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Everything posted by ConsistentCut

  1. Went and saw Dr. Cheema on September 15th. Waited for about 20 minutes in the waiting room. The physical was pretty simple and Dr. Cheema is a nice guy. I gave them my vaccination information and they told me I was all good. Chest xray and simple blood test after. Spent far more time waiting in line than the medical or tests. I was kinda ticked off that I had to go all the way to Surrey for the medical. There is absolutely nothing done there that can't be done at any municipality with an xray machine and blood work apparatus in Canada. Anyway, went well and highly recommended. They didn't require the flu shot, and I'm assuming it's because the medical fell outside of Oct-Mar time period. "Q. When does the flu season start for purposes of the seasonal flu vaccine requirement? Since the seasonal flu vaccine is required, do I have to get the seasonal flu vaccine if it is not the flu season? A. For purposes of the immigration medical examination, the flu season starts on October 1 and ends on March 31 each year. If your immigration medical examination is during this period, you are required to have the seasonal flu vaccine. If you have an immigration medical examination completed between April 1 and September 30, when it is not the flu season for immigration purposes, you are not required to document that you have received the seasonal flu vaccine." I found this on the USCIS website. Is it accurate, or should I go get one and bring it to the interview? I've never had a flu shot and don't intend on ever getting one unless I absolutely have to.
  2. In the official documents list from USCIS it's still saying police certificate is only good for 1 year. Are we absolutely sure it's been moved to 2 years?
  3. Didn't you get an interview letter with date and time on it? I registered my interview and got courier service but it's the same date and time as were on my letter.
  4. I emailed NVC but I will do this as well. Thanks.
  5. Waiting for interview on Oct. 5. Made a stupid mistake and put my Dad's birthplace as a different city on the DS-260. Anything I can do?
  6. It's free in AB. You should call around and see if any health centers will do it. It might be free there.
  7. No, AB. Call around the health authorities. My city was backed up for the next 7 weeks, but I found one in an outlying smaller community next week.
  8. I was DQed June 21 and got my interview letter on August 30th (for October 5th). It took 10 weeks for me. End June still doesn't have their interviews booked, so I expect you'll be waiting another couple months.
  9. Was able to call around the province and get an appointment for this on the 12th.
  10. Cheema has it in stock. Another hurdle jumped. I should be in the Olympics at this point.
  11. You can say that again. We are undoing our entire life to make this happen. A 6 month delay would be extremely harrowing.
  12. I just talked to my medical doctor and he said the same thing. THANK GOD
  13. Just found out I need to redo my hepatitis B vaccination series, and it could take 6 months. They don't have initial appointments until the middle of October. Fantastic. I'm getting a titer test tomorrow. It's a longshot, but I hope antibodies show up cause I had one dose 20 years ago. Or maybe I had the illness already. Do I even bother going to my medical? Since medicals are only good for 6 months it seems kind of pointless. Obviously I still go to my interview? This sucks.
  14. Never mind I'm dumb lol. The whole domicile thing really confused the heck out of me. My wife quit her job and is moving back to the States this week. Will update the consular officer at my interview. Really feel bad for all those who haven't been scheduled interviews yet. Don't worry guys your time is coming!!
  15. So don't need to worry about pneumoccocus, hep A, and flu type B?
  16. Seems like you know what's up. Which ones do I need to get prior to the appointment? Do we follow this? https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/civil-surgeons/vaccinations.html#tbl1 Thanks!
  17. She resides here, but she also has a US address, a US based job, and a US domicile. She has more connections to her domicile in the US than she does to Canada. This is what's confusing about this. She hasn't cut ties with the US and never intended to do so, or to move to Canada permanently. She's just here temporarily while we wait out my IR1 application.
  18. Thank you. Are you certain? What do I say if asked where she lives and what she does for work? Just give the "American" answers (lives at US address, works remotely for the company she pays USD taxes in)?
  19. I thought I had this answered but after reading more I don't. Need help. I will try to explain our situation as succinctly as possible Married in 2018, Wife is USC, I am Canadian Citizen Filed I130 in May 2020, putting wife's US address and physical address as US Wife maintained all evidence of domicile in US, including cell phone, car reg, driver's license. Continued to work remotely, paying US tax, filing US tax returns Submitted I864 and DS260 in September 2021, cosponsor is father at same address as above Wife gained Canadian PR status in September 2021, found job in Spring 2022 and has been working there ever since. Spends the vast majority of her time in Canada since covid, but multiple trips back and forth since (dozens of trips) Still has contract and job with old company, but rarely works for them any more Documentarily Qualified in June 2022, Consular interview scheduled for October 2022 Found out about I865 (change of address form) today, not sure whether to file it or not because not sure if she has actually changed her address. Her permanent address is technically still in the US, but it's complicated and confusing because she works in Canada, spends most of her time here, and has PR status Unsure how to answer some interview questions: "where does she live?" "where does she work?" and so on Want to be as honest as possible and have attempted to be but complicated situation Please help.
  20. Never mind I think I answered my own question. Domicile is your 'permanent home,' even if living abroad. Since she has never UNDONE her permanent home and is intending on returning there soon, she is still domiciled in the US.
  21. Never mind I think I answered my own question. Domicile is your 'permanent home,' even if living abroad. Since she has never UNDONE her permanent home and is intending on returning there soon, she is still domiciled in the US.
  22. Hopefully someone can help me out here. My wife has been a PR of Canada for a year, but she has never changed anything about her us residence status. Still makes US dollars working remotely, still filed taxes last year, still has her US cell phone, still has US car registration and insurance, and us bank account. We did this intentionally because we knew she had to "prove domicile." On our 130 we put no other physical addresses because that was the truth--she wasn't living here at the time. But now she is. She also has recently got a job in canada as well and is now paying CDN taxes for the past few months (no work available at her remote job for some time). So she does live here now. We never did anything about updating any of it because we felt it would make it even more complicated. But what do I say at the interview if they ask me where she lives? It's just a big mess and I am freaking out because my interview is coming up in a month.
  23. Back in 2020 when we first filed our 130 my wife was staying with me temporarily here in Canada. We consulted a lawyer around the time she became a permanent resident of Canada last year on how to fill out our I864 and the whole domicile question. He said "The US doesn't care that your wife is a permanent resident of Canada. They only care that she has a domicile in the US." So we put country of domicile as US, and have maintained her bank accounts, her car registration and so on for that address, as proof. Her dad is co-sponsor, same address. However, she has been living here as a PR for a year now. This has always been super confusing to me and I never really understood it. I checked the Sticky for this and there isn't any information about what to do if you fill out your 864 one way and then your residence changes in the interim. How do I answer when they ask me where she lives? I was just going to say she mostly lives in Canada with me but maintains a US address. What do I say if they ask her what her rent is? Her parents don't and never have charged her rent. Someone please help. Now that my interview is coming up I'm freaking out!
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