and stay with my husband while filing right? Would I still be filing for cr1, only that I'd be filing from abroad? Would it make my situation any more complicated or take longer? Or would it possibly even be quicker? What are the facts I need to know about DCF and how to use it in my situation?

    Is DCF initially the same as filing for i130/cr1?What are the differences? How long would it typically take? Could I still use a joint sponsor? Would being unemployed and not having a personal income source hurt our chances? I really want to get started with this procedure of being with my husband soon.....please help. :help:


    I just checked out the DCF guide, and it says that establishing permanent residency for at least 6 months abroad is a must? What if I have a multiple entry visa valid upto 06-16-2013? I don't think that would suffice....any possible way I could work around it? Or would I still end up having to wait 6 months...and getting a residency?

    To use DCF, you must be RESIDENT in the country for at least six months. Even living there without being a resident is insufficient to use DCF. You do not have a residency visa for Pakistan so you could not use your multiple entry visa for that. There is no way around this condition. Since you live in Michigan, your case would most likely be assigned to the California Service Center for processing. They specify the timeline for adjudicating I130 petitions (assuming no additional security checks which can happen for Pakistanis) at six months. Therefore, your I130 with USCIS would most likely be approved before you even fulfilled the DCF conditions. As such, the fastest route would be to just apply through the standard process as soon as possible.

    Also, having joint sponsorship for I864s in Islamabad appears to be a red flag that almost guarantees administrative processing (AP). If you can in any way fulfill and exceed the I864 conditions without a joint sponsor, I highly recommend it.

    I was able to do DCF right after recieving my permanent residency in Brazil. I was granted a temporary visa after I married a Brazilian and filed for residency. After my permanet residency was granted 9 months later (we took our time with it) I was able to immediately file the I-130 directly with the consulate. To meet the 6 month requirement all I had to do was show my temporary visa and my permanent residency visa. The embassy said I had to be a legal resident and have been residing legally within Brazil for 6 months. Not be a permanent resident for 6 months.

    You should find out the exact requirements from the embassy in Pakistan.

  10. I am American. I live in Brazil with my brazilian huband. I just recieved my permanent residency here. And we were just about to apply for my hubands CR-1 Visa directly with the consulate, when we found out I was pregnant. We decided to hold off on the visa but we plan on continuing with plans after the birth.

    But I'm not sure how it will be for the new baby. Can I report her as an american citizen? Do both parents need to be american to report an american birth? Will she automatically have dual citizenship? Will I have to apply for her american citizenship? I've found some conflicting information and nothing specific. So any info would be helpful.


  11. I tried calling the US embassy today. I live in Brasilia, Brasil and I need info on a certain document and I'm on a tight timeline. So I call the embassy get through their long automated teller and its starts ringing for an attendant. It rings, rings and rings. No answer. So I hang up and call back a few minutes later. Rings three times and then someone picks up and hangs up! Argh! I've been living in Brasil for over a year now and all I ever get from this embassy is rude impatient people with sticks up their asses.

    I would like to complain. But I dont know who to complain to. And maybe this is just typical embassy behavior. I dunno.

    Are all embassies like this everywhere??

    And does anyone know anything about some kind of document you get from the embassy in Brazil when you register? I registered over a year ago and I never recieved anything in return. And I just recently updated my info online and nothing. Now the Federal Police are asking for this document in order to finalize my permanent residency visa. I have no clue what they are talking about.

  12. I just wanted to express my appreciation of my husband Emanuel. He's my strength and support. He's always so calm and level headed and smart. Where I tend to be spontanious and irrational. :innocent:

    I get so frusterated with all the work and attention and TIME that goes into these visa processes. I want to go home so badly to be with my family and friends in the states. :crying: But there's no way I could spend another day without my Manly. I get so frusterated and depressed sometimes and Emanuel always encourages me and makes me feel fine again. ^_^

    I guess my point is having Emanuel makes this whole.... thing worth the effort. And I'm telling you all because I know you can appreciate it. :blush:

  13. G-325A is a 4 page form, traditionally 4 pages with carbon between the pages so when you write on the top page it gets copied to the other 3. The PDF behaves the same way, you fill page 1 and print all 4 pages, each one is slightly different at the bottom for different departments.

    Ok, so I had to use an attatchment for my employment history. Should I attatch four copies? :unsure:

  14. Hi all! :D

    Ok I have some simple questions.

    First, I completed and printed the G-325 form from this site. Is there supposed to be 4 copies of the same page?

    Second, before we were married my husband who is Brasilian applied for a tourist visa to the states and was denied on account that the trip was scheduled in the middle of his school year. He's worried that being denied might have an affect on his immigrant visa. Can that happen?

    Ok, so I think thats it for now. :)

    Thanks for your help!

  15. Not necessarily. I lived here for 11 months before my residence was finally issued (they are slow here), the fact that my res. had just been issued didn't matter to the embassy. All that mattered is that I was now a legal resident and had been living her for over 6 months. For the rest of the time I had to renew my standard tourist visa every 30 days at a cost of about $25 per month. I was able to do this because of special permission showing that my residency was being processed.

    Ask the embassy there, but here it was fine.

    Wow, 11 months for residency... I would just die. I miss home!

    Anyways, I hope its the same here in Brasil. The embassy site says "The petitioner must be a resident of Brazil (for at least the preceding six months)..." It doesnt say "legal resident" so maybe... I'll find out. B)

  16. Hello there :)

    You say your permanent residency will come through in the next two to four months. Does that mean you are not currently any type of resident in Brazil? You need to be resident in Brazil for at least six months before you are able to file the I-130 there. The best way to find out whether or not you're eligible is to contact the embassy there.

    I've been living here in Brasil about 7 months now. I came on a tourist visa which was extended when we decided to marry. After that I immediately applied for permanent residency which came with a extended visa until my residency is approved or denied. So, I'm not too sure what my technical status is. I'll look more into it. I wouldnt mind waiting the six months but I'd rather get it done and over with.

    Turning in the visa application at the same time as the I-130 would mean the DS-230 along with the checklist of required documents. The checklist varies a bit between embassy locations I believe, so I would recommend obtaining it directly from them and asking them first as well if they will accept everything at the same time.

    Right after I posted this, I did exactly that. I emailed the embassy and asked them if it was possible to do it all at once and what documents and forms I'll need. So, I should be hearing from them within the week.


  17. Hi!

    My name is Shawnra. I am a US citizen and my husband, Emanuel is Brasilian. We were married two months ago here in Brasil and I am currently waiting for my permanent residency to be approved, which should go through within the next two to four months.

    I read it was possible to turn in the immigrant visa application at the same time you file the I-130 form. I know we need the forms DS_230 Part 1 and I-864. But I can't find the list of documents we will need. Where can I find this? Are there any other forms needed?

    Also, I would appreciate any general advice anyone has to give. Especially about DCF in Brasil.

    Thanks! :thumbs:

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