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Posts posted by Simply_Uno

  1. Wow. Its been a long time since I've visited VJ. But thats because my situation ended long before it ever got started :P

    Any way, I'm glad you did what you needed to do for you and your kids. I'm just saddened by the fact that his flaws did not show up while he was still in his own country. That way you would not have lost money and vested time and energy into him and his #######. I hope that what ever lesson you learned from this, that you are not destined to repeat; nor have it manifest in the lives of your children.

    Take care of you, always


  2. we had about 10-12" of snow, and around here that's a major disaster.

    a few days ago we buried a neighbor that was killed in an auto accident from the crappy roads - the road crew didn't clear as well as they should have and he paid for their ineptitude. he'd been driving here for 3 decades, so he was familiar with driving on snow. :ranting:

    crying.gifOhh Charles, I'm so sorry for your lossrose.gif

    In times of bad weather, the Dot crews can NOT afford to be slacking in their jobsblink.gif.

    I hope and pray there is some form of accountability on the city's partheadbonk.gif.

    Take care and by all means, be safeheart.gif


  3. uno, you having as much snow up there as we're having here?

    biggrin.gifOh lawwd, NOno0pb.gif

    And I'm not in the same locale either.cool.gif

    We have only had about 10 days worth of snow, if that.

    Right now, we are scheduled for an entire week of mid 40's to low 50's tongue.gif

    I'm like mcDonalds, "I'm lovin it!"star_smile.gif


    I hope every one else is having a great day, week or monthsmile.gif

    God Blessheart.gif

  4. Hey Y'all!!!

    What has been up in here???

    Heyyy Charles!!!!! I still lurk from time to time tongue.gif

    Besangin, girl I read your post and fell out laughing. I am so over joyed for you! Reading your story brought tears to my eyes and made me smile! As for me, I am writing more poetry. I took a break from it because life has a habit of getting in the way. Now that I have moved to the PacNW and I am surrounded by nothing but beauty, I am reinspired by all of Gods handy dandy crafty work. I can breathe again. No longer am I waiting to exhale. And it feels soo good to be free! I have truly taken the shackles off my feet, so yall better watch me dance.

    Well a bit of an update, as I stated I have relocated. I had to...needed to. Most of the old hats know my marriage was a flop, but its cool. I met another man. An american this time around. He turned out to be severely abusive, almost fatally; so I left him. After my granny gave up the ghost in 2008, my family fell apart and the worst of the worst took them over. All of that being said, I packed my most prized possessions and did it moving like a thief in the night. Very few know of my whereabouts and I love it like that. If you wont do right by me in life, then I will exit out of your life. So far, its all good. I'm also working on copy writing my work.

    I wish all of you well. And just know that what God has for you, is for YOU!


    Waz up PEEPS?! It has been a hell of a long time. How are you all doin' My life has been busy as hell, but never has it been more complete than now. I have two kids now. A son who will be 3 in January and a 6.5 month old daughter. They keep me busy, loved, needed, and on the edge of insanity! I also am finishing up my MBA which I will be graduating in May 2011, HOLLA!!!!!! And yes this time I will have my big graduation bash. I am also back in the recording studio working on a Christmas CD after a 5 year hiatus. It feels FANFREAKINTASTIC!!!! I was hoping to release it this season but it will probably be released next season. As my marriage progressed from the gates of heaven to the DEPTHS OF HELL, my passion and fire for music died. Then one day I listened to my old CD and I immediately found that passion again, and have been back in the studio for nearly 2 months now. Still no love, DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!! I have gone through such an emotional and physical transformation that my confidence is through the roof, and men can't come through me the way my EX did. If yo' SH!^ ain't on point, you gotta go right on past this DIVA!!!! My house and heart are drama and LOSER free. Having kids now, you just can't let a man experiment with trying to be a man, you already gotta be or won't be! I have a son who already have little girls all on his jock, 'cause the boy is beautiful, so I need a good man who can teach my son how to be a strong, good, godfearing, respectful man. Also to be an example for my daughter to pick a good man for herself. Even though either of their asses are dating 'til they're 40, and IIIIII will be picking their spouses! I saw my EX in August at a party after nearly 3 years, and it was something. He undoubtedly noticed the change in me, and I undoubtedly questioned myself, "What the HELL WAS YOUR DUMB A$ thinking? Damn! We were cordial, but definitely no sparks, no what ifs. It felt like an EX boyfirend than Ex husband if that makes sense. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that BESANGIN still BE SANGIN' and loving my life right now. Oh, I took a break from my book to let my soul heal, so I will actually be returning to writing too over the holidays. Peace out people. If you got the number and know me like that, CALL SOMEBODY!!!!!!

  5. rofl, ty for thinking of me Charles!

    Hey subbies, how is everyone doing in these parts?

    I noticed the old hats are no longer around. well the only update I have is, I had an opportunity to meet a member from VJ.

    I met Idocare!! She is a lovely person.

    Too bad I have not had a chance to meet more people from VJ, but such as life.

    Well, y'all take care and keep it moving, much love, UNO!

    need uno to show up and get the party started again party.gif

  6. Hey Yall

    Whats up? I have NOT been on here for a long while so I'm sure there are plenty of newbies about. So to all the newbies, I wish you good luck. To all the old hats, whats going on with yall?? As for me, I am living my life like its Golden and doing me to the utmost. Well yall take care and God bless.


  7. ello subbies! been a while since i've been here, blame facebook games and other forums :P

    friday we go to brazil! :dance: will be passing thru chicago so i can stop and get some uno pizza :devil:

    Hello everyonestar_smile.gif

    I noticed the upgrades to the site and its nice.

    I hope everyone is doing just fine.

    Have a great day


    p.s. Charles, I see the site has changed but YOUdevil.gif have not my friend, have a safe and blessed tripbiggrin.gif

  8. and where have you been? :protest:

    Hello Charles!

    I have been elsewhere. My VJ ended way before it even started. Soooo, I have no real reason to come to VJ, aside from lurkin. And since I'm single, I hang out where the singles are.....I'll check in from time to time.

    Take care and God bless you and your lovely family.

    UNO (F)

    p.s. hello subbies, how is everyone? :P

  9. Hello?!?!?!?! Where is everyone?! :unsure::unsure::unsure:

    Oh well ... hope everyone is doing well. Things are going well for me. My husband is in the process of filing for citizenship, hopefully he will be finished with school within the next year, AND ..... we are entering month six of pregnancy!!!! Yep ... we will become first time parents in a few months. After almost 4 years of marriage, many mountains and valleys .... God is STILL blessing.

    For those whose journey is just beginning ... be encouraged and put on your running shoes, you will need it for every mile to come. For those of you still on the journey .... be encouraged. For those whose journey may have ended .... TRUST GOD! His will is always perfect.


    Hello Boaz,

    I am so :D for you and your husband.

    Finally, some one has an excellent praise report.

    God bless you, your hubby and lil one on the way.

    Again, congratulations to ya (L)

    UNO (F)


    There is a new study about women and how they feel about their azzes; the results were pretty interesting:

    30% of women think their azz is too fat............. :blink:

    10% of women think their azz is too skinny...... :huh:

    The remaining 60% say they don't care, they love HIM :o , he's a good man and they wouldn't trade him for the world. :P

    UNO (F)

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