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Posts posted by Maryna90

  1. 1 hour ago, Eddy2019 said:

    I am a bit confuse here, DS-260 form is for spouse and not for K1. Why were you asked to complete it and also to submit marriage certificate since you are doing k1 Visa which is for fiancee.

    I believe it depend on how the interview went, were they suspecting you to be married?
    The answer to your question is best answered by the embassy.

    The interview went well, the only thing that I didn’t have his divorce certificate on me, I thought I need documents from my side only. And the officer asked if I saw his divorce certificate I said of course as we were preparing the package together and she said yes it’s submitted with petition but we need it for the file, so send these documents on email and in 2-3 weeks we will make final decision. Passport they took away as well

  2. At my K-1 visa interview I was asked for petitioner divorce certificate and I didn’t have it on me, I was given white slip 221g. The slip stating I must to submit marriage and divorce petitioner certificates and email the embassy after I have obtained all the requested documents and completed DS-260.

    How do I submit the documents? As the interviewing officer told me to email the documents, after I sent them divorce certificate embassy answered that they confirm I need to mail original documents. I’m very confused.

    Also how do I complete DS-260 and why do I need to complete this form if K-1 visa requires DS-160. Moreover, I don’t have invoice ID number to sign in and complete the form.

    Please anyone help me

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