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Posts posted by DR.N

  1. Dear VJ members,

    By the Grace of Allah Almighty, my wife finally received her visa after two and a half years of Administrative Processing. I hope that our case was unique and nobody here bear what we did. Believe me that patience is all one can do and endure the distance and time as best as possible. Hang in there and best wishes to you all. We will keep you in our prayers always. Thanks for all the support and advice this group has given to us over the years.

  2. Dear Mary,

    I was reading some posts on the family based immigration site and there was someone mentioned a "writ of mandamus."

    I was wondering if you have any information about this process and have you heard of anyone taking such a drastic measures in order to get out of AP?

    If anyone else has any information in regards to this I would greatly appreciate it. Best wishes to all

  3. Salam...I truly have no idea as to why she is on AP...in fact I don't think anyone can answer that correctly. Of course we have some suspicions. My wife's last name is Khan and i'm not sure if that maybe put up a red flag in the DOS's charts. Aside from that, all our paperwork was in perfect order. The interview was wonderful. She's never been out of Pakistan except for a small vacation to Dubai when she was younger. It is very frustrating. My only answer is that the security clearence process for the United States is very out-dated. I believe a lot of it is still done by hand. Moreover, we can't overlook that the country of Pakistan is considered a problematic area to the US. I mean hardly two weeks can't go by without some kind of devestating happening there. I wouldn't be surprised if the people in charge of security tend to scrutinize over our visa's due to our country of orgin.

    PS....for some reason when i click on the spreadsheet, the link doesn't work for me??

  4. Hello Dr N.,

    I come around here but am active on another forum now mostly. FBI is the intials for the forum and some members from this forum are active there too. AR is the id for the gentleman that I talk to on that forum and he is waiting for his wife as well.

    I sure hope that all the ones on AR/AP are reunited soon with their loved ones.


    Dr. N , may Allah SWT make this period easy for you and ur spouse!


    Salam Revived,

    I don't get a chance to write as often as i'd like but I know that you have also been waiting for a looong time as well :(

    I'll keep you and everyone else in my prayers as well. Best wishes

  5. Hello All,

    That's so sweet that you remember us Mary. Thanks for all your support and help...you are wonderful. I'm sorry to say that it's going to be going on 1 1/2 yrs pretty soon for us (K3 interview July 3rd 2007).

    I'd like to hope that we are near the end....but all we can do is be patient and keep praying for one another. Hang in there, it will end soon enough. These posts do make it easier and remind us we aren't alone. Best wishes to you all.

    PS...has anyone heard of that brain.net phone service that supposedly makes calls from the US to Pak as if it were a local call? If so, how is the quality? Is there a lot of static? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks again and keep posting!

    PSS...Mary...what is that FBI site and AR#?? Do we have access to that??

  6. Salam Everyone,

    I recall reading in a posting in this forum about how if a US resident were to go to Pakistan and have residence of 6 months that they would be able to take their spouse to the Embassy and get her visa then and there so that they could travel. Of course i have numerous questions and I can't seem to find that post (it was an early one i think). Can we look into that. My wife and I have been on AP for 15 months. The 16th month will begin Nov 3rd (counting since her interview in Islamabad) This is a huge decision to make even if it is possible but as time continues, it may be the only option. It's so frustrating not knowing anything. We pray and hope that it'll end. With every day a new hope but it really is heart wrenching to not know.

    Please if someone has any information on this matter, do reply. If it is an option, would that mean we would have to terminate our applied Visa and base our visa on that Residential stay. From what i remember it wouldn't just be a visit of 6 months, but rather a residency stay which must be documented most likely by the police whatever other things come along with it.

    Best of luck and please let's all remember each other in our prayers.

  7. Salam! That's terriffic. Good luck with that. I didn't get a chance to call DOS today but I will tommorrow. The wait time always kills me :P

    Thanks Ali for those words of advise. What exactly is a CR1 visa anyways...is it like a spousal visa?

