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Posts posted by tuty

  1. no lawyers needed, we have done all by our own and we were approved in 34 days. The forms are not complicated to understand and if you do your homework...the process is quite predictable and not impossible to complete. In addition, I would hate having a lawyer to tell me what the news are while \i could get it faster directly. A good lawyer is needed when you have a real serious problem in which you need to apply some legal knowledge regarding inmmigration, otherways its just a waiste of money and quite frustrating.

  2. Hey everyone...

    I'm in a situation where stress, anxiety and procrastination have met together and immobilized my progress of getting (applying for) a K1 Visa...

    I have done hundreds of hours of research...

    I feel fairly confident in my ability to cross my t's and dot my i's....

    a lawyer wants to charge me a flat fee of $750...

    I also want to take a trip to see my baby in Nottingham... which would cost about that much...

    What should I do?

    Is a lawyer necessary?

    What were your experiences? With or without a lawyer?

  3. We had our interview, everything looks wonderful, the only problem is that I lost my Argentinean ID (which I need to get my police certificate) I have been waiting for 1 year and noe they say it can take more than 17 months.....iM SO SHOCKED! Have no words....no tears either.


  4. Awww tuty, i'm so sorry you're still stuck waiting for that #&$*#&$ ID!!! I wish I had words of wisdom or comfort to give you but I know all you can do is wait.

    I do know that I, and all the members of the March thread i'm sure, are going to be there at the finish line with you when you are finally done with this step! ;)

    be strong and be well

    Oh my! oh my guys! I will throw a party for the forum when i get my visa! thanks for being so supportive guys I really appreciate that!

  5. Yes, fantastic we were approved in 34 days....(9 months ago) Im still waiting for my argentinean ID (it takes a year to get) I have all the papers ready....so we decided to go as it is (meaning without the argentinean police report) to the embassy. I got an e mail saying that they will schedule an interview during Dec/January. As I see things several things can happen:

    A- blue slip (is that the right color? lmao (they will put us on hold till the paper arrives)

    B- They will deny the petition ( so I guess we will live here in Israel after all and my Tuty will learn Hebrew (lol with a cajun accent!)

    c-.....who knows

    one thing I know for sure...Im tired tired tired of worrying, of feeling this frustrated, of fearing what they would say....I just want to re-build my life...I dont care anymore....just let it be...the hell with the visa...I just want my cajun baby no matter what!

  6. Well.....we are still on the process....what can I say? I called the Argentinean embassy and the ID are talikng now 1 year! (for those who dont know what im talking about...I lost my Argentinean ID and I need it for a police report from there: the police report takes 2 weeks and the ID 1 year! they wont give you the police report without presenting the ID) So...we did get approved in 34 days! but because I lost this ID I have to wait 1 year....I have cried so many times over the stupidity of this. Many times I lost hope and even stopped trying to gather other things. We have everything required now, except for the Argentinean police report. As I see the things...I have at least 6 months to go....waiting for a stupid blank page!.

    I dont really log in that much cause I feel bad everytime I think about our situation.

    Lets hope for the best! Tuty

  7. Hi guys

    Just to let you know that we are hanging in there!

    hopefully my Argentinean paper will arrive soon and then well go to the interview....all in all Donnie came 3 times and comming next December for my birthday!

    Wish you luck guys and keep the faith....(Im repeating that to myself every time!)

    Yes, im frustrated, tired and this process got the best of me but it will be okay and worth it.

  8. Good morning! I'm much more rested after a good night's sleep. And I'm still smiling over the visa. Looking at some of the other UK people, I guess it will be next week before the courier brings the passport and brown envelope. What? More waiting?? LOL.

    This is indeed a waiting game.

    Bex--good to hear from you. I'm so glad you're excited about the wedding plans now. I want to see pictures when the time comes.

    Alina--Good to hear from you. Has Dracula emailed you? hahaha. Glad you got the parent meeting over with. It won't take long to get all settled in, married, and working. Can you believe you're already at that point? This sure was a short process. :rofl: (I think I should go back and read the sad, frustrated posts from 2-3 months ago when it was a l-o-n-g process)

    Dutti--Wow, you have the visa in hand already and will be flying out so soon. It's so wonderful to have spent this journey waiting time with all of you and see it's progression from nervous hope to flying to America. I love this website!

    Time to do the vibe thing for our April friend Kim. And for Highway :star:.

    :idea:VIBES~~~~~~going out the VSC for my friends. Just do it! TODAY

    Congratulations honey! best wishes for both of you...Im smiling right now...I so happy for you guys!

  9. LOL I posted the response in the wrong place! hahahahah,,,,goodnes!!! Just ignore it guys!

    Pandora: Im sorry about the interview, but Im sure once you give them what they want they will give the K1...sometimes things dont go smoothly as we want them to, but at the end it will be aokay. I was thinking the other day that the K1 is just the beginning of a big head ache....lol can you imagine being married and even pregnant and having to apply yet AGAIN for their approval so you can stay there to live with your husband and child? thats crazy...I think I will get more worried having to wait for AOS interview! ......gosh!

