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Posts posted by kokoro88

  1. Hi @SkolVikes


    I have been following your post for months and I am so happy the outcome is positive, hope you reunite with your in laws soon.


    Because this is the first time I find a case on VJ where someone successfully challenged a bar/inadmissibility from the Consulate (and without the help of an attorney!), I think this is a really good and positive reference for myself and others. 


    If you don't mind, can you list out and elaborate a bit about all the communication channels you used to contact the different US agencies (and your experience from that, like if they ever replied or how long it took) to have them look into your case? I read through the post again and you mentioned Legalnet, email to Washington, email to Consulate...etc. 


    Thank you!! 

  2. Learning here...


    Assume OP admitted about the misrep/fraud during the latest interview and he was granted waiver eligibility based on the facts (and there IS a waiver for misrep/fraud with QR), is it normal/fair for them to regret the decision and try other ways to end/deny this visa process? If the waiver eligibility was offered, can they take it back?


    The only mistake here seems to be not responding timely to the NOIR, I think OP could have responded with the truth that he already told the VO about the fraud, there is no divorce decree and he submitted i601 waiver... if they really want to deny it then deny the i601.


    However, from the comments the opinion seems to be that OP did not qualify for the waiver in the first place and that the NOIR is a common practice/tool to 'rectify' their bad decision.

  3. On 11/2/2017 at 7:13 AM, Ragazza said:

    Hello everyone! We recently received good news! 

    My relative was granted a 212(d)(3) waiver and was issued a visa. After waiting for 9 months.

    Does anyone know if he needs to do anything else? Like to apply for another waiver at Port of Entry? Or can he just go ahead and travel, and existing waiver/visa is sufficient?

    Thank you! Would be grateful for your comments! 





    do you have any update to this case of your relative? Does he/she have to renew it every year? Thanks

  4. On 9/9/2021 at 1:15 PM, SkolVikes said:

    Hello all. 


    My wife(USC) petitioned for her parents to enter on  IR5.


    The interview was today in Rio and was denied. My in laws resided in the past in the USA, they had a 10 year bar. That ended over a year ago. The visa was denied under 6C1 (212(a)(6)(C)(i)  


    After researching it, it is based on fraud. I asked my in laws how it was denied on fraud and he stated it was due to working while being illegal(on a tourist visa, over stayed) He always filed his taxes and work under a tax id number. This was always disclosed if the paperwork requested it. 


    The Rio consulate is stating they can file a I-601. The last time I researched I-601 waivers I found that parents were not eligible. Has that since been changed? The reason why I ask this is because when I petitioned my for my wife over a decade ago they gave her the incorrect ban and I had to inform the consulate of that in which they corrected. So it seems these type of errors occur often there if this is in fact one?


    One thing I would like to add, years ago they tried this same process and they had the 10 year ban. The 6C1 (212(a)(6)(C)(i)   denial was never listed as one of the reasons. But now it is 10 years later?

    Hello!  May I ask how did you inform the consulate about the 'incorrect ban'? Was it another ban that applied or there shouldn't be ban at all and you were able to correct it? Thanks....

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