    From what I hear, after the DOS clears AP, it takes about a day or two for the embassey to mail the passport with visa to the AMEX. Best of Luck to everyone on AP

  8. Salam Everyone! I hope that this finds you all in the best of health and happiness (ameen). This is a blessed month and everyone who is still pending or in AP keep praying and Insha'Allah Allah (SWT) will hear our prayers.

    I am here in California and wife in Lahore. It's now been 15 months in AP and each day is a struggle. We are fed up and I guess I felt like venting a bit. I've written several letters to Congressman and even to a Senator but the efforts seem to only give me comfort. The fact is that there isn't anything that can be done other than be patient and know that there is some good in this. We put our faith in Allah Almighty and ask that HE give us strength through this difficult time. It's not easy with all the happenings in Pakistan.

    Our interview was July 3rd 2007. If anyone out there has any similar experience or any advice I would be very grateful to it. Thank you and best wishes always


  9. Random Question:

    Is there a way to find out what are "COMMON NAMES"? Both older sisters received Visa's without AP, the last one received it 2yrs ago. I would of thought becuase 2 sisters were in US and Mother/Father both soon will have Green Card's then it wouldn't be a problem but boy was I WRONG!



    Hey there, I've been speaking to a few contacts within the system, and the AP has little to nothing to do with the petitioner...so if you've traveled that is something that would have been looked into during your initional petitioning....they do an FBI check and all that on the state side before they allow you to apply. Also, as far as who got visas in the past and how and all that.....I have learned NEVER expect one situtation to be the same as another, especially now days. My brother in law went to the U.S. on a Fiance' visa in FOUR months from start to finish back in 01....my husband and I have been trying for well over a year now and we're just barely there....(and I'm a U.S. born gori, my brother in laws fiance was a Pakistani immigrant). My point...the world and the policies are changing min by min and there's just never a way to know. I'm not saying these threads aren't helpful, they are for sure,,,,but just be cautious and patient. CONGRATS to everyone who has gotten through and even more for those who have quickly.....and for the rest of us....I pray daily God grants me patience and understanding....because I myself don't have it.

    Best of luck!


  10. Assalam-o-Alaikum!

    I haven't written in a while so I thought i'd chime in and give a status update on my wife's CR-1 (spousal visa) case. Her interview was in Islamabad, Pakistan on July 3rd 2007. She was placed under A/P. I tend to call the Dept of State on a weekly basis with the hopes of good news. April will be 9 months and I am getting more and more depressed. Other than giving us the information that our application is pending....it's really frustrating. My wife and I keep kicking ourselves thinking maybe if we had done a different visa. Perhaps we could have changed her last name which incidentally is Khan (doesn't help :angry: ) I pray for all of us on AP that we are reunited with our spouses soon. Thank God we have technology to keep us connected and somewhat together.

    I am still very much interested if there are any other CR-1 Applicants who had their interviews in July 2007 in Islamabad for the US. If you write to the Embassey in Islamabad in that automated response it states that until you have been in AP for 10 months not to bother even contacting them. Has any of us contacted the embassey post 10 months wait?? Do they actually do anything? Thanks VJ for letting me ramble. Thanks and God Bless

  11. Salam All! I hope this finds everyone in the best of health and happiness (ameen). Just wanted to write and find out if anyone on a CR-1 (spousal visa) has had any good news particularly those whose interviews were at the start of JULY 2007 in Islamabad, Pak

    My wife's interview was on July 3rd and we are currently on Administrative Processing (AP). It's heartbreaking to think of the time that has passed and the time we are losing. It's difficult for all of us to be away from our loved ones but Insha'Allah may Allah Almighty bless us all and reunite us quickly.

    I called the Dept. of state today and seems that it's my wife's last name that might be causing the delay in our process. Her last name is Khan and I guess that sets up red flags at their offices.

