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Posts posted by myangelblue

  1. so today was our interview in Detroit we waited 2 hours and the interview was 10 mins long ! they asked us few questions and approved it. i jus want to say thanks to everyone who helped with our crazy questions. we passed this interview with flying colors despite the fact my husband had a police caution for theft and we married on vwp so anything is possible ! we will say that if you have interview in Detroit that the Omni Hotel was great ! we took the train into Detroit night before they shuttle you for free where ever you want or need to go , you have a great view of Canada so props to Omni . we had a good lawyer in case anyone needs one :) anyway after our long journey we are glad to say we are done. i know that people say marrying on a whim instead of going through visa's is wrong but for us we had no problems they never questioned us about it (not saying people should do it this way ) but it is possible ! thanks so much

  2. i am not worried bout the overstay we didnt intend on him staying here and marrying and we are really married , but after starting the paperwork for aos the caution wasnt even thought of because like normal ppl i jus was taking it as a warning like you get here in usa. we called the uk police station and he said its not a conviction but may be considered a arrest which what happen was he was called by police for something that was found in his locker at work which he did put there and they accused him of stealing so my hubby went to the station and answered their questions and he was fingerprinted and all but when he admitted to it police gave him a warning and said it would be off his record in 5 yrs as long as no other trouble which he did not get into any more so like i said that was 2005 .so his caution was attempted theft so weather or not that is a moral turpitude im not sure . i jus think the fact this could hurt us is hard . it wasnt fraud on i94 because to him it was just a caution.

  3. well thing is this caution was in 2005 he came here in 2007 and because he was jus cautioned he really never thought about it. the juvenille thing was he was brought to police station and questioned for something that someone said he did but they jus questioned him never fingerprinted him or cautioned him jus questioned about it.

  4. ok here is the problem my hubby came from the uk and when he filled out his i94 when it asks have you ever been arrested or convicted of a moral turpitude crime .....ect he put NO !! but he had a caution from a theft of employer which never went to court jus a caution so when he filled out i94 should this have been a yes ? because morning he came on plane he was in a hurry didnt think about it and wasnt trying to lie but when he came we got married and decided for him to stay and file aos so now are we in big trouble ?? will this affect the aos ?? freaking out right now ... anyone ever have simular situation ? thanks

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