    Alina:Im biting my nails for you.....post something woman! whats going on???? what did they tell you? :dance:

  10. We are very much in the same situation. I left most of my family back in Argentina. I have no parents here because my mom live s there and I havent seen her in 7 years. My two sisters are quite disconnected and care only about their own lives. I have no friends here either since Im divorced and the friends we had were mostly his. Im renting a small appartment and the only people I see is the teachers I work with at school, and that the majority is old, boring and bitter.... I have two boys here that live with their father and there are more connected to his side...I see them every other weekend. I feel very lonely and just hope that all this will end some day. Life is worthless without a partner...I just can't stand it....

  11. It is great to see all the dates on the list. No doubt I gonna be one of the last because of the delay of the ID....Gosh I have never heard a story like mine in all VJ...having to wait a year for a paper...thats sick!

    But the good thing is that I have Donnie and that no paper will change.

    I missed you alot too guys, and at least I know you will still writing in the forum even when you are applying for AOS so....some day Ill catch up with you....hahhahaha

    My medical is this August 4th and Donnie is comming with me! other than that Im ready for the interview, Im going to go even without the paper Im missing. If they deny we will reapply and see what happens. I cant stand the idea of being somewhat in the limbo without knowing whats going on...because our NOA 2 expires on August 2nd, Donnie is sending a notarized letter asking for an extension and declaring continuing support on the k1....I hope they will extend because I've heard the consulate does it automatically. Anyway better that way so not to be sorry afterwards.

    I think I will get all the vacinations here, just to be sure, after I am going through I REALLY dont want any other problems, so I want to get everything well organized. I cannot just come back home if something goes wrong. I dont have parents here and I rent...so I will have to give away most of my stuff...

    I just cant wait for things to start happenning....I think I grew more patient now....and kind of accepted whats happennig..so everything will happen on its time....

    Great to be back!!!!

  12. Hi everybody!

    I missed you all! mmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa

    I finally finished with schoo and even got a new PC...so no more excuses for me!

    How is everybody doing?

    Im so happy because Donnie will be here in a few days and I just cant wait. Regarding the paperwork....we are working on the afidavit of support and ...I havent got my medical yet but Im working on it.

    Gosh! I just cant wait to get married!!!!

    It so so hot in here that sometimes I just feel like buring myself on the ground! The sun is so strong and not even a cloud in the sky! I cant take it anymore!

    Now I have 2 months vacation at home, Donnie will be staying for 12 fantastic days ....I just want to take that train to the airport! generally Im there about 4 hours before he arrives! I get so excited I just go....hahhahah even if it is too early!

    any approvals/ interviews by now guys?


  13. Hi guys!

    How are you all doing?

    Im smelling the freedom as this is the last week of school.

    I really dont know what to tell you about...other than being confused regarding what Donnie's and my future hold for us. Because I have two sons here, probably we'll have to stay here for 4 or five years till the kids grow up a little (at least till the older one turns 18)...maybe I dont know. Right now they are 10 and 13, and they live with their father but I really dont think that leaving them will be the right thing to do. We are getting married in US, thats for sure, but then we dont know what to do...we have several possibilities:

    a) marry there and come back to israel and after 4 or 5 years apply for DCF or K3

    B) Marry there, do the GC thing and then come back to Israel

    c) Just leave the kids here and go and live there and bring them to us when they are 18, and I will have to visit every 2 or 3 months (which may break my kid's hearts and develop further psichological issues)

    so....Im still happy that we have each other and that someday our solitary life will end. As you can see we have some tough decisions ahead of us...now I thank God the Argentinian doc will be ready in a year....it will give me time to think and decide whats the best. We are going on with K1 because we will marry in US.

    I love you guys. Good luck with the upcomming interviews. I can't wait to star seeing some wedding pics!!!!!!!!!!

    :dance: good vibes to all :dance:

  14. i thought i'd stop by to say hi and hope you are all enjoying your weekends.

    david and i are putting things on hold for a while. not sure where this will lead but given all that has gone on, i have a good feeling i know. i wanted to say thank you ALL for your love and support for the past couple of months. i might be back, but there is a lot of work to be done before i will feel i can trust him again and be fully confident in such a big decision to change my life so drastically to be with him.

    much love, and best wishes,


    Hey there Erin:

    Im sorry to hear the news, I know that all this frustrating process can take a toll in the relationship. Sometimes I find myself wondering what Im doing, and thinking about the consequences of all this. I do love Donnie and I want to marry him, I can't even explain with words the suffering it will cause to my kids having to leave them here. On the other hand I couldnt live a lonely life...Im sure I wouldnt find anybody as good as Donnie, I just know it in my heart.

    Sometimes it is good to stop and think things over... I feel I have to do that sometimes.

    Keep strong and also keep in touch with us please, tell us whats going on with you. My best wishes for you in any route you decide to take. :blush: Ariella

  15. My fiance recieved packet 3 today. She said that she got these forms:

    OF 230I (?)

    DS 156K

    DS 230 part 1

    I-864 affidavit of support

    She was confused cause the instructions said that she only needed to fill out 1 form and send it in and then take the rest to the interview though there was a form missing apparently from the checklist.

    The I-864 she won't need until the interview (correct?)... how is different from the I-134?

    Is she supposed to fill out a DS 156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application and a DS 156K Nonimmigrant Fiance(e) Visa Application?

    Which forms does she need to send in immediatly for an interview date?

    Her medical is tommorrow.

    Arghh... getting close but more frustrating

    Im at the same stage. Where is she having her medical? I tried to call Hertlzia but nobody answers

  16. Hey guys! I just saw some of the pictures you posted, really cute! It feels like a big family!

    Im sorry I couldn't write lately. I was bussy organizing my son's Bar Mitzva plus Im dealing with a lot of pressure as I have to give the final grades at school ( to 5 classes). I hope youll understand. After June 20th I will be on vacation and Ill have all the time in the world.

    Im not doing quite well lately either. I get hurt very easily, especially from my sisters. As time went bye, and specially after my divorce I noticed a change. It may be that they know I need them more than they need them because now Im alone. They also gossip about me and Donnie and they want to "check him out" when he comes/ he was here 2 times already and they even didnt call to say hello to him. Im tired of eveybody.

    well Ill tell you later when I come back. I have to do some stuff. Its really delightful to read your posts guys. It really helps.

    xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Ariella

  17. How lucky we all are!

    Yes, yes, yes!

    Sometimes, like many of us, I get depressed because I want to start my new life right NOW! I can't recall how many times Donnie and I talked about alternative ways to the K1: K3, DCF,...living here in Israel and so on. However, each time we discuss the issue we get to the same conclusion: the K1 is the easiest, fastest way to do it.

    This morning I have been reading a little bit on the other threads (spying...lmao) and one of the most attractive ways for a visa was untill then the DCF. I thought to myself : great! he can live with me and we can apply together from here!

    but how wrong I was....after reading some of their posts and learning about what people have to go through....I was in shock. Lets start by the fact that they want the USC to live in the foreign country legally for 6 consecutive months (and no...you cannot be a tourist), then, they want you to have contiguous job in US WHILE YOU ARE ABROAD! (let alone they want a permanent domicile in US too). Even if you get a sponsor, he only can be a joint sponsor but the USC must support his or her immigrant spouse.

    One of the couples were asked for the ex husband contact info, a list of 30 contacts (not family members) and LOTS of proof that their marriage is genuine.

    After reading all that, I think that if we get denied for some reason we will just re-apply as many times as necessary. After you get married is just more complicated, and there are much more people in line. For some reason, it seems that the government punishes those who were bad kids and married without their permission. LOL

    Yes! we are so lucky K1 filers!

  18. Hi there!

    I can tell you whats going on right now for us... After getting our NOA 2, they sent it to the Visa Center and then to Jerusalem ( which is the where my visa is being processed). I got packet 3 very fast...out of nowhere, it was waiting for me under the door one morning. In the packet 3 I found:

    * A letter explaining that somebody had filled an petition for K! in my name.

    * A non immigrant visa application form

    * An immigrant visa application form

    * A fiancee visa application form.

    * A list of approved doctors where you can ddo the medical.

    * Forms( including vaccinations) to be filled in by doctor.

    * Afidavit of support form and instruction letter regarding documents needed.

    *hmmmmmm....I think thats it.

    I never heard of Donnie having bto go to any interview though....

    What I did was fill in the Fiancee Visa Application form and send it inmediately to the consulate. In the meanwhile Im gathering all the necessary papers. The NOA 2 expires after 4 months. For us it will expire on August 2nd, and we wont be ready then. So Donnie is going to send a notarized letter asking for an extension. Generally speaking this isnt necesary, however, every country and every consulate act differently....and better safe than sorry...

    Hope it helps! Tuty

  19. Hi Erin,

    Im sorry you have to work during the weekend, but I do have the feeling that you love your job, and that you will have everything under control.I myself have lots of papers and exams to check....hmmmmm :angry:

    Im doing okay, at least trying to keep possitive. When I thing about the time that has passed since our application, I realize that is only 3 months...this is funny, but I got the feeling that before applying time ran faster! This three months have been more tedious than the entire year spend online with Donnie. I also came to realize that I wont be there with him soon, it will probably take a year or so...you know, because the document Im missing.

    I have 20 days left to teach and then Im off for more than 2 months. Donnie will be here around July 15th, and he will be staying for about 2 weeks.

    I dont know if I told you this before guys, but I like to paint using oil color, yes true, Im not Vermeer but I really enjoy it. I think I will do some painting during the summer, and I will keep the jewelry issue developing. I cant believe how much fun I had beading! Yesterday we made a new purchase in Ebay and won a GREAT auction...so...more beads on the way.

    I will wait with the medical till Donnie comes, I just dont like to go alone and the clinic is in Tel Aviv which is far from where I live.

    ENJOY THE WEEKEND GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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