    Again plz respond if you or your spouse had their interview in July 2007 for spousal visa so we can compare our timelines. Also, anyone reading this with similar last names such as, Khan, also, plz let me know how long it took for your visa to arrive. I greatly appreciate all your information and help. Thanks

  12. Salam All! I hope this finds everyone in the best of health and happiness (ameen). Just wanted to write and find out if anyone on a CR-1 (spousal visa) has had any good news particularly those whose interviews were at the start of JULY 2007 in Islamabad, Pak

    My wife's interview was on July 3rd and we are currently on Administrative Processing (AP). It's heartbreaking to think of the time that has passed and the time we are losing. It's difficult for all of us to be away from our loved ones but Insha'Allah may Allah Almighty bless us all and reunite us quickly.

    I called the Dept. of state today and seems that it's my wife's last name that might be causing the delay in our process. Her last name is Khan and I guess that sets up red flags at their offices.

    Again plz respond if you or your spouse had their interview in July 2007 for spousal visa so we can compare our timelines. Also, anyone reading this with similar last names such as, Khan, also, plz let me know how long it took for your visa to arrive. I greatly appreciate all your information and help. Thanks

  13. Salam All! I hope this finds everyone in the best of health and happiness (ameen). Just wanted to write and find out if anyone on a CR-1 (spousal visa) has had any good news particularly those whose interviews were at the start of JULY 2007 in Islamabad, Pak

    My wife's interview was on July 3rd and we are currently on Administrative Processing (AP). It's heartbreaking to think of the time that has passed and the time we are losing. It's difficult for all of us to be away from our loved ones but Insha'Allah may Allah Almighty bless us all and reunite us quickly.

    I called the Dept. of state today and seems that it's my wife's last name that might be causing the delay in our process. Her last name is Khan and I guess that sets up red flags at their offices.

    Again plz respond if you or your spouse had their interview in July 2007 for spousal visa so we can compare our timelines. Also, anyone reading this with similar last names such as, Khan, also, plz let me know how long it took for your visa to arrive. I greatly appreciate all your information and help. Thanks

  14. Salam all,

    My wife had her interview on July 3rd, 2007 for her immigrant visa (CR-1). She is currently in Lahore, Pakistan, and myself in California. I have contacted the Dept of State numerous times only to get the same response, "Your wife's case is still under administrative processing." It has now been 6 months and we are still waiting patiently.

    The reason for my post is to find out if anyone else had a similar interview around the same time in Islamabad. If so, please let me know how your case is progressing. I have been searching but unfortunatly haven't been able to find any VJ members posting their results if their interview was in the month of July. I have seen cases in May and now in August having their Administrative processes completed. I pray for you all to be reunited with your spouses. Thank you

  15. HelLO Mary,

    Thank u for replying.. I called da DOS and the operator said we do see tht ur wife was interviewed on July 3rd 2007... But we cant predict the time how long it can take!

    Mary do u know any cases after interview how long were they in AP and got their passports ....after how many months ...

    Thanks for the help

    Take care

  16. Hi everyone,

    I am American Citizen borned here n lived here from 27 yrs now... i got married on september 7th 2006 and filled in all my applications and submited in NOV 2006. My wife is in pakistan in lahore, we applied 2 files one was K3immigrant and one was fiance viza . On May 29th 2007 she recieved her packet K3 and was given interview date for July 3rd 2007.. and later on in month of june date

    29th june 2007 she recieved her 3.5 family viza packet

    we were really happy to see both of those packets were dere we called the Islamabad Embassy n told dem tht we will be coming for our immigrant viza ..not for fiance ...

    interview went fine they give her the slip from where she can recieve the passport and said it will take 2 months.....

    I came to know tht our documents are in DOS at the moment and still pending dey said to contact next week now ....

    Plz mary help me out how long do u expect they can take ....

    anyone who went through this plz help me know will wait. Thank u all!!!!

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