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Posts posted by Makeitwork7786

  1. Him and his sister are Mexican citizens


    His sister has been here 20 years or so but shes illegal 


    When he was around 18 he came to visit her but said he told CBP he was going to a concert because he didn't want to get her in trouble. They knew he was lying and took his visa. He's 37 and has re applied several times over the past 6 years but was denied each time due to the first incident (his wife and son were given visas in the same interview he was denied and they have the same "pre-requesits" for approval.)



    I'm not sure what if any evidence he took with him.



  2. So, I'm pretty sure this isn't the best place for this thread so feel free to direct me (or if an admin can move it, not sure if y'all do that here;)   anyway,  my wife's brother in law is in Mexico, no visa or anything. His sister Lives in the US and The doctors say she's terminal. Anyway, a lawyer (not sure if US or Mexican) told him to go to the boarder and ask to cross with. He hasn't told me how bad his sister is. So maybe she the lawyer said what he did bc the application would never go through in time from what the doctor are saying. I'm not sure. But I've been searching and haven't found anyway that says you can ask for humanitarian parole at the boarder and apply there all the same day or same week etc... The only thing I've found is to submit an application\make an appointment or interview and it will take a while (used to be 3 months but since COVID i read it's a lot longer now) to be approved.


    Ps. He went to the boarder but was turned around and said to come back one funeral arrangement were made and maybe he could cross. My wife told me that part so I'm not sure if it was serious or the officer was being a jerk. 

    Anyway, any information would be helpful. 


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