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Posts posted by Danca

  1. Salutare tuturor! Am si eu o interbare ... chiar mai multe. Noi ne-am casatorit cu 3 zile inainte de termenul final de expirare a vizei. Intre timp nu am aplicat pentru SSN pentru ca nu voiam sa-l primesc pe numele de fata si apoi sa fiu nevoita sa-l schimb din nou. Acum ca avem toate documentele, voi aplica pentru AOS. Lipsa SSN are vreo relevanta? Si inca ceva... am vazut toate formulare de completat pentru AOS dar poate cineva sa-mi trimita o lista exacta cu ceea ce a trimis. Sunt speriata ca nu cumva sa uit ceva. Multumesc!

  2. Stie cineva cate poze tip pasaport trebuie pentru interview si pentru examenul medical? Dupa cate am inteles trebuie 4 poze la medical si 2 la interview. Asa este? Toate trebuie sa fie 50x50 ?

    E adevarat ca e un total de 6 fotografii. Cele de la medical nu e obligatoriu insa sa fie 50x50 ci pot fi clasicele poze de pasaport.

  3. Dificila intrebare si chiar nu am un raspuns concret. Din cate stiu eu, daca nu indeplinesti conditiile financiare, exista posibilitatea de a-ti lua un co-sponsor. Dar nu cred ca el poate reprezenta sponsorul unic. Eventual veniturile lui le completeaza pe ale tale. Si chiar si in cazul acesta tu tot trebuie sa demonstrezi/ sa explici situatia ta financiara. Imi pare rau dar mai multe nu stiu. Good luck!

  4. Salut.. si FELICITARI celor care au luat VIZA.. Noi am primit NOA2 pe 7 Februarie ... petitia noastra inca nu a ajuns la NVC.. o sa sun iar astazi sa vad.. ultima data cand am sunat pe 13 februarie nu era ajunsa.... anyways.. as avea cateva intrebari la cei care au avut deja interviul or care se pricep cat de cat :P ...

    * Dupa ce petita pleaca de la NVC si merge la Bucuresti.. cam cat dureaza pana primim plicul galben?...

    * Cate plicuri trebuie sa primim? 1 sau 2?

    * Pentru interviu trebuie sa sun sa ma programez sau ma programeaza ei?

    * Taxa accea de $130 cand o platesc? In ziua cand merg la interviu la ambasada sau?

    Daca poate cineva sa imi raspunda la intrebarile de mai sus va multumesc mult. (F)

    Dupa ce a plecat de la Nvc in max. 2 saptamani ar trebui sa va soseasca plicul (oricum sunati la ambasada sa confirmati ca a ajuns la Bucuresti)

    Primiti un singur plic.

    Pe mine m-au sunat ei. Dar puteti suna si voi daca vi se pare ca se intarzie.

    Taxa se plateste in ziua interviului, in interiorul ambasadei (defapt chiar in sala in care am dat interviul era si casieria).

    Good luck! :thumbs:

  5. On the 25th the embassy from Bucharest received the DS230 part 1 and the rest of the files that they required, my question is how will i know when i have my interview? and how long does it usually take to get that answer? Thanks.

    After I sent the papers they required they immediately called me. It took less than a week. Did you try calling them?

  6. Hello and happy 2008 to everybody! This year has started more than well for us. The guys at NVC worked really fast and now our case is in Bucharest. Today I spoke with a lady (whom I think didn`t have a very good day because her voice wasn`t very friendly) and she told me that they are going to send me the yellow envelope today :yes: ! How are all the rest of you doing?

  7. WELL!!! Jeremy is here AND!!! I just went to show him our touch and we got another one!!!!! Look!!

    The last one was yesterday's date and this one is today's! And I know there was nothing when I left an hour ago!! So looks like someone is working overtime at CSC!! YIPPEE!!!

    Your approval must be on its way:). We got 2 touches too and 5 days later Dan received the envelope. We were approved on the date of the first touch :yes: . On the USCIS site however, our case is still pending :lol: ! In my opinion, you should start celebrating :dance: !

  8. WE GOT A TOUCH!!!!!!!

    Ok so it isn't an approval (I remembered to check the actual status and not just the date) but that is just soooo amazing that something has finally happened as Jeremy is on the last leg of his journey here!!! It has to be fate, it has to be!! I am shaking like a leaf because I just didn't think anything was going to happen for ages!! I even refreshed just after 5pm PST and there was nothing - I thought I would again just for the hell of it as the flight tracker hasn't updated yet to show Jeremy in the air and the date changed to 12/17/07!!!!

    WooooohoooooOO!!!! Ok - maybe I am overreacting - of course we still have the RFE option but at least we know someone has picked the damn thing up!!!

    I am *so* happy :D

    Stop thinking that much and enjoy your TOUCH :D .I just woke up and saw the news. In a couple of days you`ll be dancing with the rest of us :dance: . I`m really happy for you!!!!

  9. Yeah well like Danca I would prolly go nuts if I got a touch as well but it just doesn't seem to want to happen... I mean I'm not fussy - I'd settle for an approval with no touch as well but... ;)

    Come on! You`ve been I think the most optimistic person on this forum! I`m sure it`s only a couple of days till your approval! Don`t give up on the refresh button :) . One of these days it`ll make you a nice surprise!

  10. Thank you and I`m sure your touches are on their way :) . Though now it`s really strange. I`d love to be very, very happy but I`m constantly thinking that a TOUCH is not exactly APPROVED. I wish they would have just simply approved us without any touches. I don`t know if you believe me or not but now I`m even more stressed out than before. This entire process I think was created just to mess up our nerves!

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