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Posts posted by len_japson

  1. No, she'll need to list her assets and document them as well.

    I am sorry I really didnt get u ........... she wd list her assets along with her income but what do you mean by document them ?? so we dnt need a cosponsor ??

    Document them (assets) as in - if a home is owned, you'll need some sort of documentation of this (can't just say "Own $300,000 home") - can use (for home value) things like previous year's property tax assessment, or have a Realtor do a valuation (market analysis) for your home etc. If stocks/bonds are listed, you'll need serial numbers etc. And of course for income, most recent Tax Returns (or IRS transcripts) are ideal documentation. That's documentation. :thumbs:

    Yes, I think you do not need a joint sponsor because $3.00 in assets can substitute for $1.00 in income shortfall.

    I do believe that you need to show 5 times the shortfall between income and 125% to file for AOS. Why shold this be different? Also - the assets must be easily convertable into cash. I dont know if a house qualifies - especially in a housing crisis. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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