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astrid and alex

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Posts posted by astrid and alex

  1. Is there a particular reason you have decided not to get married whilst you are together in the US and then apply for AOS since you are not planning on returning home until mid 2009?

    Yes, we have several reasons. The first being our age (20 and 21), we don't want to get married so young. Financial reasons also. We are both in college and want to be financially stable and pretty much out of debt. A lot of people have been saying "do AOS" but we want both our families and loved ones present when we are married and at the moment that isn't possible.

  2. I'm currently in Los Angeles, originally from the Goulburn Valley in Victoria. I love LA but home is always where my heart is!

    I bought my whole life with me, though I wish that I had taken all my Geelong Football Club gear with me when I moved, I was not decked out head to toe when my beloved catters won the premiership this year!

    I have done pretty well with home comforts, I bought the biggest jar of vegimite money can buy with me, and it is yet to run out (yes, I ration!) And my lovely mother sends me Killer Pythons and Tim Tams!

  3. This post may seem slightly confusing, so I apologize in advance!

    My boyfriend (future fiance :) ) and I will be living together in the US up until I fly back home mid 2009 in order to start the K-1 process. I am aware that we need to prove that we have met (which means that 2007 is within the two year mark), and that photos can be used (but are considered secondary evidence). We don't write letters or emails to each other because we see each other every night and morning, and the only proof we have of meeting comes from back in 2005 and 2006 when we flew to see each other.

    Has anyone else been in this situation of living together before filing? What proof did you use, apart from photographs?

    I was thinking keeping mail (such as our bank statements, gas/cable bills ect) to show that both of us were living in the same apartment for those two years. Would this be an acceptable proof? I am also telling my boyfriend to switch his camera so it shows the date that photo was taken.

    I was also thinking of showing our cell phone bills to show that we regularly call each other (therefore proving an ongoing relationship), however, my cell bill is in his name because I did not have an SNN when I first arrived in the states.

    Oh, and I will have an ring on my finger before the interview.

    Thank you for any suggestions you have!

  4. Hi everyone, I thought I would introduce myself to you all!

    I am Astrid, currently in the US studying on the F-1 visa in Los Angeles. I'm living with my wonderful boyfriend while I am here, we have been dating for 2 1/2 years after talking over MSN and then finally meeting in Melbourne mid-2005.

    We plan to get the K-1 visa in process once I graduate from school here in 2009 (I'll be almost 23 by then, we are much too young to marry now!) We did consider doing change of status while I was still here, but the cost plus still being so young put us off). I have lots and lots of questions but I'll put them in the right place. I know I'm about two years ahead of myself and already researching the K-1 process but its better to be informed well ahead of time, right?

  5. Thank you all for your quick replies!

    reeses16 - Thats what I was thinking we had to do - I guess to make it more trustworthy we would each get our letters notarized.

    Dan + Gemvita - Neither of us have been married so that makes it easy for us :)

    Haole - Yes, the thought of marrying and doing a change of status had flitted through our minds, but again, we did not want to get married so young, and I didn't want to p!ss off Immigration by marrying less than a year after entering the country. Also, a friend of mine from school married her fiance at the beginning of the year and it has been nothing but a headache for them both. So that also put me off!

  6. Hello,

    To tell you about my current situation, I am going to school in the US and live with my boyfriend (who is American). I got my F-1 visa in November last year and moved to Los Angeles in the December. We have been together for 2 1/2 years, but we did not wish for me to come to the US on the K-1 visa initially because we are too young to get married (20 and 21). I will graduate with my Associates in Spring 2009 and plan to head back to Australia ASAP to get my K-1 visa started. So we are killing two birds with one stone - I am getting my education while without us having to be on opposite sides of the world.

    However, I have been told/heard that the consulate would be unwilling to approve me for a K-1 because I would have just come back home from a student visa, and they want to discourage people coming to the country solely to find a husband/wife. Is this correct? I mean, I have a excellent track record with travel to the US. I have been on holiday to the US visiting my boyfriend and left the country before my time was up, and now on my Student Visa I have followed every rule and will leave the country as soon as I graduate. We are not even engaged yet, but plan on doing so before I go back home. Do you think we have a good chance??

    And one more question. What document would you use to prove that you are both free and legally able to marry? This is the only thing I have no idea how to prove!

    Thank you for your help....I have been lurking here for a while and it makes me feel confident that Alex and I can do this